Originally posted by volbrian@Jul 24, 2005 12:25 AM
Or the show where Andy was trying to raise money for a guy so he could pay his rent to Old Ben Weaver. ANdy holds a "Rummage Sale" in the jail and he has this exchange with a customer:
Customer (holding up some object): "How much is this Andy?"
ANdy: "It's $2"
Customer: "Well, what is it?"
Andy: "Well if we knew that it would cost you $3"
Customer: "Well, you cant beat a deal like that" (and hands Andy $2)
Originally posted by surrealvol@Jul 29, 2005 11:42 PM
And of course, who can forget Barney and his WWII motorcycle that he is going to use over on the highway to catch trucks speeding...wearing that helmet and those goggles... :dlol: