I'm just going to be completely honest here and I don't care if it makes me transphobic, a hater, a bigot, or whatever. These are just my honest feelings and if these labels are what I have to wear to speak my honest thoughts, so be it!
Seeing a dude dressed as a woman or going around pretending to be a woman...creeps me the f_ck out and makes me recoil! It just does! And this has been the case going all the way back to when I was a kid and saw the likes of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson doing it on television. It's not pre-meditated based on indoctrinated hate, as I did not grow up in a family like that. It's just been my natural reaction to people who do it since I can remember. As far as women going around pretending to be men, it doesn't creep me out to the level of men pretending to be women do but I still find it very off-putting.
Your sense of revulsion is simply biology at work. Biology is brutal and efficient at fostering the survival and propagation of the species over the feels of the few. We are hard coded to abhor weaknesses and aberrations, most especially in our own "set". For the same reason that there is wide agreement on what is "attractive" sans political bs. Granted, I may prefer dark hair to blondes but an extreme plurality of people would agree that Margot Robbie and Sharon Stone are attractive. Why? because our "lizard brain" perceives they are good for mating, via facial symmetry, breast size and hips, etc. At the same time, they have done studies of women smelling men's sweaty clothing (including a close blood relative) to see what pheromones attract and invariably women are repulsed by the smell of relatives and attracted to those men who have higher testosterone levels.
In the same way, the lizard brain wants to eliminate what it sees as threats. Simply put, we know that men cannot reproduce with men nor women with women. If indeed, every person decided to only have homosexual sex from now on, humans would be extinct in just a few decades. (sans artificial invitro). We make up word games to hide this fact and soothe modern sensibilities but this is inescapable. Mind you, this has nothing to do with "preference" but simply the act of stuffing a dick into a vagina and pumping in sperm to find its way to fertilize an egg that can be carried to term.
It is for this same reason that generally high testosterone men have an instinctive revulsion to effeminate men but it does not trigger the same type of aggression as for a rival but rather the desire that it not breed so as not to pass down its biologically less desirable genetics. All this happens at a subconscious level.
Of course, unlike chickens ,who will immediately peck to death a chick who is bleeding, we are not animals (despite what the atheist may say). Thus, irrespective of "sexual preference", psychological disorder or in the 1 in 1000 case of physical abnormality, all people should be treated with equal respect and consideration, regardless of how they are born. I say this on an individual basis and I am glad that we codify it as a societal injunctive. At the same time, the societal and institutional promotion of biologically unwise behavior or genetic strains is not beneficial for humanity as a whole. Somehow, I think we can find a way of doing this without becoming the modern day equivalent of Spartans discarding babies off of Mount Taygetus or the next Nazi eugenics program.
Interestingly, one could also claim that this rise of aberrant behavior as well as genetics is biology regulating itself by sowing seeds that effectively de-populate humanity in order to "naturally" reduce numbers to a sustainable level. We often see this in life spans and fertility for various animal populations in an area. When the species reaches the level of sustainability the area will support, the lifespans extend and the fertility drops so as not to over populate and kill off the entire bunch through famine and disease.
I do want an honest conversation. Brave Volunteer and InVOLuntary have been extremely honest and not beat around the bush about their feelings.
I'll be as honest and clear as Brave Volunteer and InVOLuntary. I don't trust people to be kind to those who are different. I don't trust people to bother trying to understand people who are different. I've been bullied my whole life for my size and my social troubles and, since 2013, for my medical issues. Very few people stood up for me in conversations like this. Someone here needs to stand up for them.
Would I be right in saying that a good portion of beliefs in this situation have to do with our personal comforts and the desire on our end to not have to deal with issues outside of our personal comfort zones?
You are very well right not to trust people to be kind, some of the reasons being mentioned above. That said, as a Christian, I see humans as spiritual beings hosted in physical bodies. As such, we have greater meaning and purpose beyond our animal nature. I believe that each person therefore has their unique purpose that bring some benefit to us all. The strong provide sustenance for the community to survive and grow. The weak provide opportunity for the strong to serve something greater than their own ambition and as an example to persevere and overcome in spite of weakness. Each requires the other and should fully appreciate each other and be grateful for what each brings to the table.