Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I'm specifically talking about societal freedoms. Sometimes they run counter to individual freedoms.
You can often increase societal freedoms by reducing some individual freedoms.
We tell the individual that they do not have the freedom to choose which side of the interstate on which to drive. For society's sake we decided to remove that individual's freedom of choice and insist that everyone drive in the same direction.
Trade offs.....for the common good.....society.
But you haven’t removed their freedom of choice. They are still 100% able to drive on the wrong side of the road. You’ve only made a rule against it.

Unlike what you want to do with guns. Since you love the car comparisons, to put in in equal footing with what you propose for gun regulations you’d be telling people that to avoid someone driving on the wrong side of the road, then the millions of responsible daily drivers that have never committed a road infraction can now only drive 3 times per week. You’re restricted on how often you can buy a car. And you can only drive vehicles with 4 seats and 4 doors.
No one has the right to harm others and driving on the wrong side of the highway is harmful to others. A person simply purchasing 100 guns at 1 time or owning a thousand of them harms no one.
Driving on the wrong side of the road only harms others if there is a wreck. You said yourself that if it is not physical harm, destroying property, or taking money then it should not be restricted.
So by your standard you should only punish the people who wreck while driving on the wrong side of the road.

Luckily, society is smarter than that.
It's called society. Sometimes individuals have to sacrifice for the greater good. Like Gorg not being able to bang his rocks together all night long in the cave. If Gorg really wants to bang rocks all night long, he can remove himself from society and go live in his own cave.

Thats an interesting comparison.
Gorg is being held responsible for what he does with rocks, not that he has them. The rocks otherwise will not upset the noise ordinace on their own. Even if he brings home 20 of them or more a day.
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But you haven’t removed their freedom of choice. They are still 100% able to drive on the wrong side of the road. You’ve only made a rule against it.

Unlike what you want to do with guns. Since you love the car comparisons, to put in in equal footing with what you propose for gun regulations you’d be telling people that to avoid someone driving on the wrong side of the road, then the millions of responsible daily drivers that have never committed a road infraction can now only drive 3 times per week. You’re restricted on how often you can buy a car. And you can only drive vehicles with 4 seats and 4 doors.
So they have freedom of choice but one of the choices is illegal?
That's like saying you have the freedom to buy whatever gun you wish, but buying certain types of guns is illegal.
Thats an interesting comparison.
Gorg is being held responsible for what he does with rocks, not that he has them. The rocks otherwise will not upset the noise ordinace on their own. Even if he brings home 20 of them or more a day.
The comparison is that societal "rights" often trump individual "rights".
You have the right to bang rocks together as much as you wish....until society says you no longer have that right.
But doesn’t US v Lopez invalidate any use of Wickard v Flilburn when it comes to using the Commerce Clause to regulate state carry laws?
No, but I don’t see why a principle of considering the aggregate effects of a commercial activity would apply to carrying a firearm, which has no commercial effect.

There are other ways to use the commerce clause to regulate carrying of firearms.

Lopez held that a gun free school zone act didn’t regulate commercial activity.

They set out a test that basically allowed Congress to decide what activities have a substantial effect on interstate commerce as long as they show their work in the laws they pass.

The gun free school zone law in question in Lopez was rewritten to include a commerce clause hook that says that it only applies to firearms that have moved through the channels of interstate commerce. It’s still in place to this day. (18 USC 922(q))

The aggregate effects rule would apply to private sales. It would not be difficult for congress to establish that the sum total of all private sales of firearms has a substantial impact under the Lopez test.

In fact, although it’s not likely to be tested in court, HR 21 or whatever house bill that passed this month prohibiting private gun sales without a background check claims commerce clause as it’s jurisdictional basis which means there is probably a statement somewhere in the law citing to the aggregate effects of private gun sales on interstate commerce.

None of this is saying that any of those efforts would pass under the second amendment. Prior to 2008, they absolutely would. Between 2008 and 2020, it seems likely that the court would have left them alone and there’s no SCOTUS jurisprudence that defines any right to possess a firearm other than for a traditionally lawful purpose, within one’s own house.
The comparison is that societal "rights" often trump individual "rights".
You have the right to bang rocks together as much as you wish....until society says you no longer have that right.

What is done with the "rocks" is the key to the whole idea. Similar to what you do with a car. Gorg is being held responsible for an action. Not the fact that he has rocks and possibly many of them.

Similar to today, if Gorg used his "rocks" to cause some one else harm society has already decided that has repercussions through law.
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Driving on the wrong side of the road only harms others if there is a wreck. You said yourself that if it is not physical harm, destroying property, or taking money then it should not be restricted.
So by your standard you should only punish the people who wreck while driving on the wrong side of the road.

Luckily, society is smarter than that.

You never had the right to drive on the wrong side of the highway.
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What is done with the "rocks" is the key to the whole idea. Similar to what you do with a car. Gorg is being held responsible for an action. Not the fact that he has rocks and possibly many of them.

Similar to today, if Gorg used his "rocks" to cause some one else harm society has already decided that has repercussions through law.
Actions that are deemed harmful to society is the key to the whole idea.
So they have freedom of choice but one of the choices is illegal?
That's like saying you have the freedom to buy whatever gun you wish, but buying certain types of guns is illegal.
Yes. You Luther have the freedom (capability) to drive down any road you wish, but driving certain directions on the road is illegal. That's called a rule, law, ect.
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Yes. You Luther have the freedom (capability) to drive down any road you wish, but driving certain directions on the road is illegal. That's called a rule, law, ect.
I can't drive on any road or even in any lane that I wish.
You, the Deeble, have the freedom (capability) to buy a gun if you wish, but buying certain guns, or a certain number of guns is illegal. That's called a rule, law, etc.
those dangerous cold meds

Yeah that didn't help your case at all
Sure it did. It highlights the concept perfectly.
Why should regular and legal Sudafed users be punished because of the crack problem?
Now you can't buy 20 packages of Sudafed at one time. The horrors of lost freedom.
You can legally own a gun (firearm) without a CWP. I know more people without a CWP than with that (can) legally own guns.
Correct and I wasn’t making that assertion. A CWP means you have already passed a BGC because I don’t have the ability to run one myself, and don’t want the hassle of getting an FFL involved.

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