Lincoln Project Founder Facing Sexual Predator Allegations

There was a singular focus, and that was to unseat Trump. At any cost.

One has to ask themselves why? They elected an old white guy devoid of character, which many shallow and "liars to themselves" proclaim. It is/was all BS about his character.
Which source? Who were their sources?

Should have asked which "media source" in my first question.
You don’t want to carry water here. They were ex GOP. The GOP hates them. The Dems hated but used them (the enemy of my enemy is my friend), they have no friends and the GOP is going to fry all of them with the Dems happy to pile on.

They are the perfect example of Lenin’s useful idiots.
You don’t want to carry water here. They were ex GOP. The GOP hates them. The Dems hated but used them (the enemy of my enemy is my friend), they have no friends and the GOP is going to fry all of them with the Dems happy to pile on.

They are the perfect example of Lenin’s useful idiots.

I'm not carrying water. I don't care a thing in the world about the Lincoln Project. I just wanted to make sure it's okay to cite anonymous sources now.
Whatever you say EmojiMan.
Look dude you’re in here carrying water all by yourself. Your water vehicle happens to be unnamed sources. That’s all. And I really hope you called out unnamed sources against Trump also or that’s a tad hypocritical. And I don’t know if you did or didn’t.

That’s it. That’s the walks/talks/acts like line. But apparently I struck a nerve. “Emojiman”? 😂 couldn’t resist...
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While you guys are blowing your loads over the LP guy, Trump--who has his own allegations of icky stuff with young girls--retained a Jeffrey Epstein associate and the guy who decided not to charge Bill Cosby.
Look dude you’re in here carrying water all by yourself. Your water vehicle happens to be unnamed sources. That’s all. And I really hope you called out unnamed sources against Trump also or that’s a tad hypocritical. And I don’t know if you did OT didn’t.

That’s it. That’s the walks/talks/acts like line. But apparently I struck a nerve. “Emojiman”? 😂 couldn’t resist...

Just trying to figure out what the new rule on anonymous sources is. Seems a tad hypocritical to call out every anonymous source about Trump for years, then be okay with them after he's out office. If yall think it's okay now thats fine. Just asked a question.

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