Marxist Black Lives Matter

Black Life Matters truck Vandalized in Portland: ‘Like a dagger in the heart’

A Black Life Matters truck was vandalized in Portland, Oregon overnight last Thursday, setting its owners back upwards of $50,000, according to a local report.


Founder Timothy Luther McNair said he and Preston parked the truck at a Safety on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Thursday night. The next morning, they found it vandalized and torched, with profanity spray-painted on the side.

Black Life Matters truck vandalized in Portland: ‘Like a dagger in the heart’
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Black Life Matters truck Vandalized in Portland: ‘Like a dagger in the heart’

A Black Life Matters truck was vandalized in Portland, Oregon overnight last Thursday, setting its owners back upwards of $50,000, according to a local report.


Founder Timothy Luther McNair said he and Preston parked the truck at a Safety on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Thursday night. The next morning, they found it vandalized and torched, with profanity spray-painted on the side.

Black Life Matters truck vandalized in Portland: ‘Like a dagger in the heart’
Damned Lutherans
Black Lives Matter PAC Siphoned Away Almost ALL of its $116,000 Cash Reserves in the first three months of 2022 - with the largest chunk of funds going to a firm owned by a BLM board member

Black Lives Matter PAC burned through nearly all of its $116,000 cash reserves in just the first three months of 2022 - paying the most significant chunk to a firm owned by a BLM board member.

Bowers Consulting Firm, a company run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers, was the highest-paid BLM PAC vendor during the first quarter of 2022, having received $45,000 from the PAC for 'strategic consulting services,' the Washington Examiner reported.

Two additional law firms also received a large portion of the funds. Democratic lawyer Marc Elias, received $8,000 for legal services and the Perkins Coie law firm received $8,350 for compliance services.

By the end of the first quarter in March, BLM PAC had just $19,750 in the bank, the Washington Examiner reported. This was after raising $80,000 and spending $116,000 during that time, according to a filing submitted to the Federal Election Commission on Friday.


Bowers Consulting Firm, a company run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers (pictured), was the highest-paid BLM PAC vendor during the first quarter of 2022, having received $45,000 from the PAC for 'strategic consulting services'

Since the beginning of 2021, the organization has siphoned away nearly 94 percent of its cash reserves, according to the filing.

Black Lives Matter PAC siphoned away almost ALL of its $116k cash reserves in first 3 months of 2022 | Daily Mail Online
BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors admits she LIED when she denied using group's $6m LA property ONLY for official business: Reveals she hosted parties for Biden's inauguration and her son's birthday

BLM's controversial co-founder Patrisse Cullors has admitted she lied when she said she had only ever used the group’s $6 Million LA mansion for official business.

Cullors, 38, told the Associated Press Monday that she used the opulent seven-bed Studio City compound - purchased in cash by BLM in October 2020 - for her own recreation twice.

The first instance saw her hold a party to toast Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's inauguration as president and vice president in January 2021.

Then, in March the same year, she commandeered the luxury property - whose purchase has sparked fury among other racial justice campaigners - for her school-aged son's birthday party.

Cullors said of her earlier decision to lie: 'I look back at that and think, that probably wasn't the best idea.'


Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, pictured here during an interview with The Associated Press in Los Angeles last week, has admitted she lied when she said she had only ever used the group’s $6million LA mansion for official business. The interview saw the former BLM leader - who resigned last spring -address claims she misused donated funds

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors admits she LIED about using group's $6m mansion for fun | Daily Mail Online
BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors admits she LIED when she denied using group's $6m LA property ONLY for official business: Reveals she hosted parties for Biden's inauguration and her son's birthday

BLM's controversial co-founder Patrisse Cullors has admitted she lied when she said she had only ever used the group’s $6 Million LA mansion for official business.

Cullors, 38, told the Associated Press Monday that she used the opulent seven-bed Studio City compound - purchased in cash by BLM in October 2020 - for her own recreation twice.

The first instance saw her hold a party to toast Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's inauguration as president and vice president in January 2021.

Then, in March the same year, she commandeered the luxury property - whose purchase has sparked fury among other racial justice campaigners - for her school-aged son's birthday party.

Cullors said of her earlier decision to lie: 'I look back at that and think, that probably wasn't the best idea.'


Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, pictured here during an interview with The Associated Press in Los Angeles last week, has admitted she lied when she said she had only ever used the group’s $6million LA mansion for official business. The interview saw the former BLM leader - who resigned last spring -address claims she misused donated funds

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors admits she LIED about using group's $6m mansion for fun | Daily Mail Online
Good for her. She flushed the chumps. bwaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa
BLM co-founder tearfully claims that she is being harassed by Candace Owens - who calmly asks to speak to her outside her $1.4 million home after activist admitted she LIED when she denied using group's $6M LA property ONLY for official business

  • Candance Owens called BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors a liar for claiming the reporter harassed her when she showed up outside her Los Angeles home
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors has tearfully sobbed that she was being harassed by conservative commentator Candace Owens who calmly asked to speak to her outside her $1.4 million Los Angeles mansion.

Owens, 33, who works for The Daily Wire, released footage of the incident calling Cullors, 38, a 'liar' as she shared the edited video of her team calmly asking last Saturday to speak with the troubled activist.

In Cullors' clip, she sobs while she says she was shaken by the encounter, despite never speaking to Owens herself.

The incident comes a week after Cullors, who resigned from the Black Lives Matter Global Network last year amid scrutiny over her leadership, admitted that she lied when she denied using the $6 million LA property for official business only as she continues to face a probe over how the group's funds were handled.


Daily Wire host Candance Owens (right) called BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors (right) a liar for claiming the reporter harassed her when she showed up outside her Los Angeles home last week asking to speak with her about the group's controversial $6 million mansion


In her Instagram video following the incident, Patrisse was seen crying and saying she felt unsafe when the reporter and her crew showed up at her door

Candace Owens releases footage showing her outside BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors' home | Daily Mail Online
BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors admits she LIED when she denied using group's $6m LA property ONLY for official business: Reveals she hosted parties for Biden's inauguration and her son's birthday

BLM's controversial co-founder Patrisse Cullors has admitted she lied when she said she had only ever used the group’s $6 Million LA mansion for official business.

Cullors, 38, told the Associated Press Monday that she used the opulent seven-bed Studio City compound - purchased in cash by BLM in October 2020 - for her own recreation twice.

The first instance saw her hold a party to toast Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's inauguration as president and vice president in January 2021.

Then, in March the same year, she commandeered the luxury property - whose purchase has sparked fury among other racial justice campaigners - for her school-aged son's birthday party.

Cullors said of her earlier decision to lie: 'I look back at that and think, that probably wasn't the best idea.'


Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, pictured here during an interview with The Associated Press in Los Angeles last week, has admitted she lied when she said she had only ever used the group’s $6million LA mansion for official business. The interview saw the former BLM leader - who resigned last spring -address claims she misused donated funds

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors admits she LIED about using group's $6m mansion for fun | Daily Mail Online

"Misused". Here we go again with the leftist parsing of words. How does "embezzlement" along with a future court date sound, Ms. Cullors? This organization is about to fold like a cheap tent with all their skimming, scamming and the federal investigations coming at them. Color me shocked.
Clinton Cronies are Revealed to Have Stepped Away From Embattled BLM’s Board days after co-founder Patrisse Cullors’ admitted Lying about not using groups $6m LA mansion for fun

A pair of Clinton family allies have left the board of Black Lives Matter just days after its co-founder Patrisse Cullors admitted to lying about not using the group's $6million mansion for fun.

And now it has been revealed that Minyon Moore and Marc Elias, two close allies of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, have stepped down from the board of the national organization, according to the Washington Examiner.

Clinton cronies are revealed to have stepped away from embattled BLM's board | Daily Mail Online

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