Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

Some of you guys make me slightly uncomfortable with your obsession with a 16 year old kid. What is even more disturbing is your willingness to make fun her appearance and disability like you're in middle school. But then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are Trump supporters after all.
Some of you guys make me slightly uncomfortable with your obsession with a 16 year old kid. What is even more disturbing is your willingness to make fun her appearance and disability like you're in middle school. But then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are Trump supporters after all.

Nick Sandmann says hi
Some of you guys make me slightly uncomfortable with your obsession with a 16 year old kid. What is even more disturbing is your willingness to make fun her appearance and disability like you're in middle school. But then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are Trump supporters after all.

I don’t get it either, well, I guess I do. It’s all gotta be about him. He went after the Parkland victims too, so this should come as no surprise. Not so long ago, kids were off limits, just another ethical breach. Let’s face it, the guy ain’t happy unless he’s making someone else miserable.
Some of you guys make me slightly uncomfortable with your obsession with a 16 year old kid. What is even more disturbing is your willingness to make fun her appearance and disability like you're in middle school. But then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are Trump supporters after all.
First and foremost you should be mad at her parents for pawning her around for the world.

There's more to this story. Who's paying her parents? Who's paying for her travel across the globe? And she just sailed from Brazil back to Europe, supposedly. She has sailed before 1000 of miles at her age? She didn't get sick coming across the Atlantic? Not buying it at all.
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he deserved it more than your little drone
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As it should be. On the other hand, some apologies would be nice but it's the hyper-partisan world we live in. Those apologies will never come just as Trump will never apologize for his crass, tasteless tweets about her.
She's dumbazz actress.
Some of you guys make me slightly uncomfortable with your obsession with a 16 year old kid. What is even more disturbing is your willingness to make fun her appearance and disability like you're in middle school. But then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are Trump supporters after all.
lol. What is it that makes you uncomfortable exactly? She has interjected herself.. well.. her pimps have... onto the world stage as a 'passionate advocate' for pseudoscience. Because she is a 'teenager with a disability' does that give her a pass? She is on the big stage amigo. She has put herself there and is subject to all the critique and ridicule that she has coming. She is a child. She doesn't know ****. If she didn't want to be there, she could have stayed in Europe instead of getting a free sailing trip across the Atlantic. (I hope that cost a ****ing fortune to whoever is footing the bill)

ANd as to appearance, the left makes more fun on a daily basis of peoples' looks than anyone has of Widdew Gweta. Y

Oh, and your boy Joe goes around sniffing women's hair. Does THAT make you uncomfortable?

Get on board the Trump train we'll be winning thru 2024
lol. What is it that makes you uncomfortable exactly? She has interjected herself.. well.. her pimps have... onto the world stage as a 'passionate advocate' for pseudoscience. Because she is a 'teenager with a disability' does that give her a pass? She is on the big stage amigo. She has put herself there and is subject to all the critique and ridicule that she has coming. She is a child. She doesn't know ****. If she didn't want to be there, she could have stayed in Europe instead of getting a free sailing trip across the Atlantic. (I hope that cost a ****ing fortune to whoever is footing the bill)

ANd as to appearance, the left makes more fun on a daily basis of peoples' looks than anyone has of Widdew Gweta. Y

Oh, and your boy Joe goes around sniffing women's hair. Does THAT make you uncomfortable?

Get on board the Trump train we'll be winning thru 2024

Eventually even the spoon fed will have to step up to the big boy table or get left behind.
Some of you guys make me slightly uncomfortable with your obsession with a 16 year old kid. What is even more disturbing is your willingness to make fun her appearance and disability like you're in middle school. But then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are Trump supporters after all.
MiniAOC says hi, too.
It's what the left does. They use people. You wait and see what happens to these 31 Democrat Congressmen if they don't toe the party line. Useful idiots. That party is full of them.

Your words...”I really know nothing about this IDIOT child”...
You admit you know nothing about her AND call her an idiot? You also call her a child, yet you see nothing wrong with the POTUS attacking her on Twitter. For what? Because he can’t stand HE’S not the one on the cover of a magazine? How thin skinned can a person be?

As for the rest, we’ll see how many gutless GOP folks toe the company line, lol.
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Your words...”I really know nothing about this IDIOT child”...
You admit you know nothing about her AND call her an idiot? You also call her a child, yet you see nothing wrong with the POTUS attacking her on Twitter. For what? Because he can’t stand HE’S not the one on the cover of a magazine? How thin skinned can a person be?

As for the rest, we’ll see how many gutless GOP folks toe the company line, lol.
Yeah, she is an idiot, because she doesn't know anything about anything. She's nothing but a juvenile public figure that is being used to play the heartstrings of brainless liberals. You cannot seriously tell me that you believe her words on 'climate change' are actually borne from any knowledge of all the systems involved that affect it, can you? Because if you really believe this (and I guess I have to say it... biological CHILD), all I can say to you is...lulz, and congratulations, you have been played like Charlie Daniels' fiddle by the left. If they were really smart, they would have had her put her basket of newborn kittens on the lectern with her when she screamed about her lost childhood. (I wish I could have lost my childhood sailing across the Atlantic Ocean)

And I said I don't know anything about HER. Were she a normal little girl, she might be a wonderful kid... I doubt it as she has been indoctrinated by leftist morons... but I'll give her that benefit of doubt.

And as far as POTUS hitting her... yep. I couldn't agree more. He should lay off. But that's who he is, and if you look at THIS WEEK's accomplishments.. I'll let this one slide. Liddle Greta's PARENTS can make the sholw thing go away if they are concerned about their child.. but we all know that fame (AND FORTUNE) are far more important to them.

We all won big this last week except you leftists. You pressed on with the shampeachment... We got USMCA, a great stock market and the first step in a sorely needed China deal.

lol. What is it that makes you uncomfortable exactly? She has interjected herself.. well.. her pimps have... onto the world stage as a 'passionate advocate' for pseudoscience. Because she is a 'teenager with a disability' does that give her a pass? She is on the big stage amigo. She has put herself there and is subject to all the critique and ridicule that she has coming. She is a child. She doesn't know ****. If she didn't want to be there, she could have stayed in Europe instead of getting a free sailing trip across the Atlantic. (I hope that cost a ****ing fortune to whoever is footing the bill)

ANd as to appearance, the left makes more fun on a daily basis of peoples' looks than anyone has of Widdew Gweta. Y

Oh, and your boy Joe goes around sniffing women's hair. Does THAT make you uncomfortable?

Get on board the Trump train we'll be winning thru 2024

Embarrassing, even for you.

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