Manafort Trial Thread

For those trying to say Manafort wasn't largely instrumental in Trump's campaign, I give you this. Seems Insannity has a crystal ball.
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Aw, poor Paulie. Not his week.

Here's a fun thing to consider. Trump may not be indictable as a sitting POTUS...but he is fully out-in-the-open once his term is over. They can indict him then, prosecute and jail him.

Think of all the investigating that can happen. All the shittt which will bubble to the top?

Here's a fun thing to consider. Trump may not be indictable as a sitting POTUS...but he is fully out-in-the-open once his term is over. They can indict him then, prosecute and jail him.

Think of all the investigating that can happen. All the shittt which will bubble to the top?


If they have a case I hope they do.
How in the world does Hillary give repubs cover for selecting Trump over 17 other repubs in the primaries? Trying to blame Trump on Hillary is a joke. He was the republican nomination; there's no getting around that pesky little fact.

Trump is a reaction to the fact that everyone is fed up with the status Quo. The Republican ran garbage candidates. Another Bush? Really? The Democrats double down with another Clinton. Really??

The status quo of both parties is to blame.

So far neither party has learned ****

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