
hopefully it takes you guys as long as it did UT to figure it out. I suggest hiring a guy good at raising money but who doesn't understand the "athletic" part of the gig. then follow it up with a NC winning past head coach with little to no experience to be the AD.

Our current AD from Mississippi State is succeeding in turning UF into Mississippi State.

And our president just stepped down after he got busted for grifting like the Springfield monorail salesman. But he did get rid of wokeness while giving his buddies cush consulting positions that either didn’t exist previously, or at a much higher salary than the last guy/gal.

UF is a complete $h!tshow right now.
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Our current AD from Mississippi State is succeeding in turning UF into Mississippi State.

And our president just stepped soon after he got busted for grifting like the Springfield monorail salesman. But he did get rid of wokeness while giving his buddies cush consulting positions that either didn’t exist previously, or at a much higher salary than the last guy/gal.

UF is a complete $h!tshow right now.
Hey, who cares about the quality of education you’re providing, integrity, or having a winning AD? Owning the libs is what really matters.
Hey, who cares about the quality of education you’re providing, integrity, or having a winning AD? Owning the libs is what really matters.

I have always been a "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" crowd. the Florida game has been in the "worst" category for most of my fandom going back to '07.

I started out with a much more positive attitude, but got kicked in the nuts enough times to wear a cup now. if you want to call that pearl clutching fine, just don't come complaining after the game when we lose. granted I don't think we lose this year, but last year is a good example.

to me its more enjoyable to be realistic with a season than thinking we should play in the Super Bowl every year and fall short. It also lets me be a fan of the real team, instead of the expectations I have for the team. That attitude of "you aren't a real fan unless you think we go 17-0" doesn't fly with me, and just reeks of bandwagon fans who took off their orange for the last decade. I am not afraid to be a fan of UT when we are 3-7 or when we are 10-2.

the only thing that affects my level of fun or suffering is purely the results of the game. I don't get the mindset of thinking that I have to think we win every game to have fun with college football or as a fan. I like the sport of college football on its own, I am an alum so UT is my school win, lose, or otherwise.

fwiw I will be at the UF game this year.
I’m not going to be made to answer for people who say “You aren’t a real fan unless you think we go 17-0.” Frankly I don’t think any of those people exist, and I certainly haven’t seen any on this board. (Okay, maybe @Nationdom )

You’re not being “realistic.” Expecting us to lose to what looks to be the worst Florida team in decades when we may well have our best team of the last quarter century, at home, when the ESPN FPI gives us an 87.5% chance to win is not realistic. It is a form of homerism, just a negative form. You’re not predicting an outcome based on information; you’re predicting an outcome based on emotion. It just happens to be negative emotion, but it’s no different from someone getting hyped up and picking us to win by two touchdowns in Athens.

You’re also implying some sort of correlation between your negative attitude and a willingness to stay the course when things are rough. It’s highly presumptive. I do not share your negativity—pardon me, “realism,” and yet I lived and died with the Big Orange through the Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt years as well. I will continue to support this team win, lose, or draw. You don’t have the market cornered on that.

Being a homer in either direction, whether the “Natty or Bust!” variety or your “They’ll trot out the waterboy and he’ll throw for 500 yards on us, woe is me” routine, is not the only option as a fan. Thanks but no thanks to your false dichotomy.
Hey, who cares about the quality of education you’re providing, integrity, or having a winning AD? Owning the libs is what really matters.
I vote red but even I scratched my head when Sasse was hired. Not surprised he’s a grifter, both blue and red are filled with that kind of scum
Our current AD from Mississippi State is succeeding in turning UF into Mississippi State.

And our president just stepped soon after he got busted for grifting like the Springfield monorail salesman. But he did get rid of wokeness while giving his buddies cush consulting positions that either didn’t exist previously, or at a much higher salary than the last guy/gal.

UF is a complete $h!tshow right now.
Just how exactly did Sasse get that job? He's not from the state, didn't go to school there, and only prior experience in a position like that was at a tiny private college in Nebraska. It's also surprising any major university would give a Republican Senator that job.

He wasn't a Trumpster so I guess he felt that maybe he wouldn't win re-election, but his term wasn't up until 2026. Just seemed like an out of nowhere move.
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That’s because when either side has absolute power, it corrupts absolutely
If we can ever get to a point where elections become about consensus building rather than doubling down on your position and trying to whip your base into a frenzy, we’d be cooking with gas as a society. Higher voter turnout would help.
Just how exactly did Sasse get that job? He's not from the state, didn't go to school there, and only prior experience in a position like that was at a tiny private college in Nebraska. It's also surprising any major university would give a Republican Senator that job.

He wasn't a Trumpster so I guess he felt that maybe he wouldn't win re-election, but his term wasn't up until 2026. Just seemed like an out of nowhere move.

He’s a Desantis puppet, that’s how he got the job.
How was he connected with DeSantis? I get that they are both Repubs, but different states, levels of government, etc.

Not sure what the actual connection was.

Revisionist historians have suggested Desantis chose Sasse to piss off Trump, as Sasse has been publicly critical of the former president, but the timing doesn’t add up.
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Looks like he was hired to direct slush money to Desantis' allies throughout the state with consulting deals tied to UF.

The spending from his office tripled from $6mil to $18+mil in the 18 months he was there. Some of Sasse' senior Senate staff members were given jobs making $396k and $432k per year. Executive salaries at UF increased $4.3mil during his time there. $7.2mil went to Desantis' allied consulting firms.

Sasse's travel expenses were more than his predecessor who had the job 8 years, and the spending with consulting firms was 40 times more than his predecessor spent in 8 years.

The info makes me think Desantis picked Sasse to use UF as a piggy bank for his 2024 presidential campaign.
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The gatas have quit on the staff at Gainesville. The good news? Coach's contract runs through 2028. After the $s they've burned through in recent years it's likely we'll see Napier another year or two.
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I’m not going to be made to answer for people who say “You aren’t a real fan unless you think we go 17-0.” Frankly I don’t think any of those people exist, and I certainly haven’t seen any on this board. (Okay, maybe @Nationdom )

You’re not being “realistic.” Expecting us to lose to what looks to be the worst Florida team in decades when we may well have our best team of the last quarter century, at home, when the ESPN FPI gives us an 87.5% chance to win is not realistic. It is a form of homerism, just a negative form. You’re not predicting an outcome based on information; you’re predicting an outcome based on emotion. It just happens to be negative emotion, but it’s no different from someone getting hyped up and picking us to win by two touchdowns in Athens.

You’re also implying some sort of correlation between your negative attitude and a willingness to stay the course when things are rough. It’s highly presumptive. I do not share your negativity—pardon me, “realism,” and yet I lived and died with the Big Orange through the Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt years as well. I will continue to support this team win, lose, or draw. You don’t have the market cornered on that.

Being a homer in either direction, whether the “Natty or Bust!” variety or your “They’ll trot out the waterboy and he’ll throw for 500 yards on us, woe is me” routine, is not the only option as a fan. Thanks but no thanks to your false dichotomy.
What do you mean no information? I have two plus decades of information while a fan, the rest of the history is easy to look up too.

Huepel is 1-2 against terrible florida teams.
Pruitt was 0-3
Jones was 1-4
Dooley was 0-3
Kiffin was 0-1
Fulmer was 4-12, and that was our best period, and we only won a quarter of our games against them.

You have to go back to the 50s to find where we had more than a 2 game streak over them. And they have multiple 2+ game streaks vs us during that time. We are 11 games behind in a series we had a 10 game head start on.

Until we can actually show that we win consistently against them you are the one going off emotion. You are betting on a game that hasn't happened just as much as I am to claim you have more/better knowledge than me.

You can't tell me you were watching the end of that 2022 game in complete peace thinking we had that wrapped up. You were freaked out and pacing that we were going to screw it up. Every Tennessee fan was, why? Because they know the actual history, and weren't on the internet to bluster about it. Reality was staring you in the face, you were majorly relieved when we won thinking we survived. That mindset comes from the actual history.

We were the better team last year too, still lost. Even at home we are 4-11 going back to Fulmers time. So it's not like we have an established edge at home.

And what do you mean there isn't anyone saying 17-0 and you aren't a fan? You are questioning my fandom because I don't assume we will beat Florida. How is that any different?
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What do you mean no information? I have two plus decades of information while a fan, the rest of the history is easy to look up too.

Huepel is 1-2 against terrible florida teams.
Pruitt was 0-3
Jones was 1-4
Dooley was 0-3
Kiffin was 0-1
Fulmer was 4-12, and that was our best period, and we only won a quarter of our games against them
A third, not a quarter, right?
Should we be worried about Florida with Lagway at QB?
I mean he’s good but green and there isn’t anything else on that team to help.

Don’t look at the Samford game and think he’s Tom Brady. See how he looks against any team that has half a pulse first.

Plus, Napier said Mertz is still the starter so…

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