Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

She has accomplished more in life before the age of 17 than you will do in 100 lifetimes. Keep getting mad bro.
She saved me at least 200 grand. I bought about 120 yards from the ocean, and due to her expertise concerning climate change, I figure I'll be oceanfront in maybe 8 years. I couldn't afford oceanfront, but I'm getting there, thanks to little Greta..
She saved me at least 200 grand. I bought about 120 yards from the ocean, and due to her expertise concerning climate change, I figure I'll be oceanfront in maybe 8 years. I couldn't afford oceanfront, but I'm getting there, thanks to little Greta..

Hope you didn’t listen to Al.
It’s amazing what donated money as the media can push someone to achieve at any age .. amiright?
What have you achieved? I wish I could a fraction of influence but here I am building cisterns, showing people in other countries that not all Americans are complete and utter dbags, teaching organic gardening, teaching English at orphanages...etc. I am not looking for a pat on the back or anything...not that you would. By the way your tax dollars pay for me to do this.
If you are an “adult” getting butthurt over adults who see this caricature for what she is, you are the problem.

Who’s the dumbass—those who understand it is not settled science, or those who follow in lock-step behind a Scandinavian adolescent who needs a haircut?

Before you respond, I challenge you to investigate the veracity of “green” energy:

Solar is bunk. The raw materials are mined with, you guessed it, fossil fuel-burning equipment. The mines are then covered with, you guessed it again, fossil fuel-burning equipment. The raw materials are transported, processed, and fashioned into functional units by burning fossil fuels.

Electric vehicles are another misrepresented “green” technology. Instead of leaving a carbon footprint at your tailpipe, you’ve simply moved it as far as a few hundred miles to the power plant.

Liberals are the dumbest species on planet earth. None of you can think past the frontal lobe of the brain you do not have.

You, that's obvious.
I disagree. I got solar on my house and through tax credits I will break even in 10 years. After that its money in the bank for me. If we invest in green as much as we subsidize oil and pay for illegitimate wars we could tell the middle east to go &^%$ themselves. Not that Trump and his cohorts want that...
I have a full size truck that in town gets about 16 MPG, I have a boat that drinks so much gas it seems like it leaks it and I keep my a/c at 66 in the summer. Suck it lib
What have you achieved? I wish I could a fraction of influence but here I am building cisterns, showing people in other countries that not all Americans are complete and utter dbags, teaching organic gardening, teaching English at orphanages...etc. I am not looking for a pat on the back or anything...not that you would. By the way your tax dollars pay for me to do this.

You went from touting Greta to touting yourself then declaring you don’t want a pat on the back . I congratulate your desire to help other in foreign countries . I’m sure you had to think long and hard to make the decision to help the less fortunate around the world instead of helping them here . My tax dollars go to many things that I would change and some I wouldn’t . Cutting your funding to help other countries and funneling it back into our country , kids , infrastructure, education , our poor and homeless , vets , cleaning up our waterways and ocean shores would be a good start and a good investment.
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I'm not mad at all. What do you consider her accomplishments??

At the very least she has engaged millions of people to be cognizant of climate change and it's devastating effects to our planet. It's pretty alarming to see all the posts here attacking a teenager for actually caring about something and educating young people about something that is a scientific fact. Meanwhile, it's crickets around here when Trump says climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, or that windmills cause cancer, or that we should burn more coal. So you have one person on the right side of science and then you have the most powerful person in the world not only denying that man-made climate change exists, he's actually enacting policies that exacerbates the problem. Man, we live in a screwed up world when Greta is the bad guy in this equation.
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At the very least she has engaged millions of people to be cognizant of climate change and it's devastating effects to our planet. It's pretty alarming to see all the posts here attacking a teenager for actually caring about something and educating young people about something that is a scientific fact. Meanwhile, it's crickets around here when Trump says climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, or that windmills cause cancer, or that we should burn more coal. So you have one person on the right side of science and then you have the most powerful person in the world not only denying that man-made climate change exists, he's actually enacting policies that exacerbates the problem. Man, we live in a screwed up world when Greta is the bad guy in this equation.

Is she tubing to New Zealand to yell at a volcano as we speak?
At the very least she has engaged millions of people to be cognizant of climate change and it's devastating effects to our planet. It's pretty alarming to see all the posts here attacking a teenager for actually caring about something and educating young people about something that is a scientific fact. Meanwhile, it's crickets around here when Trump says climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, or that windmills cause cancer, or that we should burn more coal. So you have one person on the right side of science and then you have the most powerful person in the world not only denying that man-made climate change exists, he's actually enacting policies that exacerbates the problem. Man, we live in a screwed up world when Greta is the bad guy in this equation.
So, no accomplishments. Got it.
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At the very least she has engaged millions of people to be cognizant of climate change and it's devastating effects to our planet. It's pretty alarming to see all the posts here attacking a teenager for actually caring about something and educating young people about something that is a scientific fact. Meanwhile, it's crickets around here when Trump says climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, or that windmills cause cancer, or that we should burn more coal. So you have one person on the right side of science and then you have the most powerful person in the world not only denying that man-made climate change exists, he's actually enacting policies that exacerbates the problem. Man, we live in a screwed up world when Greta is the bad guy in this equation.

I don’t consider her the bad guy ( how dare you assume her pronoun ) I consider her handlers , the media , her script writers and politicians the bad guys, using this child to drum up emotions for money . The whole you stole my childhood thing while she’s avoiding school and sailing around the world on other people’s money is just a turn off to people who see it for what it is .
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