Meet the team at the arena / Pics & Vids

The postgame show just said do not go to the airport, they are on a charter plane and they will not let them back there. Fans are instructed to go to TBA. They are expected to arrive around 2 or 2:30.
how long is a flight from west palm beach?? I wonder if Tiger would loan me his gulfstream....
2 or 2:30 is too risky for me. That would be close, but I'm still thinking about it.
Did anyone one mention they said on the postgame not to go to the airport but go to the arena? :p

I wonder where? Are they going to open it up?
whew I have no idea where to go but I have a feeling when I get down there I'll be able to follow the crowd to wherever.
Listen to the post game show on, they're playing every song with the word Memphis in it.
ala several sources there are already huge pockets of fans cheering and chanting. Just go down to TBA and join the crowd
ala several sources there are already huge pockets of fans cheering and chanting. Just go down to TBA and join the crowd

I'm at Reese Hall. I can clearly here people chanting from the strip. It is f'in crazy here.
You people who live in Knoxville have got to get down there. Stop this "thinking about it" stuff. This is arguably the biggest victory in the entire history of the men's baskeball program. GO!
You people who live in Knoxville have got to get down there. Stop this "thinking about it" stuff. This is arguably the biggest victory in the entire history of the men's baskeball program. GO!
I am so jealous of the Knoxville locals right now.

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