Let's Give Up on the Constitution

Ok, we’re on the same page.

I just find that kind of tweet / comment ridiculous for most reasonable people.
Yeah it is ridiculous. I do like reading sci fi about alternative histories. But yeah, there is a mechanism to change stuff. Throwing out the Constitution gets in to a whole other thing we probably don't want to do unless we are willing to break up the US.
It is what makes America what is was, and still is.

Free going society, no papers, no borders, no king's court. The first place that allowed every human that stepped foot on it's soil to really do as they wished and wanted.

The system is perfect. It is the citizenry and electorate who are the problem, as we have all gotten away from what was intended.

Corruption, absolute corruption, on both and all sides, is the main mechanism of infection into our system, a system that was established to avoid exactly that. No different than feudal times, the land owner, the power class, using it's resources and connections to rule or oppress. It is through the system that they establish their power over the citizen.

And, the citizen, all of us, have allowed by apathy, trust, and a selfish desire to pursue personal over "public good" to prevail. And, here we are.
There is a mechanism to change it.

Honest, intelligent, rational thoughts like this will not allow you to be a liberal for very long. Sadly, the left has gone batsheit crazy and left rational people behind. Posts like this are why we see your future as a conservative...you still have a logical working mind. Once you start applying honest responsibile thought to all aspects of a politicians positions, liberals these days are removed from consideration. Christian morals should do the same, but sadly many folks leave God behInd when they go to vote.

Nice dig up - OP article is still as dumb today as it was then.

Lol . Nice bump, Ras would be proud. He is the champ of old thread bumping
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“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”
-Lysander Spooner
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Looks like some on the left aren’t giving up on this idea.

How do people take this seriously?

Here's one of the comments. This is the kinda wacky stuff that a lot of Biden supporters including there nutjob of a VP believes!

Here's one of the comments. This is the kinda wacky stuff that a lot of Biden supporters including there nutjob of a VP believes!

Yeah I’d say he’s missing something ... his damn mind . Out of all the stupid in this comment , i especially found the “ make union’s constitutionally protected “ to be very telling about his lack of intelligence. For some reason he doesn’t think “ a union “ is a business just like any other , he could have just said “make all business’s constitutionally protected “ and would have had the same affect.
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