Marxist Black Lives Matter

What do you think "disrupt" means?

In this use innovate or change.

No, I'm the one who thinks a father belongs in the household to instill discipline into his kids. So, pro family. The "community" won't do that. Ever. Community is good for a lot of stuff, but raising moral and well balanced individuals isn't one of those things. Furthermore, a "community" of people who were all raised without fathers will be even more helpless to raise disciplined kids.

Adding people to give support in addition to parents does not take discipline away. It just means if there is an issue or problem people in the community will help out.
Lol ...

You don’t have the capacity to answer it do ya? Just be honest for once...

I mean why aren’t they doing what they say they want to do instead of out here looting, rioting, destroying property, and committing all sorts of lawlessness? When is it suppose to begin? This “movement” is a joke and nothing will change. Crime/Violent crime will still be committed in mass by certain people and especially in certain areas. They don’t want to fix the root cause of any problems just blame everyone else for the results of their stupidity.
In this use innovate or change.

Adding people to give support in addition to parents does not take discipline away. It just means if there is an issue or problem people in the community will help out.

Why are they adding people? Substituting family that’s not really family...out of choice?
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In this use innovate or change.

Adding people to give support in addition to parents does not take discipline away. It just means if there is an issue or problem people in the community will help out.

Kind of telling that fixing the family by keeping fathers in the household isn't part of their laundry list of things to fix. None of their other fluffy fairy tale goals will every amount to anything unless fathers are raising their kids. Prattling on about the community helping to raise kids when fathers aren't present is like trying to bail out a sinking boat without ever trying to plug the holes.
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Kind of telling that fixing the family by keeping fathers in the household isn't part of their laundry list of things to fix. None of their other fluffy fairy tale goals will every amount to anything unless fathers are raising their kids. Prattling on about the community helping to raise kids when fathers aren't present is like trying to bail out a sinking boat without ever trying to plug the holes.
grandma that works 2 jobs, usually raises the kids anyway
Fatherless society doesn't look that great to me. BLM says that once the nuclear family has been dissolved, then the community can raise the kids. The community hasn't done anything for these kids.
So ridiculous. Not sure what it will take to bring sanity back.
Kind of telling that fixing the family by keeping fathers in the household isn't part of their laundry list of things to fix. None of their other fluffy fairy tale goals will every amount to anything unless fathers are raising their kids. Prattling on about the community helping to raise kids when fathers aren't present is like trying to bail out a sinking boat without ever trying to plug the holes.

Certain communities are all about attitude and posturing - next time you see a shooting, look at the non mug shot pictures. If you confine the snake peacock to a particular patch of ground he can't show off his attributes properly. Oh, yeah, if you look at the kid victims, you'll notice the posturing starts early.
Can you explain this to @Ten_Titans ?

Let me rephrase, I just view it as the statement "Black Lives Matter" (agree with it) is distinctly different from how the organization/movement is behaving currently. I think that's mostly what Hannity was getting at. Those who have peacefully marched and stated "Black Lives Matter" is fine by me. The lines are getting blurred between the organization and the movement because of the behavior of some extremist in the group and where they are taking this movement. That seems to be the trend, unfortunately. My issue with it is, if it's about police brutality, since when did throwing dinner plates and drinks of patrons at restaurants become a useful tool against police brutality? The movement will be wasted if this continues.
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Let me rephrase, I just view it as the statement "Black Lives Matter" (agree with it) is distinctly different from how the organization/movement is behaving currently. I think that's mostly what Hannity was getting at. Those who have peacefully marched and stated "Black Lives Matter" is fine by me. The lines are getting blurred between the organization and the movement because of the behavior of some extremist in the group and where they are taking this movement. That seems to be the trend, unfortunately. My issue with it is, if it's about police brutality, since when did throwing dinner plates and drinks of patrons at restaurants become a useful tool against police brutality? The movement will be wasted if this continues.

Since all communities are affected - more white people are actually shot and killed by police than black, then to single out "black lives" is a racist stance. It ignores all other races and ethnicities. If this movement is truly about "police brutality" then all lives matter. It's either a universal issue and we're all in it together, or it is an attempt to cloak equality in non-equality.

And, by the way, I do completely agree with what you said particularly being a wasted movement if the status quo continues. It's become a very polarizing event - the opposite what was supposedly the intent.
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Since all communities are affected - more white people are actually shot and killed by police than black, then to single out "black lives" is a racist stance. It ignores all other races and ethnicities. If this movement is truly about "police brutality" then all lives matter. It's either a universal issue and we're all in it together, or it is an attempt to cloak equality in non-equality.

And, by the way, I do completely agree with what you said particularly being a wasted movement if the status quo continues. It's become a very polarizing event - the opposite what was supposedly the intent.
Black folks are apparently hearing impaired or they would "drop the knife" or "get on the ground" or whatever before they get shot.
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Since all communities are affected - more white people are actually shot and killed by police than black, then to single out "black lives" is a racist stance. It ignores all other races and ethnicities. If this movement is truly about "police brutality" then all lives matter. It's either a universal issue and we're all in it together, or it is an attempt to cloak equality in non-equality.

And, by the way, I do completely agree with what you said particularly being a wasted movement if the status quo continues. It's become a very polarizing event - the opposite what was supposedly the intent.

Agreed. And I'm not trying to be inflammatory, but knowing the number of unarmed white males killed by police last year was 19 and unarmed black males was 9, I'm wondering where those protests are?
Kind of telling that fixing the family by keeping fathers in the household isn't part of their laundry list of things to fix. None of their other fluffy fairy tale goals will every amount to anything unless fathers are raising their kids. Prattling on about the community helping to raise kids when fathers aren't present is like trying to bail out a sinking boat without ever trying to plug the holes.
Hey are you having reading comprehension issues?

"Parents," which are mentioned several times and families, includes fathers.

I won't address the dumb racism from the others on this last page.
Hey are you having reading comprehension issues?

"Parents," which are mentioned several times and families, includes fathers.

I won't address the dumb racism from the others on this last page.

WHAT IS STOPPING THEM FROM DOING IT NOW? Why must you loot, destroy, and riot before you get started on your supposed “goals”?
BLM the organization did their test markets in Sacramento and San Diego. I followed those accounts for a year before all this crap blew up. Their Twitter feed for the last 2 years has highlighted men killed by police. They never mention the fact those killed were wanted warranted felons, armed, threatening others and had rap sheets longer than my arm for violent crime.
What they did focus on was the emotional aspect of the death. The children left behind, what they were to those around them and they always point to their Christian roots. They always put in their posts the word " innocent". Then they posted a very vague call to action about their outrage.
When I looked up every person they highlighted they were community thugs, who got nailed for being a thug. They always had several children they left behind.
I would hope people would take BLM, the organization, for what it is. A highly financially supported agenda to raise racial tensions and to feed discontent. It is their agenda.
I'm not ignoring the other side of the argument either. I realized they are some unjustified shootings that demand recourse and correction.
I get tired of watching young people and some who should know better fall for this crap daily.
The future of this country looks bright..

The behavior has gotten worse every year since I’ve been alive. Politicians have thrown trillions of dollars at the problem. 8 years of Obama didn’t even put a dent in it. 5 years from now it’ll be just as bad or worse, 10 years from now and so on and so forth.
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The behavior has gotten worse every year since I’ve been alive. Politicians have thrown trillions of dollars at the problem. 8 years of Obama didn’t even put a dent in it. 5 years from now it’ll be just as bad or worse, 10 years from now and so on and so forth.

Politicians have done much the same with a lot of things - education for example. You'd almost think the heart of the problem is politicians.

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