Making room for 35

Unfortunately - as competitive as the SEC is - CBJ and his staff's livelihood depends upon his putting a successful product on the field. These are one year contracts or commitments if I am not mistaken. Nothing that I have seen has led me to think that these coaches won't handle this in a professional and fair manner - and for all we know no one will lose their scholarships. The product on the field has to be upgraded. Job 1 is recruiting better players - job 2 making all the pieces fit.

His livelihood also depends on his second stringers. Should one of our top players be lost to injury, a second stringer needs to come in and play without a real drop off in performance.

If we were headed to the top record in the East and a likely spot in the S.E.C. Championship game and our top receiver was lost for the season, I would rather have Croom replace him than have Matt Milton replace him.

Lack of depth, could eventually cost us some games!!!! So, he has to over recruit some of the guys on the team.

A 3* recruit at wide receiver from 2012 who isn't cracking the line up will be replaced by a 5* 2013 wide receiver. Do you keep the 3* who likely won't crack the line up and keep him just for special teams play, knowing he will won't otherwise see the field, or do you recruit a better prospect to replace him????
You gotta be kidding ---right? If you owned a business and had 85 employees, you're telling us that everyone could keep their job--regardless of performance, from year to year.

Your business would fail quickly dude. In the corporate world, we were told to evaluate and turn over the lower 10% of our employees---every year. Why do you think employers have evaluations every year? :peace2::peace2:

That's exactly why Unions have become the scourge of our country. :hi:
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As a Vol alumni, I hold my Alma Mater to a higher standard than allowing something classless like that to happen, you honor your commitments. Maybe some kids are told they arent tops on the depth chart, but you dont back out of your obligations. Im sorry your wife had that experience, thats awful, dishonest and lacks honor and those are all the reasons why that wont fly at UT.

It has already happened at UT on the baseball team.
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As a Vol alumni, I hold my Alma Mater to a higher standard than allowing something classless like that to happen, you honor your commitments. Maybe some kids are told they arent tops on the depth chart, but you dont back out of your obligations. Im sorry your wife had that experience, thats awful, dishonest and lacks honor and those are all the reasons why that wont fly at UT.

I doubt it's that cutthroat. Players are probably told hey, the chances of you playing here are slim might be best if you look elsewhere. If they're truly competitive and want to play they may look at leaving and some will stay and focus on Education.
What's crappy is being judged as a coach while trying to compete with players that you get stuck with. I expect BJ to do everything in his power to turn this program around and start winning. He doesn't have time to worry about hurting a few feelings along the way. Let me be clear, WIN, WIN, WIN, and do it FAST and within the rules.

I'm surprised that 19 people liked this comment. I'm all for bending a few dumb recruiting and NCAA rules but pulling money away from these kids that probably need it is as low as it gets.
What does Vol For Life mean? It is one of the program's mottos. Does it mean anything or is it just jargon? What about CBJ's description of the team as a family? Is it just coach speak? Is a player a VFL if he doesn't get kicked out of the family?
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What's crappy is being judged as a coach while trying to compete with players that you get stuck with. I expect BJ to do everything in his power to turn this program around and start winning. He doesn't have time to worry about hurting a few feelings along the way. Let me be clear, WIN, WIN, WIN, and do it FAST and within the rules.
This is actually what everyone wants but they want to be pansies about it. People play both sides of the fence when a program is down, the coach is a villain when he loses and also a villain when he does what is necessary to turn a program around.

I doubt it is as cut and dry as you suck and I'm pulling your scholarship but some discussion about a kid's future with the program and where he fits in it is good for both parties. Kids that don't give it their all in class, in S&C, and on and off the field are in threat of losing their scholarship. You have to build a culture of winning by eliminating malcontents, laziness, etc that is left over by a former staff.
What does Vol For Life mean? It is one of the program's mottos. Does it mean anything or is it just jargon? What about CBJ's description of the team as a family? Is it just coach speak? Is a player a VFL if he doesn't get kicked out of the family?
A player has a commitment to a team if he wants the team to have a commitment to him. Does it mean that a coach has stopped trying to help a student/athlete just because they leave the program?

Is a coach committed to a player if he knows that player will never amount to anything within the program? Isn't in both parties best interest for them to part ways? Is a coach committed to the other players if they allow malcontents and laziness to wreck the program?
you don't give your all for ut or bleed orange you need to hit the road...sorry about your wife
I doubt CBJ is going to just start kicking kids to the street. I should assume he would explain to them about playing time and that they might do better at another program and allow them unconditional release or even set up options for them.
I'm surprised that 19 people liked this comment. I'm all for bending a few dumb recruiting and NCAA rules but pulling money away from these kids that probably need it is as low as it gets.

I'm not surprised that NO ONE liked this comment. :)
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So there are 58 players due back in the spring, lets say we take 35 in feburary, that equals 93 total players (58+35=93). 3 will probably greyshirt, that takes the total for 2014 down to 90(93-3=90). 5 players will have to leave one way or another, 1 of which from most accounts is looking like Tom Smith. That leaves 4 players that will need to pursue there football dreams at another school. That's not THAT bad people, it would probably end up being good for those 4 and they will actually get to play wherever they go. In reality normal attrition will probably take care of the 4 anyway, BUT if he does have to cut a couple loose to get us on the right track I'm all for it. I just hope he gives them the oportunity and guidence to leave on their own will first.

How does Jones get by the SEC rule of signing only 25 plus back counts?

P.S.-Is he using the Aug 1st rule and who are those kids?
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I doubt CBJ is going to just start kicking kids to the street. I should assume he would explain to them about playing time and that they might do better at another program and allow them unconditional release or even set up options for them.

If he brings in 35 then you will have your answer on what he is going to do. He will have no choice but to open some schollies. Unfortunately it has to happen for UT to get better.
I could be off base but I don't think staying under the 85 cap is the biggest issue. Its getting 35 in when its a 25 annual cap. You have EE's that you can back count to 2013 and grey shirts that can go towards the 2015 class. I'm sure CBJ has a plan. Most schools due to attrition don't keep a full 85. You see walkons getting a one year deal and sometimes just a semester. Sometimes even after their eligibility runs out just as a sort of "thank you" for their scout team work. Its not like the NFL where they just cut guys to stay under the roster totals. There's always several fringe guys that are important to the team from a numbers basis that get aid when its available. I just don't see CBJ calling in 6 or 8 full scholly guys and saying adios.
The same way Saban does. academic scholarships, grayshirts, and my favorite Sabans rule because I said so

I think he can only back count 4 or 5. That would make 5 gray shirts or unless there are some who would meet the new Aug 1 rule, but I just don't see major blue chippers doing that unless maybe because of all the legacies this year maybe some did that.
That seems like a very crappy thing to do and a bad PR move if the player is in good academic standing and hasn't been in trouble. That would send a very bad message, IMO.

Well if they are that smart then they can get an academic scholarship.
Every competing SEC/Big 10/Big 12 coach to a recruit: "sure sign with UT, if you do not make the 2 deep, they will dump you" Mom/Dad/Grndma, what do you think about that type of commitment and loyalty to your son? [insert competing coaches letter of intent]
I think he can only back count 4 or 5. That would make 5 gray shirts or unless there are some who would meet the new Aug 1 rule, but I just don't see major blue chippers doing that unless maybe because of all the legacies this year maybe some did that.

gray shirts can not participate in football before 2015 spring so bring on 5 gray shirts is no help to 2014. it also reduces 2015 class by 5.

I will be shocked if he is able to convince 5 prospects to gray shirt..
What does Vol For Life mean? It is one of the program's mottos. Does it mean anything or is it just jargon? What about CBJ's description of the team as a family? Is it just coach speak? Is a player a VFL if he doesn't get kicked out of the family?

It's now #VUYGCFABP (Vol until you get cut for a better player)
Every competing SEC/Big 10/Big 12 coach to a recruit: "sure sign with UT, if you do not make the 2 deep, they will dump you" Mom/Dad/Grndma, what do you think about that type of commitment and loyalty to your son? [insert competing coaches letter of intent]

They all do the same thing.

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