Mattis Leaving in February

It isn’t just Mattis, there seems to a lot of former general officers and joint chiefs disagreeing with any implication the US military should be used to quell protests. I have a hard time believing Mattis is being anything other than genuine with his statement on the president and his leadership on this.
It isn’t just Mattis, there seems to a lot of former general officers and joint chiefs disagreeing with any implication the US military should be used to quell protests. I have a hard time believing Mattis is being anything other than genuine with his statement on the president and his leadership on this.
I agree with not using the military to police our cities. Leave them the hell out of this fiasco.

But a lot of the rest of what he said was borderline butthurt is all. I still respect him he’s a hell of an amazing individual. I just think he should have stayed out of the political mud slinging is all, not really anything to benefit 🤷‍♂️
I agree with not using the military to police our cities. Leave them the hell out of this fiasco.

But a lot of the rest of what he said was borderline butthurt is all. I still respect him he’s a hell of an amazing individual. I just think he should have stayed out of the political mud slinging is all, not really anything to benefit 🤷‍♂️

8 other former Generals and Joint Chiefs have felt compelled to comment on what is going on.

On one hand I agree with what your saying, but on the other, the consensus from those that are experts and spent careers serving are feeling the need to do the same thing Mattis did. That is a strong statement.
Don't worry. There will be plenty of people on here cheering on the maiming and killing of young Americans all in the name of "at least it isn't Trump."

No doubt there will be. They'll be cheering on Biden & Co like they are hero's after the casualties start rolling in.

But hey, as long as Mattis and other retired Generals keep the money rolling in what's a few thousand dead GIs?
Headline should read:

Former Defense Secretary and General hoping to increase funding for Dept of Defense ensuring job security for friends and profits for military-industrial-complex.

The military and the generals it produces is in desperate need of an overhaul.
Trump has actually been great for the MIC. They just haven't been allowed to directly shoot anyone in a while
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Trump has actually been great for the MIC. They just haven't been allowed to directly shoot anyone in a while
@n_huffhines posted an info graphic yesterday showing the number of bombs dropped during DJT's presidency. I was surprised because we hear very little about it escalating.
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@n_huffhines posted an info graphic yesterday showing the number of bombs dropped during DJT's presidency. I was surprised because we hear very little about it escalating.
I was more talking about ballooning defense budgets, arms sales, etc. His defense position picks were all from the defense industry
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I was more talking about ballooning defense budgets, arms sales, etc.
Understood. Every R president is compelled to inflate the DoD budget. It's a given. Just as every D inflates the entitlements.

The graphic increased ops even though people aren't getting "shot". I am still happy about no new foreign conflicts under his presidency.
Understood. Every R president is compelled to inflate the DoD budget. It's a given. Just as every D inflates the entitlements.

The graphic increased ops even though people aren't getting "shot". I am still happy about no new foreign conflicts under his presidency.
What is the over/under on when we start shooting in another country?
What is the over/under on when we start shooting in another country?
No idea. It is inevitable, though.

The notion of defunding the local police is at an all time high. I can only hope it catches on for the 'world police' soon enough.
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Headline should read:

Former Defense Secretary and General hoping to increase funding for Dept of Defense ensuring job security for friends and profits for military-industrial-complex.

The military and the generals it produces is in desperate need of an overhaul.

This x100!
I was more talking about ballooning defense budgets, arms sales, etc. His defense position picks were all from the defense industry

You get that when you modernize and build inventory, but the money starts drying up in a couple years when you aren't using that inventory.
I don't think Mattis needs to worry, I am sure biden/harris will remove "America first" from everyone of their policies.

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