Marsalous Johnson

(allvol123 @ Aug 1 said:
Agree with all except the part about asking "why did a college student have a toy gun in his car". I know when I lived in the dorms my freshman year, we would have watergun fights in the dorm sometimes, just goofy fun that college aged kids have. Don't really have a problem with someone owning a watergun without a permit. The main issue here is him pointing it at someone with the intention of making the other person think it is a real gun. This shows total lack of proper decision making by the young man.

Water guns for water gun fights look like this:

Not this:

If the gun looked more like image 2 than image 1, then I feel he should be prosecuted and kicked off the team. If it looked more like the first image, I feel he should be kicked off the team.
(therealUT @ Aug 1 said:
I am a firm believer in getting rid of any and all players that shame the University of Tennessee. Jim Bob Cooter and Marsalous Johnson are just the two latest examples of people who should no longer represent the University of Tennessee.
I think 5-6 is shameful. Are you saying we should start all over?
(lawgator1 @ Aug 1 said:
Ditto times infinity. Plus one.

O+W=H, how on Earth can anyone be coming up with excuses for this? I just don't get it.
I think there's something in us that wants to say "It was a water gun!".
According to the article, it was an uzi styled pellet gun, so I hope we can dismiss that dismissal.
Also, it makes no difference. Someone thought it was a reasonable thing to point a gun at a motorist. Real or fake are no longer relevent. This is a crime.
According to the book its Agg Assault, but it won't stick! Will be pled down to reckless endangerment. Fine and community service! Exit stage left!
(crimedawg12 @ Aug 1 said:
According to the book its Agg Assault, but it won't stick! Will be pled down to reckless endangerment. Fine and community service! Exit stage left!

I could care less if it gets pled down. He should be tossed off the team.
(therealUT @ Aug 1 said:
Water guns for water gun fights look like this:

Not this:

If the gun looked more like image 2 than image 1, then I feel he should be prosecuted and kicked off the team. If it looked more like the first image, I feel he should be kicked off the team.

I don't care which one he had in his car as long as he doesn't point either of them at a person with the intention of making the other person think he has a real gun pointed at them. He could have any fake gun he wants in his car, that is not an issue. Him pointing it at people is the issue.
Maybe I have my orange colored glasses on and maybe I would feel differently if it happened to me but here is how I see it:

The two players are driving along (probbly driving too fast) and they come upon a car going the speed limit in the fast lane. That car in front of them won't get out of the way so they decide to do a little "bumper riding" to get the point across that they want to pass.

Meanwhile, the driver is an undercover cop and thinks to himself...if I was in my cop car these young punks woudn't be doing this to me, don't they know who I am. Finally the cop becomes consumed with anger and slams on his breaks in an attempt to make the players rear end him.

This has now angered the players (who are kids let's keep in mind). They decide they are going to one up this guy by waving around a fake gun to scare him. Yeah, that sounds funny. Let's scare this a hole.

Now, if they stopped to think about it rationally I am sure they would probably not have done it. However, in the heat of the moment it seemed like a good idea to get even and get a laugh.

Is this acceptable behavior? Absolutely not. Do I think this warrants ruining a kids future? I don't think so.

I think I am probably in the minority here, so fire away.
(vol_freak @ Aug 1 said:
Is this acceptable behavior? Absolutely not. Do I think this warrants ruining a kids future? I don't think so.

One might argue that the kid ruined his own future when he decided to keep an Uzi-styled pellet gun in his car and point it at a highway motorist. I'd be interested to hear his reason (or excuse) for having the thing in the first place.
(kiddiedoc @ Aug 1 said:
One might argue that the kid ruined his own future when he decided to keep an Uzi-styled pellet gun in his car and point it at a highway motorist. I'd be interested to hear his reason (or excuse) for having the thing in the first place.
Was it a pellet gun or a toy gun?

Either way, it's not very smart. You pull a fake gun on someone and you risk that they pull out a real one.
I just read the Tennessean article, and here's a point nobody has mentioned: After being pulled over, already in trouble, he lied about having a gun in his car. THEN, he lied and said that he had forgotten it was there. Well. . . . apparently he hadn't forgotten, BECAUSE HE HAD JUST TAKEN IT OUT AND POINTED IT AT SOMEBODY!

So, not only did he commit a potentially life-endangering act, he then lied to the officer, and then lied about his lie.

Sorry guys, I have not patience for this and no need for this kind of character on our team.
(vol_freak @ Aug 1 said:
Maybe I have my orange colored glasses on and maybe I would feel differently if it happened to me but here is how I see it:

The two players are driving along (probbly driving too fast) and they come upon a car going the speed limit in the fast lane. That car in front of them won't get out of the way so they decide to do a little "bumper riding" to get the point across that they want to pass.

Meanwhile, the driver is an undercover cop and thinks to himself...if I was in my cop car these young punks woudn't be doing this to me, don't they know who I am. Finally the cop becomes consumed with anger and slams on his breaks in an attempt to make the players rear end him.

This has now angered the players (who are kids let's keep in mind). They decide they are going to one up this guy by waving around a fake gun to scare him. Yeah, that sounds funny. Let's scare this a hole.

Now, if they stopped to think about it rationally I am sure they would probably not have done it. However, in the heat of the moment it seemed like a good idea to get even and get a laugh.

Is this acceptable behavior? Absolutely not. Do I think this warrants ruining a kids future? I don't think so.

I think I am probably in the minority here, so fire away.

I am no apologist for the discipline problems on this program, and I am on record about what a bonehead thing this was to do, but if the Vol's troubles hadn't occured last year, I think this would be a three game suspension that we would not even be discussing. I am afraid he will suffer for his actions, and the actions of last years players as well. You can put R. Henderson in that category too.
(Lexvol @ Aug 1 said:
I am no apologist for the discipline problems on this program, and I am on record about what a bonehead thing this was to do, but if the Vol's troubles hadn't occured last year, I think this would be a three game suspension that we would not even be discussing. I am afraid he will suffer for his actions, and the actions of last years players as well. You can put R. Henderson in that category top.
I was just about to post that. I think Henderson is definitely in that category.

I agree about last years issues. With that being the case, I understand if Fulmer decides to dismiss him from the team.
(kiddiedoc @ Aug 1 said:
One might argue that the kid ruined his own future when he decided to keep an Uzi-styled pellet gun in his car and point it at a highway motorist. I'd be interested to hear his reason (or excuse) for having the thing in the first place.

I don't think he really has to have a reason or excuse to have a toy gun in his car. That is his business to have this item if he chooses to do so. It only becomes an issue when he chooses to use it to intimadate someone.
from the Tennessean...
Hicks said Johnson initially denied to police that he had a gun, but that a search of his car produced a plastic Uzi pellet gun under the passenger seat.

Johnson later admitted that the pellet gun was his, although he said he forgot it was in the car, according to police.
The Hicks referred to is Dan Hicks,TWRA region 3 public information officer.


FYI, in my practice I represent law enforcement officers when they get sued for professional liability. About 6 months ago -- and you may remember this as it made national news -- deputies from one of the agencies I work with were called to a school because a 14 year old kid was threatening people with a gun. The deputies surrounded the schhol, SWAT came out, they cornered the kid, and tried to talk to him with students and a teacher huddled in a classroom across from the bathroom where the kid was hiding.

The kid pointed the gun at a deputy and also in the area of this classroom so the deputy shot and killed him.

The gun, it turned out, was a pellet gun. These guns actually have a red area at the tip of the barrel. In fact, if you look at the one posted on here by someone in this thread you will see that. But this kid had painted the red part black, so from five feet away it was identical to a real gun.

Now this guy is driving down the road and some punk points a gun at him I doubt he sees whether it has a small red tip and even if he does I don't think he is supposed to trust that. My point is, after the shooting down here very few people had a problem with what the deputy did because folks understand that there are volatile kids out there and at some point the risk of something going bad falls squarely on their shoulders when they do stupid crap like this.

I see no reason to forgive this player. Let him transfer out and play for someone else after a seaon off to think about it and be an example. But the notion that he could try to intimidate someone and still be a representative of your school is just abusrd.

And by the way, whoever suggested that the cop slammed his brakes to have the kid run into him, I doubt that seriously. Makes no sense. What does make sense is tapping the breaks to get the guy drafting you to back off. Happens all the time. Face it, this punk kid just got his back all up about it because he was mad that the guy wasn't moving over for him. So he decides to be a tough guy and pulls the fake gun out to scare the man. We can argue over the length of his prison sentence, but the notion that he could ever wear a uniform for MY school is just out of the question.

(orange+white=heaven @ Aug 1 said:
from the Tennessean...

The Hicks referred to is Dan Hicks,TWRA region 3 public information officer.
If there is a group of people who are more uniformly jackasses than TWRA employees, I'm not aware of them.
(lawgator1 @ Aug 1 said:
We can argue over the length of his prison sentence, but the notion that he could ever wear a uniform for MY school is just out of the question.

I hate it when I agree with you.
(lawgator1 @ Aug 1 said:
FYI, in my practice I represent law enforcement officers when they get sued for professional liability. About 6 months ago -- and you may remember this as it made national news -- deputies from one of the agencies I work with were called to a school because a 14 year old kid was threatening people with a gun. The deputies surrounded the schhol, SWAT came out, they cornered the kid, and tried to talk to him with students and a teacher huddled in a classroom across from the bathroom where the kid was hiding.

The kid pointed the gun at a deputy and also in the area of this classroom so the deputy shot and killed him.

The gun, it turned out, was a pellet gun. These guns actually have a red area at the tip of the barrel. In fact, if you look at the one posted on here by someone in this thread you will see that. But this kid had painted the red part black, so from five feet away it was identical to a real gun.

Now this guy is driving down the road and some punk points a gun at him I doubt he sees whether it has a small red tip and even if he does I don't think he is supposed to trust that. My point is, after the shooting down here very few people had a problem with what the deputy did because folks understand that there are volatile kids out there and at some point the risk of something going bad falls squarely on their shoulders when they do stupid crap like this.

I see no reason to forgive this player. Let him transfer out and play for someone else after a seaon off to think about it and be an example. But the notion that he could try to intimidate someone and still be a representative of your school is just abusrd.

And by the way, whoever suggested that the cop slammed his brakes to have the kid run into him, I doubt that seriously. Makes no sense. What does make sense is tapping the breaks to get the guy drafting you to back off. Happens all the time. Face it, this punk kid just got his back all up about it because he was mad that the guy wasn't moving over for him. So he decides to be a tough guy and pulls the fake gun out to scare the man. We can argue over the length of his prison sentence, but the notion that he could ever wear a uniform for MY school is just out of the question.
True. YOUR school only keeps guys around who use and carry real firearms.
From the Tennesseean:


KNOXVILLE — Tennessee Coach Phillip Fulmer said Monday he won't rush to judgment on any potential disciplinary measures for redshirt freshman defensive back Marsalous Johnson.

The former Smyrna High star was arrested Sunday night and charged with felony aggravated assault after an off-duty Putnam County Sheriff's Department deputy said Johnson waved a pellet gun at him on Interstate 40 near Monterey.



pellet gun

Man, I haven't looked at a code sheet in years! :mf_surrender:

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