Mattis Leaving in February

This is a position Trump has been clear on for a long time. He campaigned on it. Why is this a surprise?

Besides, if people want troops in Syria then congress should vote on it. This isn’t very hard...

The rationalizing of this trainwreck is hilarious. For those who are trying to downplay the abandoning of our allies as no big deal since 'is ISIS has been defeated' , you still have to reconcile the fact that Don blindsided literally EVERYONE in his administration and the DOD with a ****ing tweet.
The rationalizing of this trainwreck is hilarious. For those who are trying to downplay the abandoning of our allies as no big deal since 'is ISIS has been defeated' , you still have to reconcile the fact that Don blindsided literally EVERYONE in his administration and the DOD with a ****ing tweet.
What planet have you been on? Hes been outspoken on this issue for years.
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It’s hard to admit your a ****ing idiot, but if you voted for Trump you’re a ****ing idiot. Own it, and move on.

I hate this strong economy.
I hate record low unemployment.
I hate bringing our troops home from the Middle East.
I hate negotiating for peace & denuclearization with North Korea.
I hate a President who does what he promised on the campaign trail.
Muh, Trump

Am I doing it right?
Mattis doesn't mention a permanent alliance with the Kurds and fulfilling our obligation as a member of NATO is obviously not being "a policeman of the world". Neither is protecting our interests abroad. That is just dumb. We should all be lamenting the loss of service of a man like James Mattis.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...

Only the most tribal of unconditional Trump apologists would try to portray this development as something positive.
Interesting on how some threads I’m accused of being a trump apologist and on other threads I’m accused of suffering from tds. Of course these accusations are always thrown out by the most dogmatic political hacks.
What planet have you been on? Hes been outspoken on this issue for years.

He's outspoken on lots of things, like a retarded carnival barker. He's against things seconds before he's for them. His Twitter feed is a living, breathing contradiction.
Trump has Dems wanting to fight wars in the Middle East. What a time to be alive
Trump has Republicans defending weakness in the face of authoritarian rule. This is absolutely what Putin and Erdogan want the United States to do... and because we have a feckless leader - we are doing it.
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If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...

Interesting on how some threads I’m accused of being a trump apologist and on other threads I’m accused of suffering from tds. Of course these accusations are always thrown out by the most dogmatic political hacks.
That is dumb.... he has walked and talked the role of a General - and military duty... something Trump would know nothing about.... and I accuse you of being a Trump apologist because your logic is nonsensical.
Trump exudes weakness at every turn.

Seems like he's dominating Pelosi and Schumer at the moment.

He didn't seem weak at Davos, at the G8, in Singapore, at the G20, etc etc etc.

Obama bowing and kneeling to every foreign leader in the world was extremely weak.

You see exactly what you want. It's not reality.
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Seems like he's dominating Pelosi and Schumer at the moment.

He didn't seem weak at Davos, at the G8, in Singapore, at the G20, etc etc etc.

Obama bowing and kneeling to every foreign leader in the world was extremely weak.

You see exactly what you want. It's not reality.

Man, what strain are you smoking? I need what you've got.
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Seems like he's dominating Pelosi and Schumer at the moment.

He didn't seem weak at Davos, at the G8, in Singapore, at the G20, etc etc etc.

Obama bowing and kneeling to every foreign leader in the world was extremely weak.

You see exactly what you want. It's not reality.
He sure as hell looked weak and cowardly in Helsinki when he said, "I don't see any reason why it would be." while standing next to Putin and taking his word over that of his own Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats)... and how is he "dominating" Pelosi and Schumer? This bill with the $5 billion funding for the wall is obviously not going to pass the Senate tomorrow and now Trump (by his own admission) will own the government shutdown.

...and yes, he looked weak and pathetic when he said that he and Kim Jong Un "fell in love with each other". That was a very sad reality.
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On how you been sold a bill of goods that allows us to have 800 military bases in foreign countries, undeclared wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya Yemen, etc. all for the “national interest”. Yep, I don’t get it.

We don’t have 800 military bases. Stop listening to Alex Jones.
That is dumb.... he has walked and talked the role of a General - and military duty... something Trump would know nothing about.... and I accuse you of being a Trump apologist because your logic is nonsensical.
How is it irrational to quote George Washington’s exact quote which envisioned a nation free from foreign entanglements, which was one of the popular sentiments concerning this nation’s founding with the following.

“One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships.”

How do you reconcile his statement that we shouldn’t be the world’s police and then follows with:

“We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.”

Please show me the nonsense.
He sure as hell looked weak and cowardly in Helsinki when he said, "I don't see any reason why it would be." while standing next to Putin and taking his word over that of his own Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats)... and how is he "dominating" Pelosi and Schumer? This bill with the $5 billion funding for the wall is obviously not going to pass the Senate tomorrow and now Trump (by his own admission) will own the government shutdown.
And the majority of American voters will understand that Senate democrats decided to shutdown the government instead of funding the wall.
And the majority of American voters will understand that Senate democrats decided to shutdown the government instead of funding the wall.

Actually the Senate Dems and House Republicans agreed on a CR that would last until February. They took it to Trump and he told them he would not sign it thus he is the one shutting down the government.
He sure as hell looked weak and cowardly in Helsinki when he said, "I don't see any reason why it would be." while standing next to Putin and taking his word over that of his own Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats)... and how is he "dominating" Pelosi and Schumer? This bill with the $5 billion funding for the wall is obviously not going to pass the Senate tomorrow and now Trump (by his own admission) will own the government shutdown.

...and yes, he looked weak and pathetic when he said that he and Kim Jong Un "fell in love with each other". That was a very sad reality.

Working towards world peace and denuclearization is weak?

You really need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC.
How is it irrational to quote George Washington’s exact quote which envisioned a nation free from foreign entanglements, which was one of the popular sentiments concerning this nation’s founding with the following.

“One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships.”

How do you reconcile his statement that we shouldn’t be the world’s police and then follows with:

“We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.”

Please show me the nonsense.
He is talking about strength in fulfilling the obligations we have to our allies which are vital for us to maintain. Of course we should defend our interests abroad. You are speaking of being a very isolated nation, which is not rational thinking.
Actually the Senate Dems and House Republicans agreed on a CR that would last until February. They took it to Trump and he told them he would not sign it thus he is the one shutting down the government.

Shut it down. No one cares if federal employees checks get delayed.

63 million + voters want the border wall.

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