It's hard to gauge Noel's impact simply by looking at the numbers. It's like Yadi Molina catching for the Cardinals. Numbers are good, but it's what the numbers don't say that make him a HOF catcher. When Noel is in the game, he alters shots from the backside, outside, everywhere. A couple of times I've seen someone drive in on Noel, dump the ball and he blocks the other players shot. By the second half, teams are looking for ways around him. In the same respect, Maymon's real value cannot be discerned from numbers either. He gets so many junkyard dog points, key rebounds, handles the ball like a PG (UT's PGs, anyway). He is like a universal puzzle piece. If you're missing a key piece, let Maymon do it. That's the kind of player that makes good teams great and wins a lot of championships. On a separate issue, I think Cal wanted his team beat down. After the game was a foregone conclusion, I think he decided to let them take their whoopin'. If you want to mold 18 yr. old Superboys into a championship team, you've got to break them down a little.