While he may have been just a 3 star recruit, he was one of the most popular and well known recruits in the nation. Between being a small white guy who can dunk like that and his cousin being a famous rapper, he had many viral moments before even getting to Georgetown. He has a lengthy Wikipedia page which is evidence of how well known he’s been.
That being said, as a program we’ve kind of shoehorned ourselves into a certain kind of recruit: a kid that is extremely religious. To a man, every single player on the team is devoutly religious. Outside of basketball, it’s the one joining force on the team. Since Barnes has taken over religion and faith has played a big role in the team. For example Kyle Alexander and Bowden being baptized mid season, and every players social media displaying how important their faith is. It’s not a bad thing, as it’s made for a very mature and high character team, but limits us in the guys we can target to guys who are religious (and it shows in the guys we recruit).
I think McClung likely falls under the category of not “fitting in” with the program