Marxist Black Lives Matter

Clinton Cronies are Revealed to Have Stepped Away From Embattled BLM’s Board days after co-founder Patrisse Cullors’ admitted Lying about not using groups $6m LA mansion for fun

A pair of Clinton family allies have left the board of Black Lives Matter just days after its co-founder Patrisse Cullors admitted to lying about not using the group's $6million mansion for fun.

And now it has been revealed that Minyon Moore and Marc Elias, two close allies of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, have stepped down from the board of the national organization, according to the Washington Examiner.

Clinton cronies are revealed to have stepped away from embattled BLM's board | Daily Mail Online

That's because the organization is a grift. It always has been, but they were all too willing and naive to legitimize it to stand with Woke.
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  • Newly released tax filings revealed that BLM paid $970K to co-founder Patrisse Cullors' baby daddy to help 'produce live events' and provide 'creative services'
  • The foundation also paid her brother $840K for security services
  • A consulting firm run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers was paid $2.1M for providing the organization with operational support
  • The filing also revealed that Cullors reimbursed BLM $73K for a charter flight and paid the foundation $390 for private use of its $6M Los Angeles mansion
New tax filings reveal how BLM founder Patrisse Cullors spent the foundation's funds | Daily Mail Online
  • Newly released tax filings revealed that BLM paid $970K to co-founder Patrisse Cullors' baby daddy to help 'produce live events' and provide 'creative services'
  • The foundation also paid her brother $840K for security services
  • A consulting firm run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers was paid $2.1M for providing the organization with operational support
  • The filing also revealed that Cullors reimbursed BLM $73K for a charter flight and paid the foundation $390 for private use of its $6M Los Angeles mansion
New tax filings reveal how BLM founder Patrisse Cullors spent the foundation's funds | Daily Mail Online

I don’t remember who they were…but there were several people puffing their chests out because they had donated to BLM. They got caught up in the grift.
BLM paid co-founder’s baby daddy nearly 5 Times More Than Trayvon Martin Foundation

Black Lives Matter paid the co-founder’s baby daddy almost five times the amount the group doled out to the Trayvon Martin Foundation — a charity honoring the black youth whose 2012 death spearheaded the movement.

Patrisse Cullors, the former executive director and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, paid a company owned by Damon Turner $969,459 for “live production, design and media,” according to the group’s latest filings to the IRS. Turner’s for-profit company, which sells $145 sweatshirts on its web site and solicits donations for “the movement,” received the second highest payout the group made in fiscal year 2020, which covers July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

A rapper and artist, Turner is the father of Cullors’ young son, and runs a Los Angeles-based entertainment and clothing company called Trap Heals LLC. Turner has been on the receiving end of Cullors’ largesse in the past. In 2019, his company took in $63,500 from Reform LA Jails, a state political action committee controlled by Cullors, to work for criminal justice reform.

Meanwhile, BLMGNF paid $200,000 to the Florida-based Trayvon Martin Foundation, IRS filings show. The non-profit was set up by Trayvon Martin’s parents to “provide emotional and financial support to families who have lost a child to gun violence,” according to its website. Rage over the 17-year-old’s shooting death and the acquittal of the neighborhood watchman who claimed he shot the teen in self-defense, led to the birth of Black Lives Matter.

BLM paid co-founder's baby daddy far more than Trayvon Martin group
Corporations Don’t Care if BLM is Wasting Their Money — They Were Just Buying PR

Never let a good tragedy go to waste — because there’s too much money to be made.

After the tragic death of George Floyd, the organization of Black Lives Matter took the forefront of supposed racial advocacy and reckoning. To believe that black lives mattered, we were supposed to blindly support any organization that feigned supporting these efforts.

Now, two years after Floyd’s death, we are finally asking questions about an organization that had more name recognition in one year than any marketing firm could have ever dreamed of.

On Tuesday, Black Lives Matter Global Foundation’s 990 Tax Form was made public and we were able to get a glimpse into their finances as a 501(c)3 non-profit. From purchasing homes for millions of dollars to paying family members exorbitant amounts of money for arbitrary services, we are left wondering if this organization did the same thing they claim to want to stop, which is exploitation.


In the midst of the pandemic, state governments shut down small businesses and forced unemployment on some of the working class, while massive corporations like Amazon were able to not only remain open but also earn record profits. As Americans were asking questions about why the government was favoring corporate conglomerates over Main Street, money from corporate philanthropy started pouring into Black Lives Matter to help improve their image.

Black Lives Matter was corporate America’s favorite funnel for racial philanthropy and, despite the dubious ways Black Lives Matter seems to be spending their money, none of these corporations regret their purchase. It was never truly about providing funding for change but providing the illusion of supporting change with the added benefit of a tax write-off.

Corporations don't care if BLM is wasting money — they were buying PR
Corporations Don’t Care if BLM is Wasting Their Money — They Were Just Buying PR

Never let a good tragedy go to waste — because there’s too much money to be made.

After the tragic death of George Floyd, the organization of Black Lives Matter took the forefront of supposed racial advocacy and reckoning. To believe that black lives mattered, we were supposed to blindly support any organization that feigned supporting these efforts.

Now, two years after Floyd’s death, we are finally asking questions about an organization that had more name recognition in one year than any marketing firm could have ever dreamed of.

On Tuesday, Black Lives Matter Global Foundation’s 990 Tax Form was made public and we were able to get a glimpse into their finances as a 501(c)3 non-profit. From purchasing homes for millions of dollars to paying family members exorbitant amounts of money for arbitrary services, we are left wondering if this organization did the same thing they claim to want to stop, which is exploitation.


In the midst of the pandemic, state governments shut down small businesses and forced unemployment on some of the working class, while massive corporations like Amazon were able to not only remain open but also earn record profits. As Americans were asking questions about why the government was favoring corporate conglomerates over Main Street, money from corporate philanthropy started pouring into Black Lives Matter to help improve their image.

Black Lives Matter was corporate America’s favorite funnel for racial philanthropy and, despite the dubious ways Black Lives Matter seems to be spending their money, none of these corporations regret their purchase. It was never truly about providing funding for change but providing the illusion of supporting change with the added benefit of a tax write-off.

Corporations don't care if BLM is wasting money — they were buying PR

There are a lot better charities that Corporations could give to such as the Minority Development Council for Companies, African America Chamber of Commerce, NAACP, etc.

These organizations are far more professional than BLM and will actually try to do the Mission Statement of BLM.
BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors says her mistakes with ‘white guilt money’ were weaponized against her

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said that when $90 million in “white guilt money” came pouring into the organization’s coffers after the murder of George Floyd, the group had no infrastructure in place to handle the flood of cash — and now the mistakes made are being “weaponized” against her.

“I’m a human being that has made mistakes that want to change, want to challenge those mistakes and want to learn from those mistakes,” Cullors told the host of MSNBC’s “Into America” podcast Monday. “And I think what’s been hard is feeling like there isn’t room and space for that.”

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors says 'white guilt money' mistakes weaponized against her
Controversial BLM co-founder doled out $8M of group's money for Canadian mansion, financial records show

The national Black Lives Matter group granted $8 million to BLM Canada to purchase a mansion in Toronto that only cost $6.3 million, according to audited financial statements obtained by the Washington Examiner.

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors was the sole board member of the BLM Global Network Foundation when it granted the funds to BLM Canada, the records show. Cullors's spouse, Janaya Khan, served on the board of BLM Canada when the transfer was made.

"I have never witnessed a lack of governance on this scale in my nearly 20 years as a charity watchdog," CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron told the Washington Examiner.

Controversial BLM co-founder doled out $8M of group's money for Canadian mansion, financial records show
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Black Lives Matter gave $200,000 to Radical Chicago group whose leader calls cops 'pigs', says 'defund these b*****ds' and is sympathetic to Tupac Shakur's aunt who is on the FBI's Most Wanted List

Black Lives Matter donated $200,000 during its 2021 fiscal year to a radical Chicago group run by a defund the police activist who has repeatedly referred to cops as 'pigs' and has expressed delight over unrest against officers.

Richard Wallace, who heads black activist group Equity and Transformation (EAT), organized several anti-police protests, has called officers 'b*****ds,' and has shown support for late rapper Tupac Shakur's aunt Assata Shakur - a terrorist wanted by the FBI for the murder of a New Jersey State Trooper.

He also believes that African-Americans are entitled reparations due to centuries of slavery and white oppression.

Recently released tax forms for the BLM Global Network Foundation show the firm - which recently admitted to the misspending of $90million in donated funds in 2020 after the death of George Floyd - gifted EAT a $200,000 'cash grant' in 2021.


Black Lives Matter donated $200,000 during its 2021 fiscal year to a radical Chicago group run by defund the police activist Richard Wallace (pictured), who has repeatedly referred to cops as 'pigs' and has expressed delight over unrest against officers

The group, founded by Wallace in 2018, refers to itself as a social justice nonprofit 'by and for post-incarcerated people,' according to its website.

Its primary objective, however, is 'social and economic equity for Black Workers engaged in the informal economy,' and to help African Americans who work jobs 'not regulated or protected by the state' - including criminals.

Black Lives Matter gave $200,000 to radical Chicago group whose leader calls cops 'pigs' | Daily Mail Online
Controversial BLM co-founder doled out $8M of group's money for Canadian mansion, financial records show

The national Black Lives Matter group granted $8 million to BLM Canada to purchase a mansion in Toronto that only cost $6.3 million, according to audited financial statements obtained by the Washington Examiner.

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors was the sole board member of the BLM Global Network Foundation when it granted the funds to BLM Canada, the records show. Cullors's spouse, Janaya Khan, served on the board of BLM Canada when the transfer was made.

"I have never witnessed a lack of governance on this scale in my nearly 20 years as a charity watchdog," CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron told the Washington Examiner.

Controversial BLM co-founder doled out $8M of group's money for Canadian mansion, financial records show

Dang, another mansion.
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Reparations day at the sun glass hut

How do these businesses not have security working after what we've seen over the last two years? To many that is what's dumber. At this point it's like paying for insurance. Pay the $40/$50 an hour.

Would I be showing bias to assume these are leftists?
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'Get in their faces before another child is shot in the face': Beto O'Rourke tells protest outside NRA convention to 'fight' against Republicans because the 'time to stop the next mass shooting is right now'

Beto O'Rourke urged protesters to break the opposition of Republicans to gun control by 'getting in their faces before another child is shot in face' outside the National Rifle Association meeting in Houston on Friday.

Beto O'Rourke tells NRA protest to get 'in the faces' of Republicans to prevent next gun massacre | Daily Mail Online
'Get in their faces before another child is shot in the face': Beto O'Rourke tells protest outside NRA convention to 'fight' against Republicans because the 'time to stop the next mass shooting is right now'

Beto O'Rourke urged protesters to break the opposition of Republicans to gun control by 'getting in their faces before another child is shot in face' outside the National Rifle Association meeting in Houston on Friday.

Beto O'Rourke tells NRA protest to get 'in the faces' of Republicans to prevent next gun massacre | Daily Mail Online

This guy has gone off the rails. He see's little chance at victory in November so he's gone full bore deranged. He's getting older and keeps losing. He should've stayed on the congressional side where there are many low iq democrats.
It isn't just BLM, wherever there's big money, there's corruption. Republiars are very skilled at that sort of thing. They usually get away with it for extended lengths of time because they often control the oversight agencies. It happens in local and national politics. It happens in the medical profession. It happens in government contractor and grant awards. Humans gonna human. Like the Book says: Romans 3:10

or just as accurate:
“There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us,
it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us.”
― Edgar Cayce
Man Refuses To Surrender ‘**** BLM’ License Plate Despite City Warnings

A Honolulu, Hawaii, man is refusing to give up a license plate with the words “**** BLM,” referring to the activist organization Black Lives Matter, written across it.

Man Refuses To Surrender ‘**** BLM’ License Plate Despite City Warnings
Man Refuses To Surrender ‘**** BLM’ License Plate Despite City Warnings

A Honolulu, Hawaii, man is refusing to give up a license plate with the words “**** BLM,” referring to the activist organization Black Lives Matter, written across it.

Man Refuses To Surrender ‘**** BLM’ License Plate Despite City Warnings
F#$% Cheese Ketchup Bacon Lettuce Mater?
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