Could this situation play out like the Titans with Munchak?
It seemed pretty clear that the fan base was unhappy and had little faith in the head coach. (seems on par with Martin/BB fan base)
The coach has done just enough to justify keeping him if the powers that be decide to do so. (once again, very similar)
The powers that be, looking forward do not feel that long term the coach is a championship winning caliber coach. He is a nice guy, classy, represents the organization...but just doesn't seem like the one who will hoist a trophy or consistently compete at a high level. (not sure if the AD feels this way or not)
In contract negotiations for an extension the powers that be place certain stipulations on the coach (i.e. fire some assistants, make some personnel changes, etc.). As a result, the coach sees the writing on the wall and does not want to operate under those stipulations so he steps down/quits.
I may be way off base but I could see things playing out this way with Cuonzo. Although we likely would never hear these types of details in the would be simply Cuonzo took another job. But I could see the behind the scenes being very similar.
Just a thought.