Actually I was a teenage power lifter/bodybuilder. The show was actually about my cousin who was like the youngest bodybuilder on earth!
Side note: none other than Kevin Sullivan was on there with us! We were at a competetion which he won by the way.
and Ron Yary, Paul Krause, Jim Marshall, Alan Page... Tarkenton was overrated garbage. Joe Kapp led the same team to the Super Bowl. How great was he?Yeah, Hall of Famers, like Tarkington!
Most of the super bowl Tarkington spent scrambling for his life. Most QB's would have been sacked a long time ago.
The one that Polyahowthehelldoyouspellhisname (DB for the Steelers) caught and got jobbed by the officials would have sealed that game. You cannot be saying that Peyton had a good game against the Steelers. :blink:
You said before you were 35. That means you were born in 1970 or 71.
Tarkington played for the Vikings from 61-66 & 72-78.
You formed some strong opinions at 5 to 7 years of age.
Brad Johnson
If Manning was the reason they weren't winning, I might agree with that. But I content it's a Colts problem, not a QB problem.
Regardless, was Elway great before he won his 2 SBs? Since he won those his last 2 years in the league, under that logic he didn't become great until they won. I just don't see that distinction; either he was great or he wasn't.
Steve Young was great, but didn't win until the end of his career...after Deion and some of the guys came over. But I don't think he was any different after than before.
I think Brady is the 2nd best QB in the NFLany qb can win one super bowl. brady's done it multiple times, early in his career.
elway and young were good qb's, but they didn't achieve great status until winning the super bowl. either way neither of them belong on this list. Johnny U or Montana right now, take your pick. manning can get it, he needs two super bowls though. brady has to prove he can sustain his greatness.
Yes but how wouls Manning look in a leather helmet.....Lets think about something here. Johny U and Peyton Manning. Put Manning back in that day and put Johny U in present day. Manning would eat up anything back then and I'm noy sure Johny U would suceed.
It's like comparing an all great 1930 NFL team to present day times. I'm going as far to say there are High School teams out there that could crush some of the best teams of all time from the oldern times. There is no comparsion at all. Those old school teams had Olinemen that are 6'0 200 pounds.
Anyway with that comparing Johny U to Manning is not even plausable in my mind. They played in different times, and I'm pretty sure Manning would Quarterback circles around Johny U, or anyone before the 70's.
It's not hard at all if you're very good at what you do.:bump3:
You also said you give to UT athletics in very large numbers, and have more money than you'll ever spend in a lifetime. I took the LSAT and did very well, but opted for an MBA. Law School would have put you at 24-25 graduating. Becoming that good and completely financially independent even as a young lawyer is not an everyday norm.