Marxist Black Lives Matter

The BLM Grifters’ new twist: Paying Off Their Critics

Everything that touches the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation reeks of cynicism.

The group’s latest financial disclosure shows it ended the last tax year with a $9 million deficit — plus a new wrinkle: blatantly trying to buy off critics.

At least two big-ticket payments, per the outfit’s tax form 990 for tax year 2022, went to prominent detractors.

The Tamir Rice Foundation, named for a Cleveland boy killed by the police, got $400,000; its head, Samaria Rice, had blasted BLM’s Patrisse Cullors over her questionable ethics.

And the Michael O.D. Brown We Love Our Sons & Daughters Foundation, named after the teen whose death sparked the Ferguson riots, took in $89,303; Brown’s father had come out swinging against BLM for its opacity.


The BLM grifters' new twist: Paying off their critics
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The jig is almost up but the left used them to spark riots in 2020 to promote chaos leading up to the elections. They wanted everything about this country to appear racist on steroids. It has done irreparable harm to this country. It looks like Cullors made sure she stockpiled cash for her family before not surprisingly bad financial practices doomed the short term manufactured grift.

What's sad is that the media latched on and held on for dear life. Yeah, this did irreversible harm to the country. All to get Trump out of office.
Teachers accused of breaking the law after asking schoolchildren to campaign for Black Lives Matter with pupils as young as 12 told to write to Rishi Sunak in support of the movement

  • Teachers are also teaching terms such as 'white privilege'
Woke teachers have been accused of breaking the law by asking children to campaign for Black Lives Matter.

Pupils as young as 12 have been told by teachers at one school to write to Rishi Sunak in support of the movement.

Teachers are also teaching terms such as 'white privilege' and encouraging Year 8 children to 'do better' to support black people.

Class material used by Cranbrook Education Campus in Exeter asks children to 'write an open letter to our current Prime Minister campaigning for change'.

It suggests they 'consider' words such as 'white privilege' and 'ally' to help them.



Teachers accused of breaking the law after asking schoolchildren to campaign for Black Lives Matter | Daily Mail Online
Teachers accused of breaking the law after asking schoolchildren to campaign for Black Lives Matter with pupils as young as 12 told to write to Rishi Sunak in support of the movement

  • Teachers are also teaching terms such as 'white privilege'
Woke teachers have been accused of breaking the law by asking children to campaign for Black Lives Matter.

Pupils as young as 12 have been told by teachers at one school to write to Rishi Sunak in support of the movement.

Teachers are also teaching terms such as 'white privilege' and encouraging Year 8 children to 'do better' to support black people.

Class material used by Cranbrook Education Campus in Exeter asks children to 'write an open letter to our current Prime Minister campaigning for change'.

It suggests they 'consider' words such as 'white privilege' and 'ally' to help them.



Teachers accused of breaking the law after asking schoolchildren to campaign for Black Lives Matter | Daily Mail Online
That is BS but it's worth noting that this school is not in the US so there's really not much we can do about it. We got enough crazies in this country. We don't have time to worry about the ones overseas
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That is BS but it's worth noting that this school is not in the US so there's really not much we can do about it. We got enough crazies in this country. We don't have time to worry about the ones overseas

Well it might be good to know before we bail their limey asses out of another war.
President of Calgary's Black Lives Matter movement charged with Hate Crime


Adora Nwofor is photographed in Calgary on July 17, 2020. PHOTO BY AZIN GHAFFARI /Postmedia

The head of the Black Lives Matter movement in Calgary has been charged with a hate crime for allegedly impeding access to a Catholic school.

Court records show Adora Nwofor was charged with mischief on June 2, in connection with an incident on May 26, for allegedly “wilfully obstructing and interfering” with the use of a property “primarily used for religious worship and educational purposes.”

It’s alleged she interfered with people’s use of St. Thomas Aquinas School on 26 Avenue S.W. “for reasons of bias, prejudice, or hate based on race or ethnic origin.”

Nwofor, 47, is president of Black Lives Matter YYC and has also been a strong activist for abortion rights.

Black Lives Matter YYC president charged for hate crime | Calgary Herald
Former BLM Activist says Whoopi Goldberg ‘doesn’t know what she’s talking about’

A former Black Lives Matter activist said The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg “doesn’t know what she’s talking about” when comparing Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town” song and music video with former BLM riots.

Xaviaer DuRousseau denounced any suggestion that there are similarities between former big city BLM riots and the message of Aldean’s song.

Former BLM activist says Whoopi Goldberg ‘doesn’t know what she’s talking about’
Oakland NAACP calls for state of EMERGENCY over soaring crime and blame defund the police movement and Soros-backed DA Pamela Price for violence

Oakland NAACP leaders have called for a state of emergency over soaring crime in the area, as they blame the defund the police movement and the George Soros- backed district attorney for rising violence.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People branch president Cynthia Adams called on local officials to come together with local and federal resources to tackle the mounting public safety issues in the district.

'There is nothing compassionate or progressive about allowing criminal behavior to fester and rob Oakland residents of their basic rights to public safety,' they wrote.


The community leaders singled out George Soros-backed district attorney Pamela Price for the rising violence

Murder levels abruptly spiked from the 78 seen in 2019 to 109 in 2020 - the same years calls for defunding the police, spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement, were introduced in earnest.

Oakland NAACP calls for state of EMERGENCY over soaring crime and blame defund the police movement and Soros-backed DA Pamela Price for violence | Daily Mail Online
Oakland NAACP calls for state of EMERGENCY over soaring crime and blame defund the police movement and Soros-backed DA Pamela Price for violence

Oakland NAACP leaders have called for a state of emergency over soaring crime in the area, as they blame the defund the police movement and the George Soros- backed district attorney for rising violence.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People branch president Cynthia Adams called on local officials to come together with local and federal resources to tackle the mounting public safety issues in the district.

'There is nothing compassionate or progressive about allowing criminal behavior to fester and rob Oakland residents of their basic rights to public safety,' they wrote.


The community leaders singled out George Soros-backed district attorney Pamela Price for the rising violence

Murder levels abruptly spiked from the 78 seen in 2019 to 109 in 2020 - the same years calls for defunding the police, spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement, were introduced in earnest.

Oakland NAACP calls for state of EMERGENCY over soaring crime and blame defund the police movement and Soros-backed DA Pamela Price for violence | Daily Mail Online
About damn time. Only took them 3 or 4 years to realize they fked up.
Another failed social experiment manufactured by the democrat party.

Today you hear very little of black lives matter besides remnants on worn t-shirts.

No high dollar donations.

The defund the police movement was a catastrophe.

Yesterday in the local elections in Nashville not a single person had defund the police or criminal justice reform as a platform item. It was a leftist hoax by the Democrats to create anarchy and make it appear this country was back in the 60's. It was all to steal power but years later the country is still suffering from their social experiment in many ways.
Austin Police Chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages that saw detectives having to answer 911 calls - as union complains of lack of funding due to 'defund the police' movement

A police chief in Texas has abruptly announced his decision to leave the force after it was hit with major staffing shortages and a lack of funds since the 'defund the police' movement.

Austin Police Department's Chief Joseph Chacon said he would be retiring with a 'heavy heart' on Monday, saying it was 'the right moment' to step down.

His announcement comes amid ongoing complaints by the departments union of 'miserable conditions' faced by officers.

They say that the 'defund the police' movement has stripped down funding for departments and gutted the workforce.

George Floyd's killing by a Minneapolis cop and the resulting Black Lives Matter riots led to widespread demonization of police forces across the US.

Austin police chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages that saw detectives having to answer 911 calls - as union complains of lack of funding due to 'defund the police' movement | Daily Mail Online
Austin Police Chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages that saw detectives having to answer 911 calls - as union complains of lack of funding due to 'defund the police' movement

A police chief in Texas has abruptly announced his decision to leave the force after it was hit with major staffing shortages and a lack of funds since the 'defund the police' movement.

Austin Police Department's Chief Joseph Chacon said he would be retiring with a 'heavy heart' on Monday, saying it was 'the right moment' to step down.

His announcement comes amid ongoing complaints by the departments union of 'miserable conditions' faced by officers.

They say that the 'defund the police' movement has stripped down funding for departments and gutted the workforce.

George Floyd's killing by a Minneapolis cop and the resulting Black Lives Matter riots led to widespread demonization of police forces across the US.

Austin police chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages that saw detectives having to answer 911 calls - as union complains of lack of funding due to 'defund the police' movement | Daily Mail Online

Let it rot. It’s the only way to show people their failure to comprehend the obvious.
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Zyahna Bryant's cousin launches GOFUNDME to help BLM activist and Dove influencer who Ruined White student's life to feel 'safe'​

A GoFundMe has been launched to help make a divisive BLM activist hired by Dove as its 'fat pride' spokeswoman feel 'safe' and 'protected'.

Zyahna Bryant's cousin Erica Chapman created the virtual begging bowl after Bryant was slammed online for ruining a white student's life over a remark the 22 year-old activist admits she may have 'misheard.'

The fundraiser has received almost $10,000 of its $15,000 goal - although it's unclear what the money will be spent on.




Zyahna Bryant's cousin launches GOFUNDME to help BLM activist and Dove influencer who Ruined White student's life to feel 'safe'​

A GoFundMe has been launched to help make a divisive BLM activist hired by Dove as its 'fat pride' spokeswoman feel 'safe' and 'protected'.

Zyahna Bryant's cousin Erica Chapman created the virtual begging bowl after Bryant was slammed online for ruining a white student's life over a remark the 22 year-old activist admits she may have 'misheard.'

The fundraiser has received almost $10,000 of its $15,000 goal - although it's unclear what the money will be spent on.

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Good heavens.

Black Lives Matter Activist Pleads Guilty to Fraud for Missing Donations​


A Black Lives Matter activist, who was instrumental in the infamous protest that toppled the statue of Sir Edward Colston, has pleaded guilty to fraud after money donated to a fundraising page she established went missing.

Xahra Saleem, 23, who is also known as Yvonne Maina, pled guilty this month to one count of fraud at the Bristol Crown Court after £30,000 in donations from the public disappeared.

Saleem, a founding member of the BLM-offshoot ‘All Black Lives Bristol’ group, had established an online fundraiser in the days prior to the toppling of the Colston statue, in order to allegedly raise funds for the George Floyd-inspired protest.

According to a report from The Times, the fundraiser promised to donate any additional funds to a local charity to subsidise the cost of a trip to Africa for deprived local children in Bristol. However, the youth group, Changing Your Mindset, claimed that it never received the money and raised the issue with local police. The youth group later shut down entirely after reportedly being disillusioned over the incident.

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Black Lives Matter Activist Pleads Guilty to Fraud for Missing Donations​

View attachment 582926

A Black Lives Matter activist, who was instrumental in the infamous protest that toppled the statue of Sir Edward Colston, has pleaded guilty to fraud after money donated to a fundraising page she established went missing.

Xahra Saleem, 23, who is also known as Yvonne Maina, pled guilty this month to one count of fraud at the Bristol Crown Court after £30,000 in donations from the public disappeared.

Saleem, a founding member of the BLM-offshoot ‘All Black Lives Bristol’ group, had established an online fundraiser in the days prior to the toppling of the Colston statue, in order to allegedly raise funds for the George Floyd-inspired protest.

According to a report from The Times, the fundraiser promised to donate any additional funds to a local charity to subsidise the cost of a trip to Africa for deprived local children in Bristol. However, the youth group, Changing Your Mindset, claimed that it never received the money and raised the issue with local police. The youth group later shut down entirely after reportedly being disillusioned over the incident.


Israel War: Black Lives Matter Supports Palestinians After Deadly Hamas Terror Attack​

Black Lives Matter chapters across the United States are coming out in support of Palestinians in the fallout of the deadly terror attack Hamas carried out against the Jewish state of Israel, social media posts show.

More than 1,000 Israelis have been killed following Saturday's surprise attack by Hamas, while an estimated 900 are dead in Gaza and the West Bank, bringing the combined death toll to at least 1,900, according to the Associated Press. On the heels of the bloody conflict progressing, various BLM-affiliated groups are rushing to Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms to express anti-Israel sentiments and boost Gaza.


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