Marxist Black Lives Matter

Thank you President Trump. And we were trending in the right direction before the Dotard took office.
yeah its all Trumps fault these idiots are killing each other, IF ole Biden gets in his plan to take away guns will work out real well
What he says about guns is rhetoric, no way the country works allow it.

But Biden won't be president long even if elected, he's got the constitution of a paper bag in south alabama after the hurricane.
Actually you 2A champions need to come to the table. You can have any semi automatic you want as long as you register it. But the blowhards don't like the responsibility of being a responsible gun owner with accountability because "shal not be infringed".
Actually you 2A champions need to come to the table. You can have any semi automatic you want as long as you register it. But the blowhards don't like the responsibility of being a responsible gun owner with accountability because "shal not be infringed".
That isn't what Biden had stated though. I'm fine with responsible ownership as you've laid out but that isnt the rhetoric that's being used by the left.
Actually you 2A champions need to come to the table. You can have any semi automatic you want as long as you register it. But the blowhards don't like the responsibility of being a responsible gun owner with accountability because "shal not be infringed".

Same with voting , you lefties need to come to the table . You can vote as long as you have proper ID, pay for a background check and pay to go to an 8 hour voting knowledge class . Scoot on up to that table and get you a big helping of reasonable and rational .
Edit : thanks for “ letting us have any semi auto we want“ . Not like we don’t already . U Boob .
Actually you 2A champions need to come to the table. You can have any semi automatic you want as long as you register it. But the blowhards don't like the responsibility of being a responsible gun owner with accountability because "shal not be infringed".
If we can register by mail with no ID, I agree.

Requiring ID could discriminate minorities 2A rights.
Actually you 2A champions need to come to the table. You can have any semi automatic you want as long as you register it. But the blowhards don't like the responsibility of being a responsible gun owner with accountability because "shal not be infringed".

No, 2A advocates have no reason to come to the table. None whatsoever.
I agree.

I think they're all compromised by the Chinese.
I’d agree that most are compromised. Not sure if it’s only China or multiple countries/groups.

The Epstein honeypot narrative makes a lot of sense for a blackmail operation - not sure what country he would’ve been working for and how many others like him are out there.

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