Lots of whining on the WKU message board

I love this post from the link you posted:

"What's embarrassing is to lose by that score to any team especially one with inbred fans who worships a mountain top named Rocky."

Ironic considering I had to watch this thing march around all game....

I mean, c'mon. Seriously. What is that thing?

It is called Big Red. It is a massive wad of Big Red chewing gum that all the students donate to in the off season. They shock it into life at the start of football season like Frankenstein.
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Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody pic. Let's also not forget the guy who responded by saying he had seen quite a few women like that in Hazard and the surrounding area. (Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT. The lack of class here is stunning, sometimes. Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect. I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride! :salute:

People like this is the very reason I chose my username. I've lived within five minutes of the septic tank of the U.S.A. for over 30 years. I've heard them say all my life "I like uk in basketball and UT in football". Get a team, grow a pair, and get over yourself. Go vols. Kentucky still sucks. I'm out!
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Most of the posters on here no longer post anything of substance when someone starts a thread on here. It becomes who can be the wittiest or most assanine. Then they give each other likes. Really sad.

What's sad is that you would take anything on a message board like this seriously.......:post-4-1090547912::post-4-1090547912::post-4-1090547912:

You didn't get a like.
Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody pic. Let's also not forget the guy who responded by saying he had seen quite a few women like that in Hazard and the surrounding area. (Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT. The lack of class here is stunning, sometimes. Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect. I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride! :salute:

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya! Peace out and tell your sister we said hey tonight when you see her.
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Most of the posters on here no longer post anything of substance when someone starts a thread on here. It becomes who can be the wittiest or most assanine. Then they give each other likes. Really sad.

When people stop starting asinine threads with no context, bad grammar, spelling, and just overall unbearable stupidity, then we won't cloud them with witty banter
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so let me get this straight. Guy on rival's message board calls us all a bunch of inbred hillbillies that worship a mountain named rocky.

I make a glass houses remark, because deserved or not kentucky has the reputation for cousin marryin'.

You can't take the ribbing and "turn in your vfl card"?


nice gif!!!!!
I guess Hilltopper fans were expecting to win after beating a sucky Mildcats team.

Dispicable and Embarrising

I heard a lot of whining on here before the wku game. I said we would win by 21 or more and that wku does not have the talent level on there team as we do. Petrino is not a better coach than bUTch either and it showed!

Upset coming at Oregon or Gators!

Go Vols!


I heard a lot of whining on here before the wku game. I said we would win by 21 or more and that wku does not have the talent level on there team as we do. Petrino is not a better coach than bUTch either and it showed!

Upset coming at Oregon or Gators!

Go Vols!



What's really funny here is that you guys are picking a couple of douches out of all the posters on that site. I think by and large they have a good opinion of their team (which they should), they played a good game (thank God for turnovers), and are taking a pretty good attitude home with them about their performance. I especially like the post about the UT fans getting one of our drunk dumbass fans thrown out. That is as it should be. We are a classy bunch on game day and we should stay that way.
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I like how that one dude called us inbred, when they're from friggin Kentucky. Learn to lose with a little dignity.

They, for having such a historically crappy program, have some absolute whack job fans. One guy tweeted to a local talk show guy in Nashville that he should be raped after the talk show guy gave some fairly mild and accurate criticism of their basketball team earlier this year. They're to be ignored
Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody pic. Let's also not forget the guy who responded by saying he had seen quite a few women like that in Hazard and the surrounding area. (Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT. The lack of class here is stunning, sometimes. Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect. I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride! :salute:
Gtfo, loser
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I like how some say, "We gave it away".

Take away the "points spotted" in the 1st half and UT still handled them well in the 2nd. Funny people are funny.
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I like how some say, "We gave it away".

Take away the "points spotted" in the 1st half and UT still handled them well in the 2nd. Funny people are funny.

The Vols took the ball away via picks, strips, and punch outs. That's good coaching! :birgits_giggle:

wku fans= :cray:
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