Mattis Leaving in February

With a plan? Or cutting and running?

What ****ing plan do we need?

It's a ****ing civil war. Do we really need to inject our capital, our manpower and our lives any more for a region that, at a minimum half, clearly doesn't want us there and will continue killing each other if we are there or not?

**** Syria and **** Afghanistan. It's time we moved on.

If Mattis is resigning/retiring over not agreeing with a withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan, I hate to see him go. But as a nation, it's past time to leave.
Obama did so with Iraq. And Iraq was more important, with a higher likelihood of success.

Plans for withdrawing from Iraq were put into motion before Obama was elected. He just happens to get credit since it was on his watch.
What alliances? Just a week ago we were clamoring to dump the Sauds. Who are 100x more valuable than anybody in Syria or Afghanistan.
Just disappear.
They wake up one day and we’re not there

This is literally what Trump thought we could do. Just pack up all our gear. Ship home all the connex's and have every serviceman back in Kuwait in a day. Thats now how it works. It takes months of planning. And doing so without a plan creates chaos strategy and geopolitically.
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This is literally what Trump thought we could do. Just pack up all our gear. Ship home all the connex's and have every serviceman back in Kuwait in a day. That now how it works. It takes months of planning. And doing so without a plan creates chaos strategy and geopolitically.

Yes I get that and while my answer was somewhat sarcastic it’s also somewhat serious.
I’m about tired of people like you being put in harms way for the pleasure of whoever happens to be in charge.

No I’m beyond “about tired”
I’m over it.
My brother tells a story about having to make up a cartoon card to put in the port-a-toilets to explain how toilet paper works. The locals in Afghanistan wipe their ass with rocks. Rocks break the vacuum trucks that empty the toilets.
If we can’t teach them how to wipe their ass what hope is there for anything else?
What ****ing plan do we need?
Something with sufficient time to allow our allies to adjust to the vacuum.
If Mattis is resigning/retiring over not agreeing with a withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan, I hate to see him go. But as a nation, it's past time to leave.
Read his letter. This is clearly about more than Syria and Afghanistan.
What alliances? Just a week ago we were clamoring to dump the Sauds. Who are 100x more valuable than anybody in Syria or Afghanistan.
I forgot Saudi Arabia.
Something with sufficient time to allow our allies to adjust to the vacuum.
Read his letter. This is clearly about more than Syria and Afghanistan.
I forgot Saudi Arabia.
Based on his letter I agree Syria and AF weren’t the only issues. However it’s naive to think they weren’t the final straw.
So in conclusion
**** them. They’ll figure it out

With any luck Israel will nuke everyone over there with the weapons they may or may not have
My brother tells a story about having to make up a cartoon card to put in the port-a-toilets to explain how toilet paper works. The locals in Afghanistan wipe their ass with rocks. Rocks break the vacuum trucks that empty the toilets.
If we can’t teach them how to wipe their ass what hope is there for anything else?

I never saw an Afghan wipe their butt with a rock. I know they sell toilet paper because they sell it in the shops and bazaars. We taught the ANA how to defuse IEDs, fly Blackhawks, and fly jets so I'm sure there is hope.
This is literally what Trump thought we could do. Just pack up all our gear. Ship home all the connex's and have every serviceman back in Kuwait in a day. Thats now how it works. It takes months of planning. And doing so without a plan creates chaos strategy and geopolitically.

Oh really? You know this was what Trump was thinking?

Enough is enough, Carlos.
Why shouldn't we withdraw from Syria or Afghanistan? Syrian Kurds are 10% of the Syrian population. These both seem like losing propositions to me.

I realize Mattis is a man to be respected. But he's also a career military man. I imagine a more hands off American military is not aligned with his stance.
The CIA needs us to be in A’stan for the 90% opium of the world. Much like a smuggling operation.
Something with sufficient time to allow our allies to adjust to the vacuum.
Read his letter. This is clearly about more than Syria and Afghanistan..

Our "allies?" Same allies that drug us into Libya where we wasted a lot of capital and Americans were killed in the aftermath?

I think you're reading into the letter way too far.
I think you're reading into the letter way too far.

Mattis wrote, "Because you have the right to have a secretary of defense whose views better align with yours on these and other subjects".

This is about more than 2,000 troops in Syria and 7,000 in Afghanistan. He wouldn't have quit over a disagreement on that.
Mathis wrote, "Because you have the right to have a secretary of defense whose views better align with yours on these and other subjects".

This is about more than 2,000 troops in Syria and 7,000 in Afghanistan. He wouldn't have quit over a disagreement on that.
I think that’s more then enough. Especially since it seems like he didn’t consult him.

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