Marxist Black Lives Matter

It's not two distinct movements. Nobody is saying that. There is an organization that is distinct from the movement. How is it that you still don't get this and act like a smartass about it? A large majority of America is down with the movement. 60% of whites. 60% of whites are not down with the ideology of the radicals in You have no idea what you're talking about. If 60% of whites were down with, how would Trump stand a chance in any election? You can't separate the two. You're part of the problem.

Majorities Across Racial, Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

Lol. So when you go to a blm rally how ARE YOU able differentiate between the two? It’s a pos terrorist organization based on not allowing them to be held accountable for being criminals.
Like I said, there are people like those in the BLM organization that know what the movement is about, and there are people being used by those people. It isn't that hard to get 60% of people to mouth the words you want them to when you use the semantically overloaded phrase "black lives matter" as your battle cry.

Axiom: We live in a systemically racist country where black people are under threat from all institutions, but primarily police that murder them in cold blood.

So this is the basis for the BLM movement, and it is an easily provable lie. The way I see it, there three ways to support this movement.

1. You don't actually know that's what the axiom is. You see "black lives matter" and agree because it is semantically obviously true.

2. People like you and most Dem politicians don't actually believe it. And it is obvious you don't really believe it because you say things like "Most cops are good", even though that isn't logically possible when you claim the entire system is racist. They justify repeating claims they know are false by talking about historical oppression, or talking about how what black people feel is real, etc etc. These people believe the solution is to religiously and virtuously agree that you "see" the problem. And if everyone just did that, there wouldn't be a problem.

3. People that actually believe the claim. If you believe the system is racist, murders POC, and has been evil since 1619, the only way to fix it is to destroy the system. And if anyone finds logical flaws in your argument just sprinkle in some Marxism to sure up the gaps.

Just because the BLM organization is in the 3rd category, doesn't mean I'm going to absolve responsibility of everyone in the first 2. None of the three options are virtuous as far as I'm concerned.

As far as the "majority approval", I could not give one **** less. History is filled with rotten ideologies that had majority support for one reason or another.

You can claim I'm bigoted, part of the problem, ignorant, racist, whatever you want. I always assume what a person/organization/movement does, is what they INTENDED to do, and work back from there. Maybe a good first step to changing my opinion on this if you care to do so is to explain how the lives of black people have gotten better since May, or any sort of reasonable road map to how they are on track to be better off.

You think I'm reading all that, knowing your post history?
More like being more successful than you and making more money than you awaits them.

Jealousy is a pitiful thing

Not what defunding means.

I think not one conservative here knows what defunding is.

Just say you are a racist and be a man for once.

This literally has nothing to do with blm.

You are literally obsessed with race and blm.

We know, and to an extent a lot of us agree with the thought that some of the military stuff should be taken away. On the other hand, disarming one side and sending them out into the badlands is stupid. De-escalation is the key, and the black community itself has to be a real part of it. Seems like you and most liberals (without respect to race) prefer to turn a blind eye and pretend that violent black and Hispanic neighborhoods are no different than well behaved suburban communities. I can't even remember the last time I saw a cop drive through my subdivision - and by the way one of my immediate neighboring families is black - when I'm away they happen to be my choice to keep an eye on my home. Get rid of gangs, get rid of the attitude, and I think relations with everybody else will improve significantly. If you think I'm wrong, fine; but then I suggest you count the daily, non cop involved, body count in urban areas - and the demographics. Chicago would be a fine place to begin. The last time I noticed Chicago and virtually ever other large metropolitan area (including their police forces) are run by liberal Democrats - we redneck conservative trash have nothing to do with it - leading me to think your fellow political bedbugs are far from being as smart as you think.
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Fatherless society doesn't look that great to me. BLM says that once the nuclear family has been dissolved, then the community can raise the kids. The community hasn't done anything for these kids.

I should’ve blue-fonted my post...

For many a decade now, Liberal politics, media, Hollywood and academia have been subtlety taking away the power of the parent...and giving power to the youth/juveniles that need tough love so badly. These are sad days...with sadder ones to come...
Fatherless society doesn't look that great to me. BLM says that once the nuclear family has been dissolved, then the community can raise the kids. The community hasn't done anything for these kids.

It’s working great in places like Chicago. Of course we’ll have to ask the resident white guilt/blm experts. They’ll have to discern which blm faction is speaking based on how stupid they sound.
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civil ones dont act those hood punks and vandalize a store -- you got no case here, they did it on purpose. Oh and a black worker had to clean up the mess

White teens are the kings of breaking in and vandalizing crap and stealing stuff.

I guess you didn't grow up in America.
Fatherless society doesn't look that great to me. BLM says that once the nuclear family has been dissolved, then the community can raise the kids. The community hasn't done anything for these kids.

Straight from the website

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

I know you have trouble reading but disrupt and dissolve are very different things.

Not one time do they say dissolve families or promote single parent homes.

Encouraging the community to help WITH the parents is a great thing. EXTENDED FAMILY means larger amount of people who care. Not that they want single parent homes.

So you are anti family and community?
Watch the news. The next time a football field is vandalized or a high school is broken into and a bunch of stuff is broken check who did it. Or the next time teens throw a rock off an overpass and kill someone. I guarantee it's not black kids.
Straight from the website

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

I know you have trouble reading but disrupt and dissolve are very different things.

Not one time do they say dissolve families or promote single parent homes.

Encouraging the community to help WITH the parents is a great thing. EXTENDED FAMILY means larger amount of people who care. Not that they want single parent homes.

So you are anti family and community?

Sorry, but to disrupt it in favor of supporting collective villages is not really much different from what I said. A distinction without a difference.
Watch the news. The next time a football field is vandalized or a high school is broken into and a bunch of stuff is broken check who did it. Or the next time teens throw a rock off an overpass and kill someone. I guarantee it's not black kids.

But there's a good chance they are fatherless.
Watch the news. The next time a football field is vandalized or a high school is broken into and a bunch of stuff is broken check who did it. Or the next time teens throw a rock off an overpass and kill someone. I guarantee it's not black kids.
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Straight from the website

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

I know you have trouble reading but disrupt and dissolve are very different things.

Not one time do they say dissolve families or promote single parent homes.

Encouraging the community to help WITH the parents is a great thing. EXTENDED FAMILY means larger amount of people who care. Not that they want single parent homes.

So you are anti family and community?

Disrupting the western-prescribed nuclear family...out of choice it seems?

Geniuses I tell
Sorry, but to disrupt it in favor of supporting collective villages is not really much different from what I said. A distinction without a difference.
Giving the parents more support from family and friends is not destroying the family or anything like that.

You really are anti family and community.

Giving the parents more support from family and friends is not destroying the family or anything like that.

You really are anti family and community.


No, I'm the one who thinks a father belongs in the household to instill discipline into his kids. So, pro family. The "community" won't do that. Ever. Community is good for a lot of stuff, but raising moral and well balanced individuals isn't one of those things. Furthermore, a "community" of people who were all raised without fathers will be even more helpless to raise disciplined kids.

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