Loretta Lynch, DOJ, FBI, & Clinton- Oh My!!

Lol, child sex trafficking, drug dealing, what else you got? So f'ing stupid that people believe it.

Lol....what an idiot some people are. So you think you know the truth of what goes on behind criminal Hillary's door? Only a stupid fool like you would defend her and her ilk & still go down in flames for/with her.
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The investigations he wants are going to expose their party for the things that they really are...

Trump is a genius....

I always thought a lot of people in DC were never investigated because potential accusers were guilty of the same and knew better than start the ball rolling when they themselves would be standing in the path of the ensuing avalanche. You actually have to drain the swamp to see how many bodies are down there and figure out who put them there.

It's amazing how many people in congress become very wealthy on a modest salary, but nobody ever discusses that either.
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Missed you especially during the United kerfuffle a couple month's back.
I should go look that up. We had our own little meltdown about the same time well shortly after and I am so thankful that the UAL thing diverted attention from it. That being said, it was poorly handled all around. The felon won though.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is launching a wide-ranging probe into the circumstances behind James Comey’s firing as FBI director, as well as any attempts to influence FBI investigations under the Obama administration. The committee’s chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), laid out his plan in a letter made public Wednesday in response to requests from Democrats to investigate potential obstruction of justice surrounding Comey’s dismissal by President Donald Trump last month.




But but Obama..... you can't justify anything the fat ass in Chief does so you bring up Hillary or obama....just stfu and admit he's a pathetic narcissistic child
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But but Obama..... you can't justify anything the fat ass in Chief does so you bring up Hillary or obama....just stfu and admit he's a pathetic narcissistic child

Hey. This thread IS about obama and his cronies you left wing nut!

They are being investigated and will be charged. (At least lynch, they'll need a escape goat)
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At least $2.85 million dollars flowed to the Clinton Family through a series of five Russian-backed donations after a massive uranium deal was signed off by the State Department and other agencies during Hillary’s tenure.

Shockingly, between the years of 2009-2013 Russian-backed interests assumed control of one-fifth (20%) of the U.S. uranium supply along with several highly-lucrative mines in Kazakhstan through a secret backdoor deal with the Clintons, as reported by Joe Becker and Mike McIntire in April of 2015.

Collision folks.....
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Hey. This thread IS about obama and his cronies you left wing nut!

They are being investigated and will be charged. (At least lynch, they'll need a escape goat)

Sin City Vol didn't read the thread title to see what the subject matter is about. Ha.....What a moron he is. He just wants his two cents put in on his defense of his god Obama. Got to keep kissing Obama's ass everyday bc he needs it from his sheep.
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Paging Jeff Sessions:[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHlV_CPoJ4s[/youtube]

The gig is up libtards. The day of the rope approaches
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If these Republitards actually follow through with their threats, I foresee a rise in people being suicided
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Sin City Vol didn't read the thread title to see what the subject matter is about. Ha.....What a moron he is. He just wants his two cents put in on his defense of his god Obama. Got to keep kissing Obama's ass everyday bc he needs it from his sheep.

Damn Blood...well I know what the dumbass thread is about. I just laugh because you and so many others on here are just like DT, deflect deflect deflect...

In the great words of a VN poster..."you get em now" haha keep sucking that Trump titty milk sunshine
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At least $2.85 million dollars flowed to the Clinton Family through a series of five Russian-backed donations after a massive uranium deal was signed off by the State Department and other agencies during Hillary’s tenure.

Shockingly, between the years of 2009-2013 Russian-backed interests assumed control of one-fifth (20%) of the U.S. uranium supply along with several highly-lucrative mines in Kazakhstan through a secret backdoor deal with the Clintons, as reported by Joe Becker and Mike McIntire in April of 2015.

Collision folks.....

Fake News...alternative facts
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But but Obama..... you can't justify anything the fat ass in Chief does so you bring up Hillary or obama....just stfu and admit he's a pathetic narcissistic child

To be fair every time Obama failed he brought up Bush, his cronies brought up Bush, libtards on this board brought up Bush.
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Damn Blood...well I know what the dumbass thread is about. I just laugh because you and so many others on here are just like DT, deflect deflect deflect...

In the great words of a VN poster..."you get em now" haha keep sucking that Trump titty milk sunshine

Personally, I think both the Obama admin and Trump are sleaze and stink to high heaven. I have no problem digging into whether the last group committed crimes.
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If these Republitards actually follow through with their threats, I foresee a rise in people being suicided

Honestly, I wouldn't get your hopes up. The Republicans have no interest in upsetting the status quo Inside the beltway.
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I don't get why people who are appalled that Russia may have tried to interfere in our democracy don't seem to care if our intelligence agencies were used against domestic political opponents.

At this point there's about as much evidence for one as the other. Both are threats to our democracy and I'd argue the latter is more serious.
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I don't get why people who are appalled that Russia may have tried to interfere in our democracy don't seem to care if our intelligence agencies were used against domestic political opponents.

At this point there's about as much evidence for one as the other. Both are threats to our democracy and I'd argue the latter is more serious.

The USA has done WAAAAY worse to other countries than Russia attempted to do to us.

You are right..people acting all upset..its karma
To be fair every time Obama failed he brought up Bush, his cronies brought up Bush, libtards on this board brought up Bush.

I agree with you... all presidents need to own their ****. Both Trump and obama inherited a mess but if everyone keeps looking backwards at what caused the issue instead of working towards the future and fixing it.
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