List your Presidential Candidate for 2024 and WHY you are voting for them

I guess you need to explain more because our nation was in a lot better shape in the early 2000s than today. I don't consider Bush to be that bad of a President in scheme of things although Iraq was a BIG MISTAKE as was the bail outs.

However, Republicans back then let the Democrats/Media run all over them as well so that wasn't a good thing.

Bush/McCain/Romney are establishment first and foremost people, that is what they care about and represent. The most important things to them are growth of federal power and what they get from it, Haley is no different. In essence they are 1980's-90's Democrats that are spend first worry about paying for it later people that put up a good facade of caring about fiscal matters and personal liberty. Remember it was Bush who signed the Patriot act, McCain voted for it and Romney has publicly stated he approves of it (I think he voted to extend it).
I don't know much about her other than she was UN Ambassador for Trump and Governor of South Carolina. I read her website. She seems pretty conservative/MAGA focused but most of MAGA hates her. Curious as to why.

I initially thought she was only running to set herself up to be Trump's VP.
She wants to means test Social Security. Hard no. I have paid the max into that black hole for years. I want at least some of it back. I'd rather have Vivek as Trump's VP. Two businessmen running the country would be awesome.
You ever actually spoken to a member of Congress? 😂
I still think they should each have to breath into a breathalyzer tube at their desk before their vote is recorded
You are better off voting for me. At least I am sober in my youtube videos.
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You know what, this thread got derailed in post 2 and did not come close to achieving what I hope it would but at the same time, it was probably better for it. Some of these posts are hilarious. I didn't know about Basil Marceaux.
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She wants to means test Social Security. Hard no. I have paid the max into that black hole for years. I want at least some of it back. I'd rather have Vivek as Trump's VP. Two businessmen running the country would be awesome.
Same. It's Trump for me. I wanna see D.C burn and the left freak out again....but most of all, I want the southern border CLOSED.
Biden couldn't beat Trump in 2020 and he sure as hell isn't going to beat him after all the **** that's came out about Trump since then, while Biden has done a pretty nice job with the hand he was dealt. The border isn't good but it's kinda hard when Republicans refuse to support any bill that might help because they don't want to give Biden anything positive to campaign on.
Biden couldn't beat Trump in 2020 and he sure as hell isn't going to beat him after all the **** that's came out about Trump since then, while Biden has done a pretty nice job with the hand he was dealt. The border isn't good but it's kinda hard when Republicans refuse to support any bill that might help because they don't want to give Biden anything positive to campaign on.
Jimmy McMillan. Because everything is just too damn high!

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Biden couldn't beat Trump in 2020 and he sure as hell isn't going to beat him after all the **** that's came out about Trump since then, while Biden has done a pretty nice job with the hand he was dealt. The border isn't good but it's kinda hard when Republicans refuse to support any bill that might help because they don't want to give Biden anything positive to campaign on.
He could have sent the National Guard down there to shut it down any time he wanted to.
Yeah, this is my issue with Democracy at times. I am going to vote for x person because he is going to give me x benefit, not because it is good for humanity or my nation.
No one running right now GAF about humanity or the United States. Trump is the lesser of the evils, imo, but even he has flaws that are hard to overcome.

I had over 100k of loans that I paid off myself with sacrifice and some help (I stayed with parents first few years I graduated and threw almost my complete salary at the loan. Helped out around their house mowing and cleaning for keep).
You seem to have no issue with the fact that your education cost a king's ransom. I guarantee that adjusted for inflation, your educational costs are far more than what someone in your same situation would have had to pay in the 1960s.

Instead of you taking pride in saying that you paid off a ridiculously high student debt, you should be out on the streets and/or questioning how in the hell costs have far outpaced inflation. The system racket is broken.
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I don't know much about her other than she was UN Ambassador for Trump and Governor of South Carolina. I read her website. She seems pretty conservative/MAGA focused but most of MAGA hates her. Curious as to why.

I initially thought she was only running to set herself up to be Trump's VP.
Not anywhere close to true. And neither is she conservative. She wants to control social media sites and attack the 1st Amendment with regards to what people publish/post.

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