Oh, I get it, you want to give him a call so that your kid can hire him, eh? Pretty clever there utfan, pretty clever.
Ah, yes, the eventual refrain of the outwitted and wrong: just say the other side is unreasonable no matter what their position. You have a bright future in talk radio, young man.
Actually, we may have found something we can agree upon and that is that I agree that your player wasn't thinking much at the time. But that's my concern. Our society has gotten to the point where anyone lashing out in anger, without regard to the consequences, is given another chance. And another. And another. I'm not saying this kid should be banned from football altogether. Nor am I saying he ought to be deprived of a first rate education.
What I am saying is that, if I am the head football coach dealing with lives of 90 young men who think themselves invulnerable and who, by their actions, can endanger others, then one of the first things I want to teach them is that collectively we don't put up with such shennanigans and maybe its time they actually DO start thinking aobut consequences. That is a hard life lesson to learn, but this is not just about this kid. Its about the 89 others, and the ones that follow them, and the players after that.
Someone has to draw a line somewhere.