Megan Barry

With all the political sex scandals this country has over-looked or swept under the rug, I feel poor Megan is getting shafted in all of this. It's not fair!
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IMO, its not as comprehensive as I'd prefer but its a start. You got to start somewhere. Its expensive but will only get more expensive as time goes so starting today at least starts with today's pricing. My beef was funding. Yes, the citizens of Davidson Co will have to share the brunt and they're trying to elevate some of the burden with hotel and rental car taxes but they didnt address why and who is causing the vast majority of the issues. The backups on the interstates are I-40e to Wilson Co, I-24e to Rutherford Co, I-65n to Sumner Co, and I-65s to Williamson Co. Its not Davidson Co residents causing the problem....its the out of county residents. Make them pay for it. If you work a job in Davidson Co and your address says anything other than Davidson Co, levy a tax on their wages.
Rant over.

So you are willing to open us up for a state income tax?
So you are willing to open us up for a state income tax?

That's really a far, far reach. You're trying to tie a county specific tax that applies to a specific group to a state wide mandate requiring a complete overhaul of the current tax system. Its like saying killing a couple of butterflies here will cause glacier melts.
IMO, its not as comprehensive as I'd prefer but its a start. You got to start somewhere. Its expensive but will only get more expensive as time goes so starting today at least starts with today's pricing. My beef was funding. Yes, the citizens of Davidson Co will have to share the brunt and they're trying to elevate some of the burden with hotel and rental car taxes but they didnt address why and who is causing the vast majority of the issues. The backups on the interstates are I-40e to Wilson Co, I-24e to Rutherford Co, I-65n to Sumner Co, and I-65s to Williamson Co. Its not Davidson Co residents causing the problem....its the out of county residents. Make them pay for it. If you work a job in Davidson Co and your address says anything other than Davidson Co, levy a tax on their wages.
Rant over.
I know. It's a rant...but, equal protection under the state constitution says no. This one is going to be only on the backs of Davidson County taxpayers, which sucks for me because I live there, for now. he first phase of this project is a ridiculously expensive fantasy that a drunk progressive from Whitland and a stoned hipster from East Nashville hashed out at brewpub in Germantown. The only place that rail service makes any kind of sense from a cost/benefit analysis based on traffic is the I24 corridor between downtown and Murfreesboro and even if the taxpayers of Rutherford County went for it there is no guarantee that commuters would give up their cars. How many people actually ride the Star and look at I40 during rush hours?
Nashville Metro Reduces Pension for Cop Who Had Affair with Megan Barry

The former police sergeant who had an extra-marital affair with former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry will get a reduced pension, according to Nashville Public Radio.

Members of the Nashville Metro Benefits Board recalculated the earnings for Robert Forrest, who served on the police force for 31 years.

Metro Nashville spokeswoman Tara Stewart told The Tennessee Star Thursday she received our questions seeking comment on the matter. Stewart, however, said she would have not answers before the close of the business day.
Nashville Public Radio elaborated and said board members chose not to move to revoke Forrest’s entire pension, based on his five highest-earning years.

“From that total amount, members subtracted $10,780 in overtime that Forrest improperly earned guarding the mayor,” according to Nashville Public Radio.

“That means a cut of more than $1,000 to Forrest’s annual pension — which will likely end up around $73,000. That’s according to a prior analysis, with slightly different figures, that was run by the Metro Auditor. A final tabulation was not immediately available after the board’s vote.”

Board members made the adjustment retroactive, per city code. Forrest has to return any overpayments since he retired this year, Nashville Public Radio reported.

Barry resigned as Nashville’s mayor earlier this year after admitting to an affair with Forrest, the police officer who ran her security detail.

Barry resigned after she pleaded guilty to a felony theft charge related to the affair. Specifically, she pleaded guilty to theft of property over $10,000. She agreed to reimburse the city $11,000 and serve three years’ probation.

Nashville Metro Reduces Pension for Cop Who Had Affair with Megan Barry
I assume the OT he racked up while plowing the mayor was factored into his pension. His pension should be recalculated and he should have to return the excess he's already received.

He probably was pressure to take care of business

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