If CCM thought like you and how you have posted about Skylar we would never be having this conversation. As far as being clear goes, he has played enough to be where he is now despite your opinion to the contrary(and a butt-load of others who have said the OPPOSITE of what CCM has done). Staying on the "being clear" theme, I didn't say that he was a better defender than Richardson now did I? I said "played better D than you give him credit for or he wouldn't be on the floor for CCM". No player on a CCM team will be on the floor if he is one dimensional. CCM has made that blarringly clear in word and deed. Face it, you have been consistently opposite of CCM in your many posts and yet have the balls to say that if the whole taking away a scholly and making him be a walk-on by utilizing the HOPE and other grants didn't make him happy that you would be o.k. with that(keeping him on scholly vs. pulling it).............glad you made that clear (again, staying with the clarity thingy). Shweew, glad we cleared all of this up.
Look, I know that you love the Vols just like me...maybe just a little lighter on the "who should'nt be playing, who sucks and who's an idiot" stuff would change your experience as a fan. IJS
you clearly have selective reading...
i have stated a thousand times....if skylar is shooting consistently he absolutely deserves the minutes that he gets. even if he cant guard his own shadow, which he has improved on, he should be out there if he is shooting consistently. obviously i think the way ccm does because the better he shoots the more minutes he has been getting, pretty simple correlation, even you should get that.
do you think he'd have been out there more if he shot 45% from 3 the last 2 years? yes he would have
do you think he would have played much more to start the year if he shot 45% from 3? yes he would have
the point is, it kind of came as a process of elimination, mcrae is better suited as a 3 on this team, richardson just wasnt getting it done offensively and this team really was lacking a 3 point shooter.
ANSWER: insert skylar and hope that he finds his stroke
let me summarize so you understand. i have NO PROBLEM with skylar playing 30 min/ game, as long as he busts his a$$(he always does) and he shoots a consistent 40-45% both on the road and home. if you were smart enough to go back and look, i have done nothing but compliment skylar the past 2 games and said he is deserving of every minute he is currently receiving.
so get your head out of your a$$ and realize i have owned up, and said that skylar deserves the minutes he is getting so long as he plays the way he has the last 2 games. its really not a hard concept, it goes for all our guys, thats why golden got benched he played inconsistenly. thats all i ask from skylar, is SHOOT consistently and you can play 40 damn minutes for all i really care.
and while you're on your rant, have you figured out why ccm pulled washpun out of the game after his T? oh it must have been because he wanted to congratulate him on an intelligent late game strategy, that must have been it. not to show him that it was a dumba$$ move