Mass Shooting in Rock Hill, SC

Is there any evidence he killed them because they were white? Or is this conjecture?
There is no evidence that dude who shot up the massage parlors was racially motivated either, but that didn’t stop the two weeks of “stop Asian hate” narrative. You have to admit, the narratives around these two incidents are vastly different.
Who is making the claim he killed them because they were white?
No one. Its a unintentional self defense mechanism due to being conditioned to think that every time non Whites are killed its immediately because of racism and being afraid that this might be an example of what they believe to mythical, reverse racism.
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The big social issue here seems to be people having a hard time defending their rush to judgements on race motivated shootings when the shoe is on the other foot (aka non Whites doing it).

But in the world we live in were open dislike and hatred towards White people is not only taught and encouraged but worked into government policy, who is really surprised?

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