‘23 LSU transfer OT Zalance Heard (Tennessee)

If nothing’s been signed and it’s just verbal, that’s not officially accepting anything, especially if another school is in the picture—not saying it is, but who really knows. I don’t really consider that bad ethics unless something was signed or whatever and then he came and said “nevermind”.
So much for "your word is your bond". My, how society has changed. It says tons about you that you think that's acceptable behavior. It's not good business; it's bad business.

Having said that, I doubt that's what's happening. If it is, I hope we've moved on.
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If nothing’s been signed and it’s just verbal, that’s not officially accepting anything, especially if another school is in the picture—not saying it is, but who really knows. I don’t really consider that bad ethics unless something was signed or whatever and then he came and said “nevermind”.
Sorry, double post. (Maybe I should've left it there twice.)
One word slowing this down…Lawyers. Hope they get their part done tomorrow.

Y’all always slowing deals down @Neyland Law Vol
I've been meaning to ask this question. Who do these kids get to negotiate for them? I know you just said lawyers. Are they also allowed to have agents?

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