McCain belittles gubernatorial and mayoral experience...



Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
From an October 2007 debate:

YouTube - McCain: Mayors, Govs Don't Have Nat'l Security Experience

"I wasn't a mayor for a short period of time, I wasn't a govenor for a short period of time".

What a difference a year makes when you are not being trounced by a former Mayor and Governor in the primaries. So Romney and Guilani both had longer executive experience than Palin over constituencies with larger populations and budgets, but weren't qualified enough to be president. Fast forward a year and he now thinks Sarah Palin is? I guess command of the Alaskan national guard and living next to Russia counts for a lot.

And we are really supposed to believe he made this decision with the country's best interest in mind?
Is there any debate that Mayors and Governors have little to no national security experience?
From an October 2007 debate:

YouTube - McCain: Mayors, Govs Don't Have Nat'l Security Experience

"I wasn't a mayor for a short period of time, I wasn't a govenor for a short period of time".

What a difference a year makes when you are not being trounced by a former Mayor and Governor in the primaries. So Romney and Guilani both had longer executive experience than Palin over constituencies with larger populations and budgets, but weren't qualified enough to be president. Fast forward a year and he now thinks Sarah Palin is? I guess command of the Alaskan national guard and living next to Russia counts for a lot.

And we are really supposed to believe he made this decision with the country's best interest in mind?

Ah, the wondrous beauty that is youtube. If you look long enough, people in these positions have said things totally contrary to what they say now. Plus its campaign rhetoric in both instances. It'll make for good tv tonight. But other than that, whatever.
Is there any debate that Mayors and Governors have little to no national security experience?

Apparently there is if you ask the McCain camp.

The point is she has the same National Security credentials and both Romney and Guliani, and both of them have more of extensive executive experience they continually tout about Palin. Is there not a measure of hypocrisy here?

I guess the fact that neither Romney or Guliani have two X chromosomes had something to do with it.
when has anyone tried to compare her national security experience to anyone.

Granted, it compares favorably to Obama's, whose experience on that particular front pales in comparison to McCain's.

So.....if you want to make an issue of national security experience, by all means, be my guest.

when has anyone tried to compare her national security experience to anyone.

Are you intentionally being obtuse?

The point is there is no reason anybody can come up with (except the politically incorrect obvious one) why she was chosen. If it is executive experience, Romney and Guliani have her beat, if it is national security experience they are equal. If the McCain camp really believes what they are saying publicly about her credentials then there is no reason to believe that she is the best choice they had. It's pandering, plain and simple. And as a McCain supporter in 2000, I find it disgusting that he would make a purely political pick to engergize the base of the party he has never subscribed to.

I guess he would rather win an election than do what is in the best interest of the country.

Are you intentionally being obtuse?

The point is there is no reason anybody can come up with (except the politically incorrect obvious one) why she was chosen. If it is executive experience, Romney and Guliani have her beat, if it is national security experience they are equal. If the McCain camp really believes what they are saying publicly about her credentials then there is no reason to believe that she is the best choice they had. It's pandering, plain and simple. And as a McCain supporter in 2000, I find it disgusting that he would make a purely political pick to engergize the base of the party he has never subscribed to.

I guess he would rather win an election than do what is in the best interest of the country.

I can't believe you have that much faith in a politician.....

That is sick!

That McCain is pandering.........

So you think that Palin is better qualified than Romney or Guliani? I am looking at the facts here. There is no reason, given what the McCain campaign has said about Palin, that Romney and/or Guliani should not have been their first pick. Therefore, it's pandering.

If you have some information that paints Palin as more qualified to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful person on earth than either Romney or Guliani I would like to hear it. Because the only thing I can come up with is she's a woman, and that she loves guns and Jesus.
So you think that Palin is better qualified than Romney or Guliani? I am looking at the facts here. There is no reason, given what the McCain campaign has said about Palin, that Romney and/or Guliani should not have been their first pick. Therefore, it's pandering.

If you have some information that paints Palin as more qualified to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful person on earth than either Romney or Guliani I would like to hear it. Because the only thing I can come up with is she's a woman, and that she loves guns and Jesus.

I assume you have a similar outrage for the people responsible for getting Obama nominated as the candidate of the democratic party?
Not allowing Obama to win, is in the best interest of the country.

...but at the expense of what's better for the country? I never said I want Obama to win, but quite frankly, if something happens to the president, then the prospect of President Palin scares me more than the prospect of President Biden...and neither are all that great.
So you think that Palin is better qualified than Romney or Guliani? I am looking at the facts here. There is no reason, given what the McCain campaign has said about Palin, that Romney and/or Guliani should not have been their first pick. Therefore, it's pandering.

If you have some information that paints Palin as more qualified to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful person on earth than either Romney or Guliani I would like to hear it. Because the only thing I can come up with is she's a woman, and that she loves guns and Jesus.

I believe the word you are searching for is "electable", not qualified.
I assume you have a similar outrage for the people responsible for getting Obama nominated as the candidate of the democratic party?

That's a fair assumption. But, lest we forget, Obama actually got the question of Iraq right. They never had anything to do with 9/11 and Obama was the only one with the political courage to say so.

I am not taking anything away from the national security experience of McCain, or even Biden for that matter. It is important to be ready on the first day in the White House, but it is equally important to be right.
That's a fair assumption. But, lest we forget, Obama actually got the question of Iraq right. They never had anything to do with 9/11 and Obama was the only one with the political courage to say so.

I am not taking anything away from the national security experience of McCain, or even Biden for that matter. It is important to be ready on the first day in the White House, but it is equally important to be right.

I am guessing you have not seen Obama's thoughts on the surge, pre-surge?
I believe the word you are searching for is "electable", not qualified.

That's the whole point. When "electability" becomes more important than "qualified" then we deserve whatever happens. McCain sold himself out on the first executive decision of his life.
I am guessing you have not seen Obama's thoughts on the surge, pre-surge?

Go back and read about what the ultimate goal of the surge was and honestly tell me if you think it has succeeded.

And while we are keeping score about who was right about what, there is something to be said about the Iraqi's PM agreeing with Obama's stance on troop re-deployments in Iraq. McCain, wants to double down and stay indefinitely. The definition of insanity is especially poignant here.
Go back and read about what the ultimate goal of the surge was and honestly tell me if you think it has succeeded.

And while we are keeping score about who was right about what, there is something to be said about the Iraqi's PM agreeing with Obama's stance on troop re-deployments in Iraq. McCain, wants to double down and stay indefinitely. The definition of insanity is especially poignant here.

Are you to be added to the list of "independents" or "undecideds" on this forum that incessantly harp on how unprepared/"Bush like" the McCain/Palin ticket is, but defend Obama on all accounts?
So you think that Palin is better qualified than Romney or Guliani? I am looking at the facts here. There is no reason, given what the McCain campaign has said about Palin, that Romney and/or Guliani should not have been their first pick. Therefore, it's pandering.

If you have some information that paints Palin as more qualified to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful person on earth than either Romney or Guliani I would like to hear it. Because the only thing I can come up with is she's a woman, and that she loves guns and Jesus.

What in the world are you talking about?

I simply said that it is sick of you to think that a politician should not pander to a voting base. Politicians are on par with whores......

My dog's feces have more worth than Obama or McCain....
Are you to be added to the list of "independents" or "undecideds" on this forum that incessantly harp on how unprepared/"Bush like" the McCain/Palin ticket is, but defend Obama on all accounts?

I appreciate your attempt to change how bad Obama is...then to about the person making the argument. It is becoming all to common when talking to a McCain/Palin defender. It's not fun when there really is no substance or foundation to what you are saying, is it?

If you must know I think a Powell/Lieberman or even a Powell/McCain (of 2000) ticket would have been golden. I appreciate McCain's congressional record, but there is nothing he is saying in his campaign that would significantly distinguish him from Bush. For better or worse, I think Obama (as bad as I think he is) is the lesser of the evils.

So, do you think Palin is more qualified than Romney or Guliani?
I appreciate your attempt to change how bad Obama is...then to about the person making the argument. It is becoming all to common when talking to a McCain/Palin defender. It's not fun when there really is no substance or foundation to what you are saying, is it?

If you must know I think a Powell/Lieberman or even a Powell/McCain (of 2000) ticket would have been golden. I appreciate McCain's congressional record, but there is nothing he is saying in his campaign that would significantly distinguish him from Bush. For better or worse, I think Obama (as bad as I think he is) is the lesser of the evils.

So, do you think Palin is more qualified than Romney or Guliani?

No need to change any topic, just wanted to point out this one sided anger you seem to have. I love you guys.

Why does it matter if Palin is more qualified than Romney or Guliani? One, she is running for VP. Two, she is at the LEAST, as qualified as Obama. Three, she is a better thinker than Obama.

So...Romney, Guliani, and Palin are all better choices than Obama.
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