How much of that money should I expect to see? And when should I see my first check?
What do I care if these people leave because they didn't get a bonus? Fine, they should go to a company that wasn't stupid in their decisions. I have attributes, skills, and contacts that are marketable across the industry I work in, and if my bonus is continually impacted then I go to another company that will pay better. It's simple. Cry me a river these companies may lose a couple of guys that actually were profitable. Overall the company dug its own hole here, I don't care if it becomes harder for them to repay a loan of which I won't see a single penny back from.
At the very least, all bonuses by bailed out banks should be capped at a hard amount, and instead of b!tching about the pay cut they are taking, they should be happy they still have a job, or go get another that will pay them what they think they are worth.