Things I did not like:
- The collateral damage in Metropolis was over the top. 100s of 1000s if people had to have died in that. Superman only really saved Lois (multiple times) and a couple of soldiers. Also, at one point it looked like the skyline of the entire city was demolished then all off sudden they are back to knocking buildings down.
This was a major battle between two super powered beings on top of a machine that was trying to level the planet. Its not uncommon in the comics (take his fight with Doomsday) or animated films (
Superman: Doomsday or the recently released
Superman: Unbound) where a majority of Metropolis is destroyed. I might be wrong but I suspect that the recovery will play a big roll in the sequel in regards to Lex Luthor who will likely hold a number of construction and rebuilding contracts.
- There was a whole army of Kryptonian warriors but only 3 ever attempted to attack Superman? And why did they change Ursa's name
This is easy to explain Ursa was a made up character for Superman 2 she didn't make her comic debut until
Action Comics #845 (in January 2007 written by Geoff Johns & Richard Donner)
Faora or Faora Hu-Ul debuted in the comics in
Action Comics #471 (May 1977)
and never refer to Non as anything other than a big tall guy?
The big tall guy wasn't Non. Like Ursa Non was created for the movie and also didn't make his comic debut until
Action Comics #845 the tall Kryptonion was Nam-Ek who made his comics debut in (Superman #282 December 1974, He murdered a sacred Rondor (something like a Rhino) to develop an elixir for immortality and was sentenced to the Phantom Zone for his crime.) There are lots of comic "Easter eggs" in the film the tall bald Kryptonion who takes Clark's blood is Jax-Ur he is a scientist who was sent to the Phantom Zone for destroying one of Krypton's moons (which you can see a destroyed moon in one of the shots during the film)
- Lois knowing Clark is Superman from the get go. Sorry but that just eliminates a classic dynamic of the Superman mythos. I did not care for that at all. Hell.... Everyone basically knows. He even told the military General he grew up in Kansas. We be Clark Kent at all?
I thought that Lois finding out who he was one of the better parts of the film. It establishes that this Lois is credible investigative reporter. I thouhgt it was great in the
Smallville show that she found out before he told her and in the comics and animated films it makes for better story telling she can cover for him when he needs to step out. Kansas is a big place and at the end he destroys one of the satellites trying to see "where he hangs his cape"
Lastly I would add that this is not the New 52 Superman that someone had suggested earlier. I read Grant Morrison's Action Comics run to launch the New 52 as well as Justice League. This is not that same character.
I think the character is the comics Superman we had pre-52 with elements from lots of other things like "Superman: Birthright" you can also find elements from the
Smallville series. The new Man of Steel costume is basically straight out of 52 (See Below) with some cinematic tweaks.
I suspect that's the way they will go with this "Universe" as 52 is a more "edgier" version of these characters.