Loser teachers

I mean, Texas may starting to be more purple...

But it is still Texas and some things just don't fly in that State regardless of how many idiots from California move in.

Not yet. When enough delusional, detached from reality liberals move there from Cali to tip the balance of power...you know the rest. Places like Austin that are filled with ignorant libs who learned nothing..and still vote for the same policies that ruined Cali, will be the 1st to go to sheit. Just like Charlotte and Memphis (and Knoxville to an extent) are liberal controlled islands in states that are otherwise solidly red. Charlotte, Asheville and Raleigh have had Dimwit mayors(criminals who sometimes go to prison) and have voted Dimwits for POTUS for as long as i can remember. They are all crime ridden, dangerous sheitholes especially after dark. Every inch of NC besides them is conservative and actually can be quite nice.

I’m interested in what else they had on her. A couple of the trustees were going out of their way to make excuses for her (she was playing a “role”).

Then they saw the rest of the evidence.
And they are unanimous - Fired.
This garbage will be next for the Dimwits trying to legalize, normalize, and justify their degenerate vices. Watch out for the word "pedophobe" coming soon to a theater near you.

It will be the left's next battleground for acceptance of perverse behaviour.

Yep, the battle has already begun. Us sane folks should be fighting this sick garbage tooth and nail every inch of the way. Pedos are like housecats...the only good one, is a dead one.
Or they can grade in class while students watch videos about what the teacher should be teaching.

I had a Knox County employee tell me they would not ask their teachers to stay past 3:15.
thankfully there are labor laws in this country requiring most non management employees to be paid overtime pay for working outside their normally scheduled hours. I hope teachers aren’t excluded somehow.
thankfully there are labor laws in this country requiring most non management employees to be paid overtime pay for working outside their normally scheduled hours. I hope teachers aren’t excluded somehow.

Those sacred cows aren’t being excluded, don’t you worry. They are asked to do the minimum and given weeks off in the summer.
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Months off...plus at least 2 weeks at Christmas, a week a spring break, teacher work days throughout the year with no students, all federal and state holidays off and they normally get off work by 3pm every day...

Not a bad gig as long as you dont need big money income....perfect for wives, especially with children as they can still pick them up and drop them off from school...and share the same holidays so no paid child care needed.

Just like in the article i posted.....there are a few good to excellent, and many many sheitty public school teachers. Many like Loother allegedly is who have the grammar of a 7yr old at best...others who teach history or literature and cannot even do regular Algebra. Dead serious...have seen it with my own two eyes.

I am glad the article i posted didnt edit what the teacher said to make it sound like maybe at least an average 15 year olds grammar...they quoted her ebonics word for word in order to show people how ridiculously ignorant some of the folks are which are responsible for educating kids.

Its a damn disgrace. People should be angry. I had a couple of good teachers growing up, and 1 excellent black man who taught us AP world history that was a mentor to kids and pivotal in many lives. Without exaggeration, i had 3 or 4 terrible teachers who hated their jobs for every good one. At least 1 teacher every year who spoke ebonics like the lady i linked...teachers i know for a fact did not have the knowledge after somehow getting a college degree that my youngest has at 14yo now who is Christian school educated. It is disgraceful...and the poorer side of town schools have the worst of the bunch. These are the least desirable jobs so the least effective teachers often end up there...unable to be fired as they should due to unions.

Its a damn disgrace. The world mocks us for spending more per capita than anyone, yet educating worse than nearly every western country on Earth.
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Those sacred cows aren’t being excluded, don’t you worry. They are asked to do the minimum and given weeks off in the summer.
And they are typically paid proportional to the hours worked. Not sure why the animosity towards teachers? No way in hell I’d take a job dealing with 30+ smartarsed teenagers, even for double the money teachers are currently paid. JMO
And they are typically paid proportional to the hours worked. Not sure why the animosity towards teachers? No way in hell I’d take a job dealing with 30+ smartarsed teenagers, even for double the money teachers are currently paid. JMO

Neither would I take that job. Much is understood about those that would.
Not clear what your inferring, but there are dumbarses in most every field of employment

The public education system is a failure. Even the good teachers that enter the system seem to get worn down by it and level out to the mediocrity that is the system. If it were full of or dominated by great people, it wouldn’t suck. But it does.
The public education system is a failure. Even the good teachers that enter the system seem to get worn down by it and level out to the mediocrity that is the system. If it were full of or dominated by great people, it wouldn’t suck. But it does.
My kids' public school is great. Not sure where you're at. I do love the irony of you slamming public education as a whole on the fanboard of a public school institution though. That's rich.
My kids' public school is great. Not sure where you're at. I do love the irony of you slamming public education as a whole on the fanboard of a public school institution though. That's rich.
My kids also received a fantastic education in public schools.
My kids' public school is great. Not sure where you're at. I do love the irony of you slamming public education as a whole on the fanboard of a public school institution though. That's rich.
Public schools here suck donkey balz. I’m sure some areas do it better than others. But I would give more credit to the parents and less to the schools.
Public schools here suck donkey balz. I’m sure some areas do it better than others. But I would give more credit to the parents and less to the schools.
I went to public school in Western NC. As a state we were definitely scrapping the bottom of the barrel. That said, I got a great education. Was always in advanced classes and had lots of college credit upon graduation. All education is a lot like a book. It can open doors for you or act as a paper weight. We all get to choose.
You got me, Clouseau.

A quick Google finds 31 states posted a average SAT score higher than Washington. Maybe your particular school is great, I’m skeptical of that, but I don’t see any stats showing the greatness of Washington schools.
A quick Google finds 31 states posted a average SAT score higher than Washington. Maybe your particular school is great, I’m skeptical of that, but I don’t see any stats showing the greatness of Washington schools.
There's a ton wrong with your analysis. Not really even worth picking it apart so enjoy.

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