Lots of whining on the WKU message board

...(Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, 1.) way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT ... 2.) Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect 3.) I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the 4.) VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride!...
1.) VN and VOLS will survive minus 10 or so fans from Ky.(actually 2 are still on board, Thanks joevol:salute:)
2.) Slam Eastern Ky. and then lecture about disrespect.
3.) No roots or loyalty.
4.) I call Bull S... on this one!

Im from eastern ky and none of it offends me. I find it funny. Marrying our cousins makes us to up tight sometimes. On behalf of us eastern ky inbreds I'm sorry volnation ths guy is throwing in te towel! Go Vols, my cousin/wife agrees!

I like how some say, "We gave it away".
Take away the "points spotted" in the 1st half and UT still handled them well in the 2nd. Funny people are funny.
Yeah, really agree on that one! I'm sure that attacking the ball, being in the right place, and hustling by UT had absolutely nothing to do with the turnovers. BP planned that crap and had us just where he wanted. The one TO(fumble)was a pure strip/take-away. :good!:
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Bugs Bunny, very old Bugs Bunny.....

Wrong bunny. You're absolutely correct. What can I say, it was late!

This makes me a maroon, I guess. :dance2:

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Im from eastern ky and none of it offends me. I find it funny. Marrying our cousins makes us to up tight sometimes. On behalf of us eastern ky inbreds I'm sorry volnation ths guy is throwing in te towel! Go Vols, my cousin/wife agrees!

You're awesome:)..a hearty later rednecks to the other poor chap
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody pic. Let's also not forget the guy who responded by saying he had seen quite a few women like that in Hazard and the surrounding area. (Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT. The lack of class here is stunning, sometimes. Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect. I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride! :salute:

Personally, I hear you loud and clear. But I assure you, the WKU board is just as bad and some ways worse. I would never have believed until I nosed around HilltopperHaven (or something like that) earlier today.
Let's not forget the "women of WKU" thread, and the guy that posted some trashy, toothless woman parody pic. Let's also not forget the guy who responded by saying he had seen quite a few women like that in Hazard and the surrounding area. (Yes, I know-Hazard is in Eastern Kentucky.) But, way to alienate the ten or so people in Kentucky who still cheer for UT. The lack of class here is stunning, sometimes. Bowling Green is a very nice place, and unlike eastern Kentucky (where many are UT fans, lest you forget). Just...... think about who you disrespect. I'm from eastern KY, and I went to WKU. I've cheered for UT my entire life, but I can't do it anymore. I'll be pulling for you guys still in the majority of your games (DEFINITELY including UK). *Turns in the VFL card* Thanks for the memories! It's been a hell of a ride! :salute:

Wow, you need a little thicker skin. I'm from Memphis and have loved the Vols my entire life. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of me and my dad watching UT football after finishing our Saturday chores. You should read some of the nonsense posted about my hometown annually by other Vol fans especially during basketball season. A few classless posts by fans on a message board certainly isn't going to keep me from supporting the team that I've grown up loving. If you do, then you were never really a Vol to begin with.
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Not a whole lot of room to talk, with all the negative talk here and we won a game 52-20! And now we got to hear all the whining negavols talk about how Oregon gonna hang 60 on us and we haven't even played the game yet!
Anyone at the game see the big screen when they showed the fan with the neck brace and face wounds? It was hilarious (and obviously a joke). I really hope pappa Petrino saw that.
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Anyone at the game see the big screen when they showed the fan with the neck brace and face wounds? It was hilarious (and obviously a joke). I really hope pappa Petrino saw that.

It may have not been a joke he may have had a motorcycle wreck!
West Kentucky has internet access?

Funny you say that but.... every time I've been in Bowling Green, which was every other week for the last year, I could not get Internet access via my Verizon MiFi. Literally the ONLY decent size city I regularly where that was the case.
Not a whole lot of room to talk, with all the negative talk here and we won a game 52-20! And now we got to hear all the whining negavols talk about how Oregon gonna hang 60 on us and we haven't even played the game yet!

Get off the crack wagon......
Yep, already ate crow on that one. :) Still picking black feathers out of my teeth.

I couldn't get the YouTube clip of Bugs to post either. I'm an abject failure today!


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