Marsalous Johnson

(utvolpj @ Aug 2 said:
Gotta love the holier-than-thou attitude of a gator on a Vol board talking about guns. Not the glass house!!!

Yeah, I haven't quite gotten my head around that yet.
(utvolpj @ Aug 2 said:
Gotta love the holier-than-thou attitude of a gator on a Vol board talking about guns. Not the glass house!!!

For what is now the 29th time, I already said the Gator players from the earlier incident should have been kicked off the team. When it hits the 40th time, I'm just going to give up.
(Arclight @ Aug 2 said:
Law Gator:

I want you think about what the alleged police caller said. Try and think like a cop--- a little. :)

Consider this:

1. One player gets a 502 and is dismissed from the team.

2. Another player gets "involved to whatever length" with an officer. Perhaps, he points a weapon at him. He gets a four-game suspension and not dismissed.

3. CPF said Johnson was punished because he "disobeyed me" (Coach Fulmer). CPF said he "failed to walk away from ANY incident as I (CPF)had warned the entire team at the beginning of the season".


CPF knows more facts than we do as he should. Therefore, Johnson's punishment was less than Smith's because he (CPF) knows more than has been currently released. If Johnson had pointed the weapon at the game warden then one's guess is he'd probably be dismissed. The punishment of Johnson appears to fit his involvement.

Certainly possible.

Also possible is that Johnson's younger brother is on the barganing table.

(utfantilidie @ Aug 2 said:
Lighten up LG.I'm just yanking your chain!Your view is respected.

Okey doke.

I need to lighten up anyway.

To the tune of about 25 lbs.
I've heard different on Wilkes. I've heard he will be a Vol soon if Johnson isn't kicked off. I've also heard that Bama is pushing hard for him.
LIO...where's the "dead horse" icon?

If there are any men of the cloth on this forum, please...please...administer the last rites on this thread.

Conjecture . . . The official fuel of internet message boards.
To be honest, I can't remember but I do know that he got in some trouble but faced no punishment. The same thing went for Riley Cooper putting his fist through someone's car window.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 2 said:
To be honest, I can't remember but I do know that he got in some trouble but faced no punishment. The same thing went for Riley Cooper putting his fist through someone's car window.

I read something about a suspension for Harvin. I know no details. That might even have been from high school. I'll look into it.

I'm not saying the Gators don't have the same tolerance problem I feel like is going on here with Johnson. Its probably just my personal ultra hatred for punks with guns that is making me react to this like I am.

I just hate it. I think it breeds so much worse, this attitude of getting revenge and respect and props and all that goes with it. If people react to every little slight in our world by flashing a gun -- even a fake one for effect -- I just think that's awful.

As the saying goes, if it is revenge you seek, dig two graves.

I still really don't get this whole Johnson scenario.

I don't know much about law enforcement besides what I see on television but it seems to me that this would have been handled much differently if the officer really did see them point a gun at him.

The officer states that after they waived "what appeared to be a gun" at him. At that point he said that he tried to get them to pull over before calling for backup. Is that typical protocol? I would think that an officer saw an automatic weapon and felt threatened would have immediately called for immediate and heavy backup. I mean these kids just pointed an automatic weapon at them, it's not like they just rolled through a stop sign.

Then when the cop did pull them over they had time to ask questions and "later" found the gun? It seems like they would have immediatly searched the car before interrogating the players.

Maybe I am reading too much into this.
(vol_freak @ Aug 3 said:
I still really don't get this whole Johnson scenario.

I don't know much about law enforcement besides what I see on television but it seems to me that this would have been handled much differently if the officer really did see them point a gun at him.

The officer states that after they waived "what appeared to be a gun" at him. At that point he said that he tried to get them to pull over before calling for backup. Is that typical protocol? I would think that an officer saw an automatic weapon and felt threatened would have immediately called for immediate and heavy backup. I mean these kids just pointed an automatic weapon at them, it's not like they just rolled through a stop sign.

Then when the cop did pull them over they had time to ask questions and "later" found the gun? It seems like they would have immediatly searched the car before interrogating the players.

Maybe I am reading too much into this.

Freak I think you may have the nail on the head on this one. There is more to this story.
(vol_freak @ Aug 3 said:
I still really don't get this whole Johnson scenario.

I don't know much about law enforcement besides what I see on television but it seems to me that this would have been handled much differently if the officer really did see them point a gun at him.

The officer states that after they waived "what appeared to be a gun" at him. At that point he said that he tried to get them to pull over before calling for backup. Is that typical protocol? I would think that an officer saw an automatic weapon and felt threatened would have immediately called for immediate and heavy backup. I mean these kids just pointed an automatic weapon at them, it's not like they just rolled through a stop sign.

Then when the cop did pull them over they had time to ask questions and "later" found the gun? It seems like they would have immediatly searched the car before interrogating the players.

Maybe I am reading too much into this.

No, it makes sense.

1) He would put in his report that it appeared to be a gun because by the time he sat down to write it they had searched and discovered the toy gun. I know how cops wirte -- trust me -- and this is typical cop jargon.

2) They would ask questions first and ask for permission to search. Although they could have searched any way based on reasonable suspicion it is better to ask for permission and get it because it reduces the chances for the search to backfire on you in court. Again fairly standard

3) The back-up thing I don't know what to tell you. Would depend on a lot of factors, such as location, time of day, etc.. Its not so much that they do like a One Adam 12 thingy calling specifically for back-up. Rather, they will call in by code what has happened and what they are doing in response. Dispatch would automatically send other units.

There WILL be a tape or CAD report (probably both) for the traffic stop and arrest that ensued. There MAY be a video. Not sure where Tennessee law enforcement is on that. Here in Florida most road units have it by now, but not necessarily all. The audio tape, though, should be around and I imagine some smart reporter has done a public records request for it.

So you will know more when you get a listen to that.

Keep in mind although most cops are on the up and up , there are a few rogues out there.
(utfantilidie @ Aug 3 said:
Keep in mind although most cops are on the up and up , there are a few rogues out there.

There are. Definitely.

Let's see what comes out as time goes on. Now my curiosity is piqued about the audio or CAD.

My take on this incident is that CPF knows EXACTLY what happened. I think there has already been a little pre-court "plea bargaining" between the university and Tennessee Wildlife Resources. That is why CPF gave Johnson his punishment Weds when he had previously said he would wait till after any legal proceedings.

I have no knowledge or evidence to indicate that MJ pointed a pellet gun at the officer. I do think if he did admit pointing the pellet gun at the officer, CPF would have dismissed him.

It will definately be interesting to see how the incident "washes out".

(Arclight @ Aug 3 said:

My take on this incident is that CPF knows EXACTLY what happened. I think there has already been a little pre-court "plea bargaining" between the university and Tennessee Wildlife Resources. That is why CPF gave Johnson his punishment Weds when he had previously said he would wait till after any legal proceedings.

I have no knowledge or evidence to indicate that MJ pointed a pellet gun at the officer. I do think if he did admit pointing the pellet gun at the officer, CPF would have dismissed him.

It will definately be interesting to see how the incident "washes out".

Well that confuses me a little. But, yes, it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks.
(utfantilidie @ Aug 3 said:
Keep in mind although most cops are on the up and up , there are a few rogues out there.

I was beaten up by a couple of those rogues in Knoxville one time

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