Text of Mark Warner's speech - MarketWatch
FWIW, for all those who think I'm obsessed with Obama and that I'm indeed Joe Biden Jr., this speech hits more dead-on with what I believe and why I'm voting the way I am than any other I've heard recently (including Obama's).
Obama's my candidate, but Warner's speech hit the nail on the head.
"Because this election isn't about liberal vs. conservative. It's not about left vs. right. It's about the future vs. the past."
Absolute meaningless campaign speak, period. The debate about better future can't be settled between the two candidates, although one will without a doubt make everyone poorer, save the current poorest. That's a rough future for me.
"You know, America has never been afraid of the future, and we shouldn't start now. If we choose the right path, every one of these challenges is also an opportunity."
Wonder why Kennedy was babbling about we have nothing to fear but fear itself? Pretending there is one path to solutions makes him appear to be a mindless idiot.
"We'll start to solve global warming, and with the right policies, within 24 months, we'll be building 100 mile-per-gallon plug-in hybrid vehicles right here, with American technology and with American workers."
Pretending that either of the administrations can effect this change is just more campaign tripe. The false assumption that global warming must be solved starts the rest of the silliness here. How can anyone with any sense hang their hat on this as reason to vote for a socialist? Socialism has never been worth anything in bringing about technological change. Why would this time be different?
"if you can send a job to Bangalore, India, you sure as heck can send one to Danville, Virginia and Flint, Michigan and Scranton, Pennsylvania and Peoria, Illinois. In a global economy, you shouldn't have to leave your home town to find a world-class job."
Absolute stupidity, unless we're all willing to pay more for every good and service that we buy. All modern economists would say let those who do things cheapest do them. Anything else is simply inefficiency in the system that will eventually have to be eradicated.
More big dem promises to make the average joe wealthier, healthier and wiser. What's the plan to generate jobs in Peoria? Tax the guys who'll create them more heavily? How stupid is that?
"So you give every child the tools they need to succeed. That means quality schools, access to health care, safe neighborhoods. Not just because it's the right thing to do, of course it is; but because if those kids do better, we all do better. You can be soft-hearted or hard-headed-both are going to lead you to the same place. We're all in this together."
I guess you think he has the plan for figuring this out. While utopia sounds great, somebody has to fund it and then hold someone accountable for squandering the funds (as has been the case since FDR) once said funds don't improve schools.
"it's not just the policy differences, it's the fact that this president never tapped into our greatest resource: the character and resolve of the American people. He never asked us to step up."
What about this comment excites you? It's just campaign garbage being peddled by some staff speech writer somewhere.