London Vol: medical update

I understand a colonoscopy is very important, but I don't think I dread anything as much as this test!!
I've already had a colonoscopy once due to some minor gastro issues I've experienced since I was in college. As others have said, the cocktail 24 hours before the procedure is indeed the worst part. Expect to be setting up shop in your nearest bathroom for the majority of that day. No kidding, I went like about 15-20 times or more. And you can't have any solid foods, so I hope you like Ensure or smoothies. Popsicles are good to snack on though to trick your mind into thinking you are eating something solid.

After the procedure you will be really bloated for roughly the next 12 hours and farting like crazy. I wouldn't recommend highly greasy/spicy foods nor would I recommend salads. I think I went with a grilled chicken sandwich and some fries for lunch and fish and mashed potatoes for dinner.
I know some people have commented that I have been absent for some while, well I believe I am in position now to explain why.

Back in January I was given a medical marker that was high and was offered a Colonoscopy, being a typical male, I so very nearly declined the offer. But fortunately, I went ahead with the procedure and during this they found by accident a lump and the following biopsy confirmed it was a cancer tumor. And a large kidney stone just for extras.

It will try to keep this short, this parachuted me into a world of fear and ultimately pain for both me and my dear family. Six months later and having had 5 operations, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, in fact more tests than a MENSA member I can say that the Neuroendocrine tumor and kidney stone have been removed and I have been told that they do not plan to “go back in” until December to check that things have not returned. Given where I was and where I could have been, this is a great result and fell blessed (I don’t know what the future holds but I am in the hands of the one who holds the future) to be able to report this.

But the real reason I have decided to put this into the public domain is that I so nearly never went for the first investigation and if I hadn’t then the outcome would have, in time been very different so:

I beg, implore, urge, encourage and hope ALL in Volnation do not ignore a test, ignore a strange pain, ignore a nagging concern about ones body, get it checked out, I am so happy I did.

Because health is paramount to all of us I hope the moderator will allow this to be visible to as many people as it can on this form.

One small point I also wish to make, whilst I was lying in scan tunnels, or in operation theaters and waiting rooms I often let my mind travel 4,000 miles to a piece of orange in the deep south of a far away land and think about the depth chart of our Defensive Line, think about how good is No 8 really going to be, think about explaining to my wife in the next room, when she hears be Booing at he top of my voice it does not mean I am unhappy it is because Mr Carter has just introduced a Bulldog to the Neyland Turf.

Even in dark and very dark times orange shines brightly.

I’m glad to read the cancer is contained for the moment. And why not add the removal of a stone that isn’t precious. Nice touch with MENSA. I used to tout myself for passing the prequal. Then they added a timeframe. There are smart people. Then there are smarter people. I’m curious. Do you believe there is some other kind of intelligence that is intuitive in nature? Ok back to your post.

Mannn I am so glad to realize that there are others who get, at the least, what I feel. There have been dark times, and thankfully lots of good times. But during dark times, I found myself hoping for another crack at watching the Vols play a season. I knew I always loved the Vols, but this feeling during “peril”, revealed to me how much of a fan I am, and left me grateful for Tennessee football.

To be in that place and hope for another season… well… I think that speaks for what one cherishes. I hope you, and I, and others alike… no matter how much nuances make us different, allow us to experience many more seasons to come. And heck, BB, they seem to be looking like a bunch of dubs!!!
I know some people have commented that I have been absent for some while, well I believe I am in position now to explain why.

Back in January I was given a medical marker that was high and was offered a Colonoscopy, being a typical male, I so very nearly declined the offer. But fortunately, I went ahead with the procedure and during this they found by accident a lump and the following biopsy confirmed it was a cancer tumor. And a large kidney stone just for extras.

It will try to keep this short, this parachuted me into a world of fear and ultimately pain for both me and my dear family. Six months later and having had 5 operations, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, in fact more tests than a MENSA member I can say that the Neuroendocrine tumor and kidney stone have been removed and I have been told that they do not plan to “go back in” until December to check that things have not returned. Given where I was and where I could have been, this is a great result and fell blessed (I don’t know what the future holds but I am in the hands of the one who holds the future) to be able to report this.

But the real reason I have decided to put this into the public domain is that I so nearly never went for the first investigation and if I hadn’t then the outcome would have, in time been very different so:

I beg, implore, urge, encourage and hope ALL in Volnation do not ignore a test, ignore a strange pain, ignore a nagging concern about ones body, get it checked out, I am so happy I did.

Because health is paramount to all of us I hope the moderator will allow this to be visible to as many people as it can on this form.

One small point I also wish to make, whilst I was lying in scan tunnels, or in operation theaters and waiting rooms I often let my mind travel 4,000 miles to a piece of orange in the deep south of a far away land and think about the depth chart of our Defensive Line, think about how good is No 8 really going to be, think about explaining to my wife in the next room, when she hears be Booing at he top of my voice it does not mean I am unhappy it is because Mr Carter has just introduced a Bulldog to the Neyland Turf.

Even in dark and very dark times orange shines brightly.

Thank you for the update and thank you for the PSA. You’re right. Never ever ignore the signs or the regular checkups.

Grateful you’re doing well now, LV. Hope to see you posting more.
Well, that does it. Time to schedule that next colonoscopy. I’ll be 70 in January and this will be my 4th. Last one was 4 years ago and found polyps and the doc advised to get another one in 3 years.

@LondonVol I always enjoy your postgame write-ups and was wondering about the medical issue you mentioned after the Chattanooga game. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for continued success.
I’m glad to read the cancer is contained for the moment. And why not add the removal of a stone that isn’t precious. Nice touch with MENSA. I used to tout myself for passing the prequal. Then they added a timeframe. There are smart people. Then there are smarter people. I’m curious. Do you believe there is some other kind of intelligence that is intuitive in nature? Ok back to your post.

Mannn I am so glad to realize that there are others who get, at the least, what I feel. There have been dark times, and thankfully lots of good times. But during dark times, I found myself hoping for another crack at watching the Vols play a season. I knew I always loved the Vols, but this feeling during “peril”, revealed to me how much of a fan I am, and left me grateful for Tennessee football.

To be in that place and hope for another season… well… I think that speaks for what one cherishes. I hope you, and I, and others alike… no matter how much nuances make us different, allow us to experience many more seasons to come. And heck, BB, they seem to be looking like a bunch of dubs!!!
Vegas, you struck a nerve. I thought you were going down a morbid path until I realized I am right with you. I lost a good friend a couple years ago and have felt some grief that he hasn't been around to enjoy the Heup train. And this has crept into my own life as I deal with my own challenges. For me, I'm hoping for quality AND quantity.
After the procedure you will be farting like crazy.
Is this normal? I just had my colonoscopy about 8 months ago and still doing it. Come to think, I was doing it before the test too. Guys, just man up and do it. The prep isnt terrible and just follow others advice that have been thru it.
I’m glad to read the cancer is contained for the moment. And why not add the removal of a stone that isn’t precious. Nice touch with MENSA. I used to tout myself for passing the prequal. Then they added a timeframe. There are smart people. Then there are smarter people. I’m curious. Do you believe there is some other kind of intelligence that is intuitive in nature? Ok back to your post.

Mannn I am so glad to realize that there are others who get, at the least, what I feel. There have been dark times, and thankfully lots of good times. But during dark times, I found myself hoping for another crack at watching the Vols play a season. I knew I always loved the Vols, but this feeling during “peril”, revealed to me how much of a fan I am, and left me grateful for Tennessee football.

To be in that place and hope for another season… well… I think that speaks for what one cherishes. I hope you, and I, and others alike… no matter how much nuances make us different, allow us to experience many more seasons to come. And heck, BB, they seem to be looking like a bunch of dubs!!!
I remember lying in the hospital thinking amongst other things, does this mean I might not get to see Nico against Chattanooga? Thankfully I was wrong yet again!!
Well, that does it. Time to schedule that next colonoscopy. I’ll be 70 in January and this will be my 4th. Last one was 4 years ago and found polyps and the doc advised to get another one in 3 years.

@LondonVol I always enjoy your postgame write-ups and was wondering about the medical issue you mentioned after the Chattanooga game. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for continued success.
I am proud of you RavinDave, I was very nervous writing the original thread but I thought "if it helps one person then its worth it" so THANK YOU and good luck.
I remember lying in the hospital thinking amongst other things, does this mean I might not get to see Nico against Chattanooga? Thankfully I was wrong yet again!!

I am proud of you RavinDave, I was very nervous writing the original thread but I thought "if it helps one person then its worth it" so THANK YOU and good luck.
Thanks LV
As well stated above, the prep isn’t fun in several regards, but you are a fool if you don’t do these things. Only a complete wuss would have any serious issues with a colonoscopy. Really no different than allowing them to draw blood for tests.

Plus, an ounce of prevention is way better than a pound of cure.

Hope your recovery continues to go well, LV. We look forward to your write-up when the Vols win the natty in the near future.
Prayers. Get the tests. Personally think the Cologuard is a scam. I had it come back positive. Was on pins and needles for weeks had the scope. Everything clear no polops. come back in 10 years Good luck and Prayers
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