Schiano is still running a good program and what is intended is that Maryland will have to compete for players with him in additon ot the others around the area. whoever is coach. The point still is that the 'sleeping giant' has a long way to go to get to where it appears you are wanting them to be.
By the way, FSU is having a GINORMOUS recruiting year this year after a top five year last year, and we see that the Canes hired a very excellent coach as well, so earlier comments about those two schools are highly inaccurate.
I have no animosity towards any school with a nickname like 'fear the terps'. I am sure the facilities are better than they are at Texas Tech should Leach get this job. But I do think you are counting ACC Championships before they hatch as N Carolina, FSU, VT are getting stronger it seems. and Miami is always only a year or two away from being a top ranked school again.
Hey Tampavolz...thanks for talking ACC football with's interesting to get opinions from non-ACC's some more of my thoughts.
I haven't counted any ACC championships and im not under the impression that UMD will turn into the ACC's top team over night (although Ralph Friedgen had no problem doing that in 2000).
But you may be a little out of touch about the realities of ACC and mid-atlantic football over the last decade...the coaches and programs you are singing the praises of have failed to take flight as many predicted a 2-3 years ago...
Anyone saying Miami is only year away from being a top 10 type team again is counting eggs before they've hatched. People have been saying this for 6 years.
UNC is always. Butch has been there for 4 seasons now and is 15-17 in the conference...showing no discernable upwards trend. The admin there is not giving him the slack in his leash that he once had either. Talk about a basketball school trying to do football! I'm not intimidated by a couple of top 15 recruiting classes in the last 4 years....Maryland had those themselves early in Friedgen's tenure.
If Schiano is building anything it is a mediocre program. They were 4-8 this year. Thats nice considering they were terrible for a century but they're barely on equal footing with UMD these days. Maryland has out recruited Rutgers in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 and so on through history.
Fridge was 74-49 at Maryland in 10 season....coming off 8-4.
Schiano is 59-63 at Rutgers in 9 seasons...coming off 4-8.
Schiano was 11-2 in 2006 but Maryland duplicated that effort for 3 consecutive years in 2000, 2001, 2002.
Beamer is getting older every year...I am not at all convinced they are about to take their success to a whole new level. They've been the same team for a decade. BCS quality but a notch below the big Dawgs. VT has never won a natty and I don't think they're about to.
FSU and VT are obviously out of Marylands league right now. FSU and Miami are serious wild cards. Their returning to top 10 form is not at all a given. Miami has many limiting factors that weren't there in the 90's and FSU has Jimbo Fisher who hasn't proven much of anything other than recruiting prowess.
The ACC is a complete mess right now. VT is the only consistent power left. No one in the ACC is scared of anyone else in the ACC outside of VT these days quite frankly (and the ACC is obviously a joke on the national scale lol!)
Maryland has no further to go than UNC, NC State, Clemson or any other ACC school not named FSU, Miami, or VT.
My opinion is that they are in the best position to make a run at de-throning the Big 3 if they make a great hire this week. They're returning the only freshman QB in the country that I consider superior to our own Tyler Bray.
Maryland is one of the top 5 places to win football games in the ACC if the coaching is there....history has proven that regardless of public perception.
(If you haven't noticed I support UMD

...UT is my team...UMD is my hobby haha )