Lots of whining on the WKU message board

Here's the last post I read on their message board...doesnt sound much like whining to me......

To UTs credit 1) their fans were great, had a couple come over to welcome us, wish us well, etc. 2) UT gave WKU fans great seats, I mean great, the first 10 or 12 rows near midfield, the kind of seats that most fans have to pay major bucks for and 3) THEIR marching band faced our section and played "Stand Up and Cheer"!!! Now that's class!


Gaaaahhhh!!!! :p

OK, thanks, at least I can now see how YouTube vids go up. Note to self: it's different from the
Here's the last post I read on their message board...doesnt sound much like whining to me......

To UTs credit 1) their fans were great, had a couple come over to welcome us, wish us well, etc. 2) UT gave WKU fans great seats, I mean great, the first 10 or 12 rows near midfield, the kind of seats that most fans have to pay major bucks for and 3) THEIR marching band faced our section and played "Stand Up and Cheer"!!! Now that's class!

But then you read the rest of the thread......
7 turneovers overall with 5 in the first half which UT turned into scores. 2 INT's in the end zone in the 2nd half. It could have been much worse if the Vols offense at QB was a little more efficientr. If the Vols oly turned only half of the 5 TO's into scores the Vols would have 17-21 points less. Otherwise the Vols would have won by 14 in lieu of 32. Of course, what might have happened if the Hilltoppers turned the 2 INT's in the end zone into scores? That's a different story, could have been a TD or less. Hmmm?
Both teams were lucky especially the Vols with turning most of those TO's in the Hilltopper red zone into scores.
Wow, you need a little thicker skin. I'm from Memphis and have loved the Vols my entire life. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of me and my dad watching UT football after finishing our Saturday chores. You should read some of the nonsense posted about my hometown annually by other Vol fans especially during basketball season. A few classless posts by fans on a message board certainly isn't going to keep me from supporting the team that I've grown up loving. If you do, then you were never really a Vol to begin with.

Great Post !!! Preach it Brother..
Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody pic. Let's also not forget the guy who responded by saying he had seen quite a few women like that in Hazard and the surrounding area. (Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT. The lack of class here is stunning, sometimes. Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect. I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride! :salute:

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.

Most of the posters on here no longer post anything of substance when someone starts a thread on here. It becomes who can be the wittiest or most assanine. Then they give each other likes. Really sad.

Still trying to sit at the cool kids table, huh?
Most of the posters on here no longer post anything of substance when someone starts a thread on here. It becomes who can be the wittiest or most assanine. Then they give each other likes. Really sad.

Heck yea, I'm pretty proud I have more likes than posts!

Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody blah blah blah......

A grown man telling other grown men that he isn't pulling for their team anymore....over a message board. Sh*t just got real!

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