I think you are all right to think we need a stand up guy in there to lead our athletes. Someone who takes time to understand what makes each guy click. I think you do to have demand committment from each athlete and hold them accountable for their actions and non-actions. However, the "common sense" rule has to be in effect too. With all the stress that comes with being a college athlete these days, sometimes life just does not allow things to go perfectly as planned. The coaches and mentors of our program have the daunting challenge of building boys into men. The rigidness that I have heard allegations of does not necessarily create a good example for many of these guys. Yes, they need strong discipline and consistent rules. Each violation needs to have a predictable consequence for all athletes. This action should be fair and appropriate though. These guys spend many many hours with the s/c coaches so they need to know it will be a positive experience, not one that they dread.