Mass Shooting in Atlanta

"I'm from the government and I am here to help"
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The act of driving on the wrong side of the interstate will put people in danger and is not a constitutional right

The act of buying legal multiple inanimate objects which IS a constitutional right does NOT put people in danger
It most certainly does put people in danger.
I've mostly been staying out of this mess but the above is patently absurd. The absolute, iron clad, irrefutably easiest way to lose a right is to cede it to those that think less of said right.
The 100%, indisputable, absolutist way to lose a right is to not recognize and acknowledge its rational and reasonable limits.
History is rife with examples.
Your illogical and irrational fear of what "could" happen with constitutionally protected inanimate objects doesn't represent "society" and will never, ever happen the way your scared mind hopes.
You guys are the ones talking about what "could happen" with your obsessive paranoia about government.
The 100%, indisputable, absolutist way to lose a right is to not recognize and acknowledge its rational and reasonable limits.
History is rife with examples.

Undiluted roach excrement. You said "easiest way". It doesn't get any easier than simply ceding having any standing with the right and greeting calls for limitations with "Well, ok I guess."
You guys are the ones talking about what "could happen" with your obsessive paranoia about government.
Except it has happened throughout history and is currently happening in many countries around the globe. Mcdad even posted a pic of what our govt will do if you openly defy them. An act that was done by someone you likely voted for.
You are a poor example of a stoner if you don’t know how to purchase a bong. My decrepit neighbor with glaucoma could locate a head shop and buy a bong.
My son used to manage a hookah lounge. Hookahs are legal and available damn near everywhere tobacco products are sold.
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Except it has happened throughout history and is currently happening in many countries around the globe. Mcdad even posted a pic of what our govt will do if you openly defy them. An act that was done by someone you likely voted for.
Americans of Japanese heritage understand.
It most certainly does put people in danger.
The mere legal possession of owning firearms does NOT put people in danger and that's an asisine statement as there ever was. There are nearly 400 million firearms in the US and less than .0001% ever "put people in danger"
Hey genius, you can BUY bongs at any store that sells them, you just can be arrested if you USE them for drug use. The mere act of buying a pipe or bong isn't illegal if you don't take the ACTION of USING drugs with them
So what you're saying is that they're not legal to use, even though they're merely a tool.
Americans of Japanese heritage understand.
View attachment 359782
Koresh was an idiot and the people who followed him were bigger idiots. Also, weren't they heavily armed? I'm not saying the government's approach was correct, only that Koresh and company were total fools.

And please don't tell me that you think that if the Japanese Americans had been heavily armed that things would have gone better for them.
Both of your examples serve only to prove the nonsense behind the notion that being heavily armed somehow offers you protection against our government when it does something stupid.
Koresh was an idiot and the people who followed him were bigger idiots. Also, weren't they heavily armed? I'm not saying the government's approach was correct, only that Koresh and company were total fools.

And please don't tell me that you think that if the Japanese Americans had been heavily armed that things would have gone better for them.
Both of your examples serve only to prove the nonsense behind the notion that being heavily armed somehow offers you protection against our government when it does something stupid.

Rights rain upon the just and unjust equally. Or in your reply, rain upon the intelligent and the idiot equally. Your opinion of Koresh no matter how rational and reasonable it may be to you, makes no difference to the exercise of his rights. Heavily armed? Who cares, they had not threatened anyone as far as I know.

You're probably right about the Japanese in America. In fact, wasn't anyone who "looked Japanese"...meaning all asians...sent to concentration camps? FDR was going to do what he felt was rational and reasonable whether the American Japanese fought back to the death or not.
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Rights rain upon the just and unjust equally. Or in your reply, rain upon the intelligent and the idiot equally. Your opinion of Koresh no matter how rational and reasonable it may be to you, makes no difference to the exercise of his rights. Heavily armed? Who cares, they had not threatened anyone as far as I know.

You're probably right about the Japanese in America. In fact, wasn't anyone who "looked Japanese"...meaning all asians? FDR was going to do what he felt was rational and reasonable whether the American Japanese fought back to the death or not.
Breaking through the myths surrounding the 1993 Branch Davidian raid
Former followers told ATF before its raid — and at least five surviving Davidians testified afterward — that Koresh taught his followers that he was the Lamb of God and the weapons were for an apocalyptic battle in which they would all be killed; he would be resurrected along with faithful followers to slaughter and judge God's enemies.

testified in the 1994 criminal trial that gunfire originated "from inside the compound."

He surrendered his rights when he fired on federal agents.

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