Marsalous Johnson


I doubt very seriously its a clear pink squirt gun.

The problem is that it is an attempt to intimidate a driver on the road by making him think you are pointing a real gun at him. That's pretty bad in my book.

(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
Yeah, alot worse than firing live rounds into living quarters.

You guys have lousy luck with this. I mean, it makes me wonder. For heaven's sake, the football coach shouldn't have to babysit his players. If I were Fulmer, I'd can the guy off the bat, not because he committed a crime, but because he's a complete moron. We need to be civilized adults first and football players second.

Hope I don't ignite any tempers. I feel bad for Fulmer. He's got quite a plate on the table this season.
Yeah, I agree Atreus. Alot of our problems stem from stupidity, not thuggishness. I'm torn between cutting him loose and giving him a 2nd chance. I suppose Fulmer will wait things out and see what happens before making a decision. His brother is a playmaker at WR/DB and possibly the top player in the state next year. If he was kidding and the gun didn't look to real, then he should be suspended but chastised. If there was a malicious intent or the gun was realistic, he needs to be canned.
From reading the KNS article it sounds like the off duty officer may not be without fault. Sounds like he slammed on his brakes to get Johnson to rear end him. That doesn't make anything that happened after that right, but still.

A pic from Johnson's myspace:

Far be it for a cop to twist a tale. Hopefully, this young man learned his lesson and he's given a second chance.
(Atreus21 @ Jul 31 said:
You guys have lousy luck with this. I mean, it makes me wonder. For heaven's sake, the football coach shouldn't have to babysit his players. If I were Fulmer, I'd can the guy off the bat, not because he committed a crime, but because he's a complete moron. We need to be civilized adults first and football players second.

Hope I don't ignite any tempers. I feel bad for Fulmer. He's got quite a plate on the table this season.

The seats in Tiger Stadium would be empty if we took your advice.

Let me know if you need any examples. :)
(vol_freak @ Aug 1 said:
From reading the KNS article it sounds like the off duty officer may not be without fault. Sounds like he slammed on his brakes to get Johnson to rear end him. That doesn't make anything that happened after that right, but still.

A pic from Johnson's myspace:


If you saw this myspace page, then you would notice Montario Hardesty saying, "You have to be a damn fool to point a gun in the police's face"
(Jasongivm6 @ Aug 1 said:
If you saw this myspace page, then you would notice Montario Hardesty saying, "You have to be a damn fool to point a gun in the police's face"
i didn't see his myspace page. That pic was from the KNS.
looks like Marsalous has a lot more friends. :lol:
It was reported that he was in the car and Rico McCoy was driving. Any truth to that and if so is Rico in any trouble with the team?
Fake gun... real gun... so what!! It's like yelling "BOMB!!" in an airport. There are some things you just don't do. Get his azz off the team, and we move on.

You get more of the behavior you reward, and less of the behavior you punish.

If he wants a second chance, let him try to go pro from some other school. He's not the kind of personality I want representing my team on Saturdays.
(allvol @ Aug 1 said:
This story is not even newsworthy.

Are you serious, AV?

I ask myself: "What was his intent in pointing a toy Uzi at someone?" Was it to show off the great deal he got on a new squirt gun? Of course not. It was supposed to intimidate the other driver and make him think he had a real gun in his face. Then, I ask: "Why did a college student have a toy gun in his car?" Maybe he was on the way to a 7-year-old's birthday party. Until I hear evidence of that, I can assume that he had the gun in his car with the intent on using it as a replica of the real thing.

Maraslous should serve his sentence, be dismissed from the team, and thank his lucky stars that he didn't get himself killed. Had he been pulled over by a cop and then whipped out his piece, things would be much different. Hopefully, this will be a life-saving lesson for the young man.
(VOLinSC @ Jul 31 said:

First Mitchell, then Henderson, now Johnson. I'm at my wits end with the lack of maturity by our athletes. I know it's nearly impossible to field a squeaky-clean group of model citizens and compete for championships, but the spotlight is on our program, and we can't go 6 months without an incident.

there is a definite character flaw in the kid. to drive up next to another car a wave whats looks like a gun to them.
(bigdaddy @ Aug 1 said:
It was reported that he was in the car and Rico McCoy was driving. Any truth to that and if so is Rico in any trouble with the team?
Yes and No.
(gonygonygo @ Aug 1 said:
Fake gun... real gun... so what!! It's like yelling "BOMB!!" in an airport. There are some things you just don't do. Get his azz off the team, and we move on.

You get more of the behavior you reward, and less of the behavior you punish.

If he wants a second chance, let him try to go pro from some other school. He's not the kind of personality I want representing my team on Saturdays.

A refreshing voice of reason in a sea of apologists.

As to firing the gun into an apartment in Gainesville, I would point out that I said long ago on here that I'd have kicked that kid, plus the others with firepower in that complex and in their cars, off the Gator squad lickety split.

Letting a kid who gets drunk at a party atone for taking a swipe at some guy who made a pass at his girlfriend is one thing. Figuring out ways to excuse 20 year olds with gun play, regardless of their intentions, whether the gun is fake, whether it is loaded, is totally unacceptable.

And to whatever eejit said that the cop is partly to blame for hitting the breaks in front of the player, you should be off the road. So what if the cop did that and so what if he did it intentionally? The solution is to back off and let the guy be an a-hole, not try to get your "props" or respect or whatever by pointing a gun at him.

The absolute worst thing anyone can do in this situation is make excuses like someone else is at fault. No one else is at fault except that player. And if you had any guts or foresight whatsoever you'd be clamoring for his being kicked off the team and out of school along with the rest of the sane and civilized world.

Mr. Johnson is staring at felony aggravated assault against a fairly reliable witness. Based on what we know already, I don't think there is much of a decision to make. Pointing a gun at a motorist is unacceptable.

We're discussing this, but as far as Johnson's future with the team, there is really very little to discuss. It's a shame when the message still doesn't get through, no matter how loud one yells.
I am a firm believer in getting rid of any and all players that shame the University of Tennessee. Jim Bob Cooter and Marsalous Johnson are just the two latest examples of people who should no longer represent the University of Tennessee.
(kiddiedoc @ Aug 1 said:
Are you serious, AV?

I ask myself: "What was his intent in pointing a toy Uzi at someone?" Was it to show off the great deal he got on a new squirt gun? Of course not. It was supposed to intimidate the other driver and make him think he had a real gun in his face. Then, I ask: "Why did a college student have a toy gun in his car?" Maybe he was on the way to a 7-year-old's birthday party. Until I hear evidence of that, I can assume that he had the gun in his car with the intent on using it as a replica of the real thing.

Maraslous should serve his sentence, be dismissed from the team, and thank his lucky stars that he didn't get himself killed. Had he been pulled over by a cop and then whipped out his piece, things would be much different. Hopefully, this will be a life-saving lesson for the young man.

Agree with all except the part about asking "why did a college student have a toy gun in his car". I know when I lived in the dorms my freshman year, we would have watergun fights in the dorm sometimes, just goofy fun that college aged kids have. Don't really have a problem with someone owning a watergun without a permit. The main issue here is him pointing it at someone with the intention of making the other person think it is a real gun. This shows total lack of proper decision making by the young man.
(orange+white=heaven @ Aug 1 said:
Mr. Johnson is staring at felony aggravated assault against a fairly reliable witness. Based on what we know already, I don't think there is much of a decision to make. Pointing a gun at a motorist is unacceptable.

We're discussing this, but as far as Johnson's future with the team, there is really very little to discuss. It's a shame when the message still doesn't get through, no matter how loud one yells.

Ditto times infinity. Plus one.

O+W=H, how on Earth can anyone be coming up with excuses for this? I just don't get it.

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