Lets talk Volnation App

An app would be a recruiting violation.

The mobile version is mint, very easy to use, even with fat thumbs. An app would be no improvement.

No, it wouldn't. VolNation.com has absolutely nothing to do with the University of Tennessee.

I would like a mobile app so that I could have the following:

- Push notification when someone posts in the recruiting tweets feed, or the HOT RECRUITING NEWS thread. Or if you start a thread, and you want to have notifications every time someone replies, you could. Or for likes or when your post is quoted.

Otherwise, it seems that the mobile site is just fine.
No, it wouldn't. VolNation.com has absolutely nothing to do with the University of Tennessee.

I would like a mobile app so that I could have the following:

- Push notification when someone posts in the recruiting tweets feed, or the HOT RECRUITING NEWS thread. Or if you start a thread, and you want to have notifications every time someone replies, you could. Or for likes or when your post is quoted.

Otherwise, it seems that the mobile site is just fine.
Better brush up on your NCAA rulebook, bub. It's a violation, clearly and concisely.
And how about some VolNation shirts, Freak?!? We could order them from you, so you'd make the $$$. Orange and white. Volnation on the front with our VN names on the back so that when we saw each other in the stadium we could high five. Let's take this to the next level!!


We had shirts made years ago. I had a cool white tee with orange neck and sleeve rings, VN logo across the front. The color eventually faded and I believe that my wife put it into the "donate" box a while back.

I wouldn't mind an updated version, though. I have a friend who can do the job if enough people are interested. His company is local and does great work, using quality tees.
Here is part of the problem with developing a mobile app for a website. "Android compatible" means that it will work within the framework of the Android OS. That does NOT ensure that it will work with your device.

The current version of the Android OS is 4.4.4, though, most devices are running a version lower than 4.4 (including a few running the developer preview of Android L, aka 5.0 beta). There is also the issue of differing hardware (both internals and screen size/resolution). This isn't a big issue for name brand devices, but those cheaper, entry-level devices may not have an optimal combination of internals and screen size/resolution for such an app.

I've got the S5 running 4.4.2, so I'd be set :p
I've got the S5 running 4.4.2, so I'd be set :p

I'm running everything from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 (and debating toying with L) on multiple devices (I even dusted off my long-retired Droid X and flashed a 4.4.4 CM port for kicks and giggles). The only reason I threw any shade on going with an app (I would LOVE a VN app) is because I have toyed with some (very) basic development, and taking into account all the different hardware (not to mention software - both in version and OEM skins) possibilities is absolutely daunting. Scaling to fit a particular screen size wouldn't be much of an issue (resolution differences present a bigger challenge), but imagine trying to provide support to those with issues all while keeping up with version updates and feature requests.

Mobile app development is not an easy game.
I'm running everything from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 (and debating toying with L) on multiple devices (I even dusted off the old Droid X and flashed a 4.4.4 CM port for kicks and giggles). The only reason I threw any shade on going with an app (I would LOVE a VN app) is because I have toyed with some (very) basic development, and taking into account all the different hardware (not to mention software - both in version and OEM skins) possibilities is absolutely daunting. Scaling to fit a particular screen size wouldn't be much of an issue (resolution differences present a bigger challenge), but imagine trying to provide support to those with issues all while keeping up with version updates and feature requests.

Mobile app development is not an easy game.

I was an information management collateral in UT's business program, and the head professor of those courses is arguably one of the best on campus.

I really enjoy learning new programming languages (fiddling around with Java on CodeAcademy from time to time these days) now just to keep things fresh in my mind since my job doesn't involve anything past basic SQL knowledge... but I don't think I could ever delve into the complications of mobile app development without some sort of course/workshop.
I was an information management collateral in UT's business program, and the head professor of those courses is arguably one of the best on campus.

I really enjoy learning new programming languages (fiddling around with Java on CodeAcademy from time to time these days) now just to keep things fresh in my mind since my job doesn't involve anything past basic SQL knowledge... but I don't think I could ever delve into the complications of mobile app development without some sort of course/workshop.

I could do it, but not as an after-work hobby. To really jump in, it would have to become a full-time job. While my work experience has involved both SQL and an SQL-like, proprietary language, my job description does not currently involve any development. I am not a skilled/practiced enough programmer/developer to churn out anything worth a darn without devoting the majority of my time to it.
Better brush up on your NCAA rulebook, bub. It's a violation, clearly and concisely.

What rule is this? I'm not quite sure how the university or any of the coaching staff have anything to do with the management of a fan/news site, so I'm not sure how the program could be held accountable.
I could do it, but not as an after-work hobby. To really jump in, it would have to become a full-time job. While my work experience has involved both SQL and an SQL-like, proprietary language, my job description does not currently involve any development. I am not a skilled/practiced enough programmer/developer to churn out anything worth a darn without devoting the majority of my time to it.

The biggest issue I see is that you would really be developing/maintaining three apps, one for each popular mobile OS. It would require programming in Objective-C for iOS devices, Java for Android devices, and C++, C#, or VB for Windows devices. Java and C# are very similar, but Objective-C is pretty different from them. Assembling a big enough development team (and with enough expertise in 3 different languages and mobile OS's) would cost a fortune. It's not uncommon for contract developers to get $50/hr or more if reputable. I would love to see a VN app, but it would require a pretty big investment IMO.
I like the mobile version of VN better than I like the full site. I see no need for an app.
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If you're on twitter that's a great way to follow. No home computer so it's about all I have!
And how about some VolNation shirts, Freak?!? We could order them from you, so you'd make the $$$. Orange and white. Volnation on the front with our VN names on the back so that when we saw each other in the stadium we could high five. Let's take this to the next level!!


You sure you don't want an orange and blue one to wear during basketball season?
I'm admitting my ignorance on the subject but what would an app do that the mobile version doesn't?

Pretty much nothing that I know of. I've never really seen a need for an app. Just save the link to your home screen.
We had shirts made years ago. I had a cool white tee with orange neck and sleeve rings, VN logo across the front. The color eventually faded and I believe that my wife put it into the "donate" box a while back.

I wouldn't mind an updated version, though. I have a friend who can do the job if enough people are interested. His company is local and does great work, using quality tees.

Mark me down for a pair of Peyton Manning underoos

With ya Orangedog.

I've only been married for 6 years so I got a question. Does that list ever get shorter? Seems like the more I work it the longer it gets.

Been married 24 years it never gets shorter brother
The biggest issue I see is that you would really be developing/maintaining three apps, one for each popular mobile OS. It would require programming in Objective-C for iOS devices, Java for Android devices, and C++, C#, or VB for Windows devices. Java and C# are very similar, but Objective-C is pretty different from them. Assembling a big enough development team (and with enough expertise in 3 different languages and mobile OS's) would cost a fortune. It's not uncommon for contract developers to get $50/hr or more if reputable. I would love to see a VN app, but it would require a pretty big investment IMO.

You would only need to have three if you decided to develop each natively - you could always go the web-based route using a combination of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript and deploy to all three platforms. It's a little more generic and - in some regards - limited, but would likely be the best option for a VN mobile application.

Isn't iOS is moving its development platform to a language they developed - Swift I think?

All that said, your point is very valid and supports the argument against app-development when the mobile app works as well as it does.

ps - don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see a feature-rich VN app with messaging and push notification.
Push notifications for subscribed threads and breaking news would be the only benefits that I see. I already get the VN text messages via twitter.
Has Freak really not made an appearance in this thread yet? I'd like to hear his take on the App.

Taking it all in. :)

Like many of you, I'd love to have an app, but as discussed it would be tome and resource intensive. I'm not ruling it out, though.
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