Media Wars

This country desperately misses journalists like Tim Russert. Todd was decent and seemed capable at first. But, like everyone in the media, 2016 completely ****ed him up.
Todd was never decent. He was horrible from Day 1. Journalism died with Tim Russert. He was fantastic.
Are you suggesting he's isn't a habitual liar? And before you ask yes Biden is.

That's the problem. Why don't they hold Biden to the same standard? If they're so worried about pols lying, they can't carry Biden live either
All that Covid stuff came from Trump people he put in public. So why you cool with trump on this? Fauci has no microphone if it isn't given to him

They are a news organization that is supposed to be doing at least some journalism. They are also the same people who tried to shame anyone who had dissenting opinions as conspiracy theory kooks.

You can “but but Trump” all day long, but it doesn’t change the fact these clowns are pretending to have too much integrity to risk a lie making across their broadcast. It’s laughable.

@DC_Vol and @W.TN.Orange Blood ....

Let me know when MSNBC has agreed to pay $787 million in order to settle a defamation law suit, filed against their network, over lies that Rachel Maddow has told on the air.

You really think we give a chit about what Fox had to pay out. If you look, they're still on the air doing what they do. But, really are you that loony & screwed TF up?
It's all a double standard applied and has been for years now or did you not know that.
Nothing will happen to the communist state run media bc the government is in bed w/them.

While speaking to an audience of viewers who believed every single one of Trump's 2020 rigged election lies ... even after internal e-mails from the discovery phase of the Dominion defamation law suit, showed that the hosts on Fox News did not believe those same lies that they were frequently repeating.
Were there any thoughts from the corrupt media on Biden's trans-oceanic railroad comment? Is there not any concerns over the impact on the ocean's eco-systems not to even mention the cost given that it will be over 10,000 miles long.
Tucker Carlson Slams Fox News for Apologizing for ‘Wannabe Dictator’ Headline about Joe Biden

Tucker Carlson slammed Fox News for apologizing and ousting the producer responsible for running a headline that seemingly called President Joe Biden a “wannabe dictator” the day former President Donald Trump was arraigned in federal court.

Shortly after Trump’s first appearance in federal court on Tuesday, Fox News ran an all-caps chyron that read, “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.”

On Wednesday, the cable news network issued a statement that said the “chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.”

“Those words were up for less than 30 seconds, but the effect was immediate,” Carlson said, adding, “inside Fox, the women who run the network panicked.” Carlson noted the producer who put the chyron on the screen, a tenured employee who “was considered one of the most capable people in the building,” resigned less than 24 hours after the controversy.

Carlson then said wannabe dictators “enrich themselves and their families, their tribe, even as the countries they govern grow steadily poorer and more desperate.”

“They take kickbacks from businesses and from other dictators. They use the official functions of their government to funnel cash to themselves. They don’t bother to hide the fruits of this,” Carlson added. “They live in garish mansions, with big lawns far from the teeming cities, even as their own citizens languish in growing poverty in some cases, literally living in tents on the street.”

“People can’t gather in large numbers to protest the rule of the dictator if they try that they’ll be arrested by his state security services, even years after the fact,” Carlson said before playing a clip of law enforcement arresting Ashli Babbit’s mother while protesting in Washington, DC.

Carlson Slams Fox News for Apologizing for ‘Wannabe Dictator’ Headline

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