Medicare and Social Security in big trouble

of particular interest is that the funds are built on IOUs from other parts of the government that are increasingly underwater.
Yup. What's the term "upside down"? We will shortly owe more in the IOUs than the income.

Our whole government is that way as I understand it.
of particular interest is that the funds are built on IOUs from other parts of the government that are increasingly underwater.

admittedly I don't really know as much as I should about this but my analogy is the bucket is draining faster than it is being filled and has been for a long time. Wouldn't it make sense that the bucket fill rate needs to be increased to at least keep up with drain rate. Their solution is reduce the drain rate which has some merit but maybe if so many good paying jobs hadn't been sent to Mexico, China, India, etc., then the fill rate could be maintained. Instead we have practically no manufacturing in this country, hence less skilled craft, etc. This really pisses me off.
SS must not be in too big of trouble because the democrats are planning to expand it as part of their $3+ trillion infrastructure bill. They want to add vision, hearing and dental care to the program, it's a great time to be old.
Here is your answer on what’s going to happen. Social Security will never be abolished because it’s political suicide. We will instead let other parts of the federal budget languish.

No in office politician would ever vote to cut the program in their watch because they know it’s political suicide. Thus they will continue to kick the can down the road. This is FDR at his Machiavellian best.

"I guess you're right on the economics," FDR told Luther Gulick, an advisor who criticized the use of payroll taxes to fund Social Security. "They are politics all the way through. We put those pay roll contributions there so as to give the contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions and their unemployment benefits. With those taxes in there, no damn politician can ever scrap my social security program. Those taxes aren't a matter of economics, they're straight politics."

As per FDR's intent, Social Security has proven impossible to kill. It has also demonstrated a remarkable resistance to even modest modification or reform intended to make it conform more closely to financial reality. At this point, it's a Frankenstein monster of a government scheme: wreaking havoc, seemingly unstoppable, and rampaging toward an uncertain fate.
admittedly I don't really know as much as I should about this but my analogy is the bucket is draining faster than it is being filled and has been for a long time. Wouldn't it make sense that the bucket fill rate needs to be increased to at least keep up with drain rate. Their solution is reduce the drain rate which has some merit but maybe if so many good paying jobs hadn't been sent to Mexico, China, India, etc., then the fill rate could be maintained. Instead we have practically no manufacturing in this country, hence less skilled craft, etc. This really pisses me off.
You mean bring in more people to the Ponzi scheme?
You mean bring in more people to the Ponzi scheme?
I thought his post was very rational. One of the reason SS is being depleted is because we have sent our good paying manufacturing jobs to China and other low wage countries. In turn we have lower wages and lower amounts paid into SS. It's not about bringing more people as much as it is raising the pay of the ones already here.
I thought his post was very rational. One of the reason SS is being depleted is because we have sent our good paying manufacturing jobs to China and other low wage countries. In turn we have lower wages and lower amounts paid into SS. It's not about bringing more people as much as it is raising the pay of the ones already here.

I thought his post was very rational. One of the reason SS is being depleted is because we have sent our good paying manufacturing jobs to China and other low wage countries. In turn we have lower wages and lower amounts paid into SS. It's not about bringing more people as much as it is raising the pay of the ones already here.
Steal more from fewer people.

Leftists everywhere.
admittedly I don't really know as much as I should about this but my analogy is the bucket is draining faster than it is being filled and has been for a long time. Wouldn't it make sense that the bucket fill rate needs to be increased to at least keep up with drain rate. Their solution is reduce the drain rate which has some merit but maybe if so many good paying jobs hadn't been sent to Mexico, China, India, etc., then the fill rate could be maintained. Instead we have practically no manufacturing in this country, hence less skilled craft, etc. This really pisses me off.
Doesnt matter how much you fill it if you just keep letting more and more out. The retirement bubble we have coming is going to last for 2 decades or more. (More people retiring than adding to work force).

You are trying to squeeze blood from a stone. The government has no way to raise pay effectively, for the offset. The only way the government pours more in is to raise taxes on existing jobs and pay.

Which just leads to more people bot being able to save enough on their own, and end up dependent on the government. As we are seeing that's a problem that never fixes itself, and just continues to snowball.
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Get ready to work until u are 75 yunguns. If SS is still an issue, maybe they will release a virus and throw u in a nursing home.
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And eliminate the antiquated spousal benefit!
I’m ok with that because technically it’s my money and if I croak, I want my old lady to have it instead of some dregs of society…. Sitting around on their big nasty behinds with their Cheetos stained hands watching Oprah and judge Judy all damn day
Get ready to work until u are 75 yunguns. If SS is still an issue, maybe they will release a virus and throw u in a nursing home.
That’s the way it should be now. If they had just indexed the retirement age to life expectancy then the retirement age in America today would be 75 and we wouldn’t have a problem.

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