Loretta Lynch, DOJ, FBI, & Clinton- Oh My!!

Personally, I think both the Obama admin and Trump are sleaze and stink to high heaven. I have no problem digging into whether the last group committed crimes.

Dig into all they want but anyone with common sense knows that people like Trump, Hillary or Obama will never see the inside of a prison cell. Powerful people don't go to jail. Bernie Madoff went there to set an example and the fact he screwed people out of billions of dollars
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I don't get why people who are appalled that Russia may have tried to interfere in our democracy don't seem to care if our intelligence agencies were used against domestic political opponents.

At this point there's about as much evidence for one as the other. Both are threats to our democracy and I'd argue the latter is more serious.


And it's nothing new. They've had plenty of opportunities to be outraged in the past by foreign hacking and meddling. The Chinese stole the personal information of over 20 million people, and nary a peep.

But John "Pizza Map" Podesta falls for a lame phishing email and all hell breaks loose
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And it's nothing new. They've had plenty of opportunities to be outraged in the past by foreign hacking. The Chinese stole the personal information of over 20 million people, and nary a peep.

But John "Pizza Map" Podesta falls for a lame fishing email and all hell breaks loose

Cyber terrorism is becoming a bigger issue than all this ISIS crap we see on TV. The government needs to get better and detecting this **** earlier. When we have half ass hackers stealing identities, foreign hackers will take this to a whole new level
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Dig into all they want but anyone with common sense knows that people like Trump, Hillary or Obama will never see the inside of a prison cell. Powerful people don't go to jail. Bernie Madoff went there to set an example and the fact he screwed people out of billions of dollars

I don't even care about jail time. It's about exposing the filthy, unconstitutional practices of our leaders. If the people knew what was going on they might be more selective in who they choose.
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Cyber terrorism is becoming a bigger issue than all this ISIS crap we see on TV. The government needs to get better and detecting this **** earlier. When we have half ass hackers stealing identities, foreign hackers will take this to a whole new level

It all happened under Obamas watch.

Clearly Dems are the last people we want handling cyber security
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911 happened under Bush's watch, so by your logic the last thing we want republicans dealing with is terrorism and homeland security

To be fair, things were much different then. Overall, I'd say both the Bush and Obama admins did a very good job dealing with terrorist threats on US soil.
To be fair, things were much different then. Overall, I'd say both the Bush and Obama admins did a very good job dealing with terrorist threats on US soil.

The "best thing" any POTUS can do in regard to terrorism is let the experts do what they do and when they find 'em, say "Sic 'em".
To be fair, things were much different then. Overall, I'd say both the Bush and Obama admins did a very good job dealing with terrorist threats on US soil.

My point was never meant to say Republicans can't deal with terrorism. It was just pointing out how asinine the comment was regarding democrats and cyber terrorism. Internet hacking was going on way before Obama took office, its ignorant to blame one party for something like fighting terrorism and global terrorism
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My point was never meant to say Republicans can't deal with terrorism. It was just pointing out how asinine the comment was regarding democrats and cyber terrorism. Internet hacking was going on way before Obama took office, its ignorant to blame one party for something like fighting terrorism and global terrorism

Republicans can't deal with terrorism. Super genius Bush created the TSA (has about a 90% failure rate) and spent over 3 trillion $ going into Iraq and Afghanistan which btw is the longest war this country has been in. Obama told his followers what they wanted to hear saying that he was going to end the war, was elected and promptly continued it and even expanded into Libya.

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